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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. even iff you got SLAMMED with a spot fine you neednt pay it ,as a simple explanaition in wrighting would resolve the matter at the end of the day,and would you realy wait for it to arrive in the post when you know its taxed,(i wouldnt) .
  2. i was told by the (nice) tax person on the phone,when i taxed my untaxed car that i could drive it, even though i had no tax disc,as it would show up that i had paid. so their with knobs on.
  3. oh yes you can.its like doing it on line or ont phone your good to go streight away . and that comes through the post?
  4. the old ones are the best ones?
  5. why would you want to go from 6th to 1st you COCK?
  6. ya should have been a blonde
  7. this certainly does it for me,? but so does mine
  8. up.yours

    foot brake

    well ? i just looked at it,and there it was ,dangling off of the switch unit, the plate u mention dosnt seem to have a hole ,but i cant see ,maybe i should give it a rodding
  9. a bit of a missunderstanding me thinks, the purple one is his,which is now red N white,mines mellow yellow
  10. up.yours

    foot brake

    the spring to the brake light switch has sprung loose,on the foot brake ,1982 rd350lc,does any one have a photo shot of how it fits ,as i cant see were it has unhooked from.
  11. no ,but if you could come and show me how, it would be appreciated.
  12. up.yours


    this realy isnt helping me none?
  13. suppose its ok ,but he clearly dont have as much fun on it as i have on mine
  14. i thought it was my laptop that was slow, so i bought a new one, and your now telling me its your bloody fualt ,well thank you very much.
  15. The percieved wisdom on this site is that I'm a few slates short of rooffull, a few sandwiches short of a picnic, however as you are aware I'm having problems uyploading yiutube videos. When i come to edit the failed upload, the embedded code is somewhat truncated. Is this a limitation of the rather cheapskate non subscribed status that I'm using ? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------my brother typed the above after several failed attemps ,he tried different methods and got the same results as me,i may be new to computing but ,well lets say its his job.and he said it should work ,so can you tell me if you need to be a paying member to put videos on this forum.kev
  16. up.yours


    I like: <object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value="
  17. always read the policy, as i shouldnt ride at night, or inbetween 8am - 5pm and iff my bike is nicked from my property it isnt covered ?wtf you may ask..anyways have you tryed confused.com my mate has and they qoated him £65 for his yammi 100.
  18. up.yours

    dog shit

    when my dog takes a shit ,she looks like a kangaroo from the side.
  19. up.yours

    older bikes

    i had one,and i got one. he he?
  20. its goff all the way for me.
  21. up.yours

    white lights

    this is a nice sight droopy i dont know how you find the time but its aprieciated.
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