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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. i cant wait to meet BWJ and shake him gently by the throat,,,,
  2. to the madhouse jquinton.
  3. welcome,i agree with bark,look at e bay,people seem to pay well over the odds on there compared to what a shop would offer anyway.
  4. up.yours


    the full video paints a different picture dosnt it. and you can see iff he has his seat belt on though the front window.
  5. good ,well we will see you at squires cafe then.
  6. up.yours

    tester vid

    vez your so helpful,,,,,bwj,,,your so not,,,,,,,,
  7. i put the slider in back to front on the yam,,,mine did the same....lift out the slider ,,twist in opposit direction drop it back in,,,job done...as ogb said..
  8. up.yours

    tester vid

    hi vez,,,is it one of those shit little dv mini cams,,if so i have one,how the fuck do you turn the date off,its set on 08 all the time on mine.
  9. erm,,,,, yea,,,,,suppose i do.. how fast does a standered dt125r go ,on average ogb.
  10. yes they have .its a VARGO ZETES 200 ,go to amazon .they are massive inside and quite lightweight for the bikers.
  11. well restore it quicker,then we can see you at the squires
  12. Got myself a new tent throught today from amazon £15, rrp £50,BARGAIN, so thanks for the offer of the the tents lads but i wont need one now:) .
  13. hi dt125 ,i would happily let you tag along with me,But unfortunately i realy am crap on directions and the only way i can find drewpy would be on the motorway to barton bridge,iff you know the way to mcds at the end of barton bridge i dont mind following you.
  14. welcome to the madhouse karlos1 iff you have a tow rope,you can come for a ride out with me.
  15. up.yours

    Bike Names

    maybe you could call it Dildo.
  16. up.yours

    Bike Names

    your all insane, its a lump of metal ,it has no ears,its blind for fucksake.
  17. up.yours

    Bike Names

    your all feckin mental, their bikes for fuck sake,you ride them then bung em in a shed, you all sound like your having a fuckin love affair.
  18. that sounds a good idea drewpy, but i will still do that dummy run just to be sure, besides it gives me an excuse for a quick burn.
  19. we need a flag pole with Y.O.C. in block capitals on a snotrag ,so that we can all home-in on it. ta for providing me with a tent,your a top guy:D .and drewpy me old chum ,p m me your post code i will have a dummy run to yours then i dont get lost.
  20. can i bunk up with someone who doesnt smell,i cant get a tent on the yam,im clean and i dont smell.but i snore when im pissed.
  21. as i said im shit on directions i nead to find oldham,suppose the motorway may get me there.are you near drewpy.
  22. Well you lucky bastards,you might see me at the squires cafe as i now intend to make the effort and time to be there: ,as some of you know i had family issues,well that as now come to an end and its time to move forward and,party,so to start ,,,,,VEZ you live in lancs ,are you near bolton iff so pm me i need someone to follow ,cos am shit on directions,iff any one else lives close and your going to this avent dont go without me.let me know,,ta kev.
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