Everything posted by up.yours
how brainy r u
how many times did you do the test b4 you got that..............
- Silly idea
Silly idea
ha bloody ha,thanks pat.
Silly idea
where the fu-- hell is craggy bloody island..
Road Wizards 1 day event Greenfield
i won't find it on my own.
Silly idea
hmmm,, i was also toying with the idea of some kind of relay,how would that work?, still in aid of green piece,mind..
Silly idea
ah,but when there are a few tents up and a camp fire going,it will all come alive,,,.
Silly idea
we could do it in aid of ,,,,,,,,,,,green piece,,,, im up for it,maybe two or three days,not a week though.
xs400 flat tracker project
err,? oh yes there is.
- Hi from a newbie
Conserned about y.p.v.s
please,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't appolagise for spelling mistakes on here,, theirs realy no need to. as for help with your bike ,,,,,,,i ain't a feckin clue ,,,,sorry.
xs400 flat tracker project
drewpy ain't:lol:
My DT125R SM.. full DEP, Brembo Brake
im wii pat on that one,bandage looks oh soooooooooo tacky. i like the bike though.
New member.. Ireland .. DT125R SM
what and where'
thanks you two chaps ,i for one think your both ,,,,,ace,.
Type whatever words you want
it's killing ya ain't it ,go on ,admit it.
what and where'
what is the NW200,and where does it start and finish,also when is it,and can you post a link for me,ta kev.
Type whatever words you want
sorry lads,i had to put ,,,,,,,,,,twats,,,,,,,,,,,ain't it good. ha ha try,,,,,,,,,,,,, fucks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, aswell.
Would you give me your opinion ?
congratulaitions Ttaskmaster,i admire your honesty and commitment,you don't kneed sympathy,your a stronger person than he was,and no ,im not trying to patronize you.i realey do admire people who stand up with their head held high and get on with it,but i feel sorry for those who can't.
how to dump your girlfriend
ever wonder how to dump her,,,hears how. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ik0UK6r3s0
how brainy r u
Would you give me your opinion ?
Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i still feel sorry for him,,,and your oppinions won't change that..
New member.. Ireland .. DT125R SM
yer welcome to the madhouse monkey.................
4 cyly money bike
it sounds fast,but looks slow.
Would you give me your opinion ?