Everything posted by up.yours
Fazer rides 2010
cheers dave,,,have you been hiding something from me,eh bendintheroad...
- scary bakery
Fazer rides 2010
put the fuckin camera,on the fuckin front,,,,,, ,,,,now look what you gone and made me say.....
top security tip for blokes
i will do yours for free if you want me to ian,,
'I wouldn't pay him in washers'
im going to offer him 25p.
Better MPG.
bad news,,the bikes only doing 26 mpg,,, ,,,good news , it's back on song with a vengance,,,, ,,,,when it sings like this ,,feck the fuel economy....
top security tip for blokes
im on to it right now drewps,,
stafford japanese classic bike show
nice one john,,i see you picked the best two....rd's rule ok:
'I wouldn't pay him in washers'
haaaaaa,,,,the stupid idiot is called bob,he has replied,,hi kev im sorry but it does not come with the rubber... ,,i will ask him another...
- skelleton
amazing light show
ha ha ,i had one of those,,you can still buy em today,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,but i haven't: : ,,,,,,honest..
'I wouldn't pay him in washers'
i almost bid it up for a laugh,,but it ain't eaven funny at that price,,,,,,,,,,,but there's an anoying question on it's way..
more vandalisum by somwone on hear
oh yes she would,,,cos she's a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Uhh_E6QFjw&feature=related
Loose chains are dangerous , Very dangerous
and we all know about mellow yellows recent escapade,,,fortunatley for me the chain rested on the swing arm, and not around the rear wheel,,,?,,cause unknown.....
- Bike Names
Bike Names
ride the fucker,,,dont call it bloody names,,,,,and welcome to the bloody madhouse......
Horses on the road.
Buy the dog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Will these front forks fit my aerox100
sorry for the lat reply,,,yes they will,,,,my mate knobert did the exact same swap ,just last weekend......he got a fifty for spares very cheap £20,,,used the ignition sports exhoust front and rear shocks and some other bits,,,then ebayed the rest..oh the sport exhoust was shite so he's back with the standered pipe. and yes he's is a 100cc b4 you ask.
Better MPG.
keep us updated on that andy,,,if out comes up...
Better MPG.
did you have a chorley cake.. took mellow yellow out today,seems ok ,re-checked sprocket no probs,,, ,,, not done the front pads,,no time..
Bent Handlebars
not iff your a boxer im not.
choke plunger
howdy,,i recently changed mine on an rd,,coz it wouldn't stick open ,,,i know it ain't the same ,,but have a look at the base of the plunger stem for a rubber cover,,if you have one ,,,,,roll it back and get a ten mm spanner too it,,then slide it out and replace. is it not possible to araldite the puller back on......
Better MPG.
where did you get too then ,,,as christine was asking for you.
- FOR SALE Bugger all
FOR SALE Bugger all
whatever do you mean ,,,she's a babe,,,don't you think so.....