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  1. Begads Sir!! A hard man to please methinks.....Is that 8 bikes in ermm..about 6 years??I'd look at getting outta caretaking and getting a job as a motorcycle test pilot somewhere.
  2. I've been doing some of that reminiscing thing recently and it involves 2 strokes.. Last one I had was an x7 but I'm having some rather strange yet exotic dreams about owning a 500LC or 500 Gamma.. Not sure anything with less horsepower could cope with my portly figure.
  3. Cheers for the welcomes guys... Sacha... The main point of drinking Newcastle Brown Ale is...... It's a local beer. I love Hoegarden.. It's a Blonde Beer from Belgium I think but I don't class it as my everyday run of the mill pint after work. ;~)
  4. Given the choice between the Brown Ale and the smell of Castrol R on a sunny Sunday... Guess where I stand.
  5. Hiya from a 'mature' motorcycle enthusiast in County Durham.. Been a member for a wee while but mainly for the reading of various interesting topics... After a few drinks yesterday and browsing Ebay on 'tinternet in the pub I came across a semi complete Turbo kit for an FZR1000.. Trauma is... I won it.. Suffice to say - As soon as it arrives my tired old FZR will be getting a little attention paid to it. Looks like I'll be chucking more than a few hours overtime in at work to finance it. Any input will be appreciated as soon as I get started and hopefully I'll try to keep the work well documented with pics and a few choice words when things start going together... Dick... AKA - PowerDrinker ( It's the Newcastle Brown Ale y'know) (Might copy n paste this to 'Workshop' too.. )