Everything posted by frankg
XV125 Virago
Ok Boffins Im stuck, bike lost power, I know it shouldn't have a lot but it has EVEN less now. Starts ok idle is ok but when I ride its lame, its lifeless and no its not a LIFAN its an original Yamaha. I cleaned the carb AFTER getting a mate to help loosen screws but even thats not helped - it was ok then but now its intermittent sometimes its 75% ok other times 50% rarely 100%. Cant imagine what else it could be? Spark is ok, the air intake is as close as it can be (never a great fit anyway) so is it just another carb clean and hope what ever is in there I eventually remove?? Could the mixture be out?
my mid life crisis.
The colour way is spot on and the bike looks a gem. Im jealous, but just goes to show that some time and effort spent finding the right bike can pay bigtime. Stupid question showing my ignorance but whats the model and how thick and length are those forks (from wheel spindle to top of yokes) !!! They look nice and long should we rethink our Virago chop plans
First off I would suggest you find a shop that sells some so you can get an idea of whats available. They do come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and it depends on what you want to put in them as to the ones most suitable. Some do not even take full size A4, so if you want to put work/office stuff in them, you could be stuffed if not carefull !!! Also some are made more for looks than durability and practicality - original Virago ones had a bad reputation for poor quality buckles so make sure its fit for your purpose !! Brackets tend not to be a real headache there pretty standard, but bags can be a right sod to get right if you dont consider their purpose before hand. Hope this helps
Hi guys n gals. can you help XV 535 Virago knock
Are u sure your not just imagining it cos the poor thing sounds like its been neglected. Bikes have feelings too u know and if u dont treat em right they have every right to give u shyte back - well thats my view anyways. Does sound like its an oil issue, if not now then from sometime before that could have caused you a problem now. But bike engines should make a noise just some more than others - think of all those moving parts inside. Take her out and JUST GO EASY until you gain confidence in that its not worse than you might at first have thought. Would suggest you stay close to home or near a garage so if you do have problem you can get her home safely. Worst case sinario is it blows up on you??? She will only freeze up and buck u off like a wild horse onto you butt - whilst she will be the one left with the smile on her face.
Yamaha Virago XV 125 air fileter/carb/sprocket modification.
For anyone who has a Virago XV125 then this thread will only add to their frustrations cos when you search the net there is sweet eff all on the market to increase power only limit the vibration increase torque (no real problems there anyway even as standard) and reduce fuel consumption and make it sound and look better. The only excuse to rejet is if your using aftermarket exhausts and or air filters like the Highway Hawk or the even more expensive Silvertail sound awesome but give no extra power. The guys who have the 250s and especially the CHinese Lifans have tried everything but really the benefits are marginal at best. You can drill out bafflers and air restrictions but they dont really do all that much as those who have tried have found out - even trying to change the carbs - nothing zilch. Except a big hole in their wallet. Even to rebore it out to its max hasn't worked particularly well some have even tried to have their CDI remapped - again NAWT or nothing that really makes it worth your effort. My son has one and we know quite a few others who also own them or have in the past and its more amazing to know one bike might do 70mph and others struggle to do 65mph, and all as standard. No 2 engines are ever alike thats a known fact and in these cases a good one is well worth seeking out. My son is a sod like everyone else for wanting to squeeze every extra mph and it really is a struggle, Im sure if anyone had solid cast iron info on what to do it would be all over the net, it simply isnt, just a lot of people asking the same questions - can it be done and how. After all its a big lump so why not 80mph or above not the rated 63mph as Yamaha state the xv125 can reach, some get 70mph on the straight. Cos you cant, CAN YOU????? Add a nitro kit, supercharger and gasflow your heads haha............ put a 250 block in they do 23mph more rated at 85mph (some do over 95) - its a straight swap for the whole engine carbs and CDi, everything else is the same - cost you as much probably as your bike is worth or in some cases even more.
XV125/250 Custom Chopper 14" Rake Kits anyone
Thanks for that, yeah there are some interesting websites in Aussieland and many good posts on youtube by members and owners of Virago's. We are slowly starting to put soem ideas together, next is to get a 750/1100 front end and see what it offers - I asked on the other section for specs of the forks cos there similar 32/33mm. Unfortunately the frame isnt the most friendly to alter, the air intake is crazy and you lose so much area in the petrol tank it really does make you wonder who thought of such a stupid arrangement. There are also some interesting convertions done in the states and Mexico, will try and get more info and pics on them - just a pity the engines are so hard to come by as its by far the best looking of all the small V-twins. Atleast we now have a complete spare rolling chassis to play with, next it the forks and bars to see what we can do and I have access to software to design cars so can use that to provide the CNC machines the details to cut a yoke !! I think I might even get a few done if it works and make them available - more on this later. Wouldnt it be cool if the AJS EOS had used the Lifan FL250 then it would be a simple job of swapping the 250 for the 125 original Virago, and now they also do the 400 version of the Virago !!! Why???? cos its over the 33BHP - EUrope and the rest of the world should get together and agree some common rules so manufacturers can build for many markets not individual ones - too many inconsistancies.
Big Virago Fork Specs
I believe the size of the big virago (750cc plus) forks is only 33mm (others we have are all 35mm) interesting for chopping my 125. COuld someone give me the length from the wheel axle to the top of the yolks (forks) so I can see what difference there is. Guess due to changes in design I will have to buy a complete front end to make sure everythng fits properly - will either rake front headstead or get some slabs done on the cnc machine - Dad !!!! can you do this please
My New Yamaha XV125
Problem was the alternator had it rewound and all is now fine (famous last words) - erm except the case has now got an oil leak as sealant was used - gasket now ordered.
The Best Uses Of Bike Engines :D
Oh hell from experience I can add something here The early ones were 650cc and the later ones 750cc (original robins), the earlier ones were faster and better on fuel believe it or not and could outrun almost any car upto 40mph top speed was just over 65 !! I have had one or 2 robins and bought my last one in 2000 to celebrate the millenium. Although looking on you tube at the ZX6R and F1 Robins, it sort of gets the brain thinking, not good.
Cant Start Virago
Trev I assume from you conclusion no petrol was getting to the plugs? It's a seat and tank off job to get to the carb but Im not sure you right in your diagnostics??? It could be a few things, are the electrics ok? My son had similar problem that turned out to be the alternator/low battery Bottom line is the plugs should help u diagnose and eliminate almost all the issues leaving you with a short list Atleast with the 250 parts are easy to come by and cheap - unlike the 125 !!! FrankG
XV125/250 Custom Chopper 14" Rake Kits anyone
Ok I know AME do a set for like £1,500 but lets face it thats absurd so does anyone know where or who can do one cheaper. I have some 8 inch overs for CB750 and GS750 Forks (35mm) but there probably too thick so will have to source Virago sized extended fork legs (32mm) - will need the yokes making to fit. An alternative is to put springers on and rake the frame, this WOULD be cheaper but lots more work. There must be a market for this cos of the Lifan engines being manufactured and the general interest in chops AND ofcourse cos new drivers worldwide are being restricted in engine capacity - hense this project cos its for my 18yr old son Any ideas everyone or suggestions?
Virago XV125 Part Numbers Wanted
ANyone by any chance for a copy of Yamaha XV125 Virago Parts Number manual? Any year and model will do Urgently Needed !!!
£3700 too much for the r125 09 plate??
http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/bikerevi...5-2008-current/ A jump from just under £3k to £3,700 is huge even though the pound has taken a battering. Personally I'd say there is a bit of profiteering going on here by the dealers, I'd ring around other suppliers outside your area and see what they quote u, Padgets in Dewsbury are renouned, not cheap but reputable. I spoke to Peterborough the other week and they said their sales this year are nothing like last year so dealers arent exactly over run with demand, there really is no excuse for this increase. Just think of the depreciation a 2008 model is about £2,250 give or take demand and wait till winter when bikes are always cheaper !! Not only will the bike cost you less so will you insurance as its also based on the value, yes a new one is nice BUT really is it worth throwing away that sort of money - unless your running it through a business and able to write it off on depreciation. Why not just get an older model and stick a private plate on it?
'79 Suzuki GS 1000S restoration
Im lost for words, awesome beautiful pretty sexy and Im not talking about some young chick but an old but new bike. The GS and Z thous are the best, never could have afforded one as a kid now have the ZX9R, but really I have to say nothing like the GS. And the Zx9R is going cos I want a big Virago or similar a GS or Z would be stopping no question. and what should or would it be worth?
Dont know much about my bike
Awesome bike in its day and one many of us have been the proud owner of sometime in the distant past. If u turn the key naught will happen, everything was very involved back in those days and electric starts probably hadnt even been invented !!! "" well adobted for sure. Kick it to start, do you good gives you strong legs and its something most modern bikes dont have - enjoy it !!!! - the bike I mean...
FS1se (FS1e Chop) Forks
erm yeah right I know that - thats why Im asking it aint got naught to loosed remove etc etc - so here is a pic (if it works) !!
FS1se (FS1e Chop) Forks
My son bent his forks on his little FS1se 50cc chop, well an off duty traffic cop ran into him - coppers fault as always of course, and well Im stumped. I cant suss out how to unassemble them. Taken top cap off and there appears to nothing else to loosen remove just one big pull to seperate fork leg and stantion. Anyone know if the fork legs are the same as another model, the stantions are ok forks bent and to be honest a little rough so replacement ones would be benefitial although current ones could be straightned and still pass MOT. Cheers FrankG Oh what fun we adults have playing with our childrens toys !!!!
XV125 Carbs
Could anyone advise me on the part number of the XV125 carb and whether its basically the same as the XV250 and XVs125???? My assumption being the only difference would probably be the jets?
Safety Cameras my arse
My thought for today Just stick some German numberplate on your bike and plead u cant talk English !! If you have some German paperwork that looks sort of real I guess there is about 1% chance of finding a scum bag who could read and understand its not for real. After all they cant and dont understand UK laws, they have to make them up as they go along. If u get banned pass your test in Ireland or other EU country get insured and get back on the road !! Better still get one before you do get banned and your back on the road straight away without any delay. Or is it u have to get your test done outside of the EU due to some new European law that integrates licenses and individuals? Anyone know? I know this was an old trick people could would and DID use.
xv 125 virago exhaust
Hi there Paul sounds like a good job well done however I have a couple of questions You said you bought the front downpipe for £120 when the link states the opposite? Chrome Silencer Exhaust Yamaha XV250 Virago 1995-01 (Does not include attaching downpipes) Why have Yamaha split the back port and directed it to both silencers? Mad or what !!?** My son complained his pipes are too quiet so looked at the alternatives and well not many - a screaming eagle would be nice !! Has anyone got round the back port issue and just got a single downpipe to one silencer. I looked on Germany sites as they have tons more of these bikes on the road than in the UK and they dont appear to have anything better either. There is a Highway Hawk system, Laser, Silverlight and I guess standard/oem and thats about it !! anyone had one custom made and if so what how did it perform? The Chinese (Lifan) have gone mad with the 250ccVtwin Virago engine and its everywhere (even on other Chinese manufacturers using the Lifan engine) on their cruisers and sold seperate for custom builds so one would think someone would have come up with a better solution? FrankG
Im new to the forum - Hi eveyone
Im a 44yr old long haired lout just finding my way back onto bikes, family having now grown up and owning 2 bikes himself both Yamaha's !!! well u have to teach them as best u can. So we have a garage full of bikes from a ZX9R to a little FS1se chop (please dont laugh) and even room for my GPZ750 chop and a GS750 chop in bits (my fault honest gov) that needs an engine overhaul - not my fault this time. I guess you will find out who my son is as he is already a member here and posting advice and comments on his new aquisition - a xv125 Virago, pretty little thing it is too ! Anyone want a ZX9R C1 1999/2000 snake skin paint job else standad awesome looking 24k and in vg condition - not mint but VERY different - swap for a Yamaha VTwin value??? well I guess about £1,750 the paint job cost £800 alone but it is getting a little old now although only done about 1k in the last 2 yrs.