Everything posted by Joshua2
Coast ????
I think its very unfair that certain members of this forum are picking on my mate Kev. He went up greatly in my esteem tonight when he offered to give Christine 'one ' in my defence. That mans a hero in my eyes and no one can call him. Christine - ATB J
Kev upgrades his LC
Yes. WHAT a waste. Kev has now gone down to a 46" waste. Well done 'Tiny'. ATB J
Can you see what there looking at
Perhaps its because Kev rides like an Ass. ATB J2
scots coverage of the weddings plans announced today!
Ive sent the happy couple my engagement present. Its a Princess Diana Scaletrix set. :P ATB J2
- FREE !
THIS may be of interest to forum members. A FREE tyre pressure and depth gauge. Also of interest, but NOT free, is the neck warmer given away with this months (Dec ) Fast Bikes. Its a good quality warm fleece neck tube with draw cord. The magazine/tube are £4.10. HTH J
Whats your dream bike?
Kevs dream bike. Well, anything is an improvement. ATB J
manchester toy run 2010
It's getting close to that time, once again, when Kev dresses up as Santa and sneak into the neighbour's houses to surprise the local kids... Usually half past 8. ATB J
Whats your dream bike?
If she was anything like your mother - no thanks! RD350LC are only fit for queers and steers. I see you havent got four legs so ............ [i luvs him really ] ATB J
Whats your dream bike?
Is this your slimmer twin sister you are always on about? She had her knickers stolen off Kevs washing line the other night. Hes not bothered about the underwear but Kev wants the 28 pegs back. ATB J
FOR SALE Bugger all
'Toy run'. Is that what they are calling Grooming these days? ATB J
FOR SALE Bugger all
Kev bats for anyone who plays with his balls. ATB J
1000 th post
1,000 posts and maybe 5 of interest. Maybe by your 2,000 posts your legs will have made friends and be back together [see photo in original post] Looks like 'someone stole it' while you was riding it. ATB J2
148 mph in Scotland !
A FZR rider has been banned for hitting the fastest speed on a Scotish road at 148 m.p.h. ! The previous record of 137 m.p.h. was set by a Tenants Super Lager delivery driver going through the streets of Glasgow. J2
top security tip for blokes
NOT while your in the petrol station dip stick and not while your riding it. Remember what happened last time? J2
Better MPG.
Kev always takes the lift or stairs when he goes into a high building because, one time, he took the escalator, tripped and fell down the stairs for an hour and a half. ATB J2
Better MPG.
A report in tonights local paper states that it involved a Norton and a car on the Preston side of the village. Lets hope its nothing serious and the rider makes a full and quick recover. The two wheeled banana and Captain Fyfe rides again. J2
Better MPG.
I'm surprised she could talk with your tongue that far down her throat. The village of Abbey Village was closed off by the police because (I heard) there had been a bike accident and that the helcopter was brought in. Lets hope and prey nobody was seriously hurt. J2
Better MPG.
Totally agree. An 'ameter' is an electrical instrument and anyone meeting you gets a shock. J2
Better MPG.
Its not looking good for Mellow Yellow. It was a bright sunny day here and Kev wasn't out on his bike. I know its only changing a couple of brake pads but I can remember the time he had to load a computer programme and the prompt was 'PRESS ANY KEY' Kev spent two days looking for the 'Any Key'. He was once late for an interview when he was stood on an escalator and there was a 20 minute power cut. He once got in a lift and a sign stated 'FOR EIGHT PEOPLE'. He waited 15 minutes for another 7 to turn up. A Strip-A-Gram once said to him "I'm going to give you super sex!" Kev replied - "I'll have the soup please!" Care In The Community has a lot to answer for. J2
- Better MPG.
Better MPG.
You offer advice and this is what you get! Dont forget to remove some of the brake fluid before you push back the brake pistons for the new pads to fit. J2
Better MPG.
How would you know the front brake is naff. You never use it! J2
Better MPG.
Well, is Mellow Yellow back on the road yet? J2
Show us your shed
Theres just a very angry, very hungry Rottweiller in my shed you nosey sod! J2