1975 dt 175B carburator floats
yeah, some times it sounds like a wet fart. i think it pop's from the exaust? ill try the floats again now that all the other settings r super lean ? thanx 4 the Help!
1975 dt 175B carburator floats
it dies , i don't really ever have to use it? also i should mention im like 5000ft of altitude in denver CO.
1975 dt 175B carburator floats
Ok I have ajusted the float's ajusted the needle, ajusted the air to fuel mixture so these r my symptoms it seems to be running rich no matter what i do. floats at 21mm needle all the way lean & air to fuel screw 1/2 a turn out it starts but unless i open the throtle slowly it pops & dies , starts right up so.... that's that way. ive' done the opposite rich needle rich mixture, even worst, ive done factory specs & its between worst to just able to idle so should i consider its something else other than the carb. carb is clean all jets open ???? it runs if i keep it ideling high but if i open to full throtle gargle gargle & pop! ive taken this carb apart like 30 times. also with the first setting i mentioned the bike idle's fine ( the idle screw also does not raise the idle speed above 1400rpm with the lean setting i mentioned?) also it feels & revs great w this setting but, like i said from idle to wide open throtle it dies. help
1975 dt 175B carburator floats
Got a 1975 yamaha dt175B running rough, need some info on how to adjust the carburator' floats. need to know if bending into the bowl= rich or lean? the measurement would help (how do u measure?) thanx! I can get it started idles for a few seconds then it pop's, then when i try to start it it pop's. to rich to lean ? help? the screw doesn't help im sure its the floats. thanx
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
Ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! victory! after buying my first moto and having it not work days after i bought it( 3 months ago ), it finally runs (thanxz for all the help!!! ) now i think i need a clutch or fluid ? too much or not enough? help .... afther fixen the ing problem it seems that the floats were stuk shut so ajusted & BooM! it works great ! is it hard to do the clutch???????? thaxz again !!!! & be safe
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
all righty then, so timing is good ! works on starter fluid. but it does not run without it. spark plug not getting wet at all, now i know i should have gas & oil. but i can't find any info on how it mixes it ? now, i took the cover for the oil pump to bleed it & found like 8 oz of water mixed in with oil in the case area ( lots of rain this summer) now ,it seems like the pump is good but, were does the second hose from the pump that goes into the trans go to? also how can i figure out if it's the oil pump or something to do with the carb. would it run on gas if it wasn't getting oil? thanxs!!!!!! so close i can feel the wind in my face ! thanx!
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
well i think, it's the timing. actually ,im sure. this morning, i attemted to set the timing & actually got really good spark. felt like it would start, so i sprayed some starter fluid in the cylinder before the plug & it started for a few seconds. then it seemed that i had a fuel problem becous it would only run on the starter fluid. then after try & try i got no spark again i think ,the timing mech is some how bad ? not sure yet. but , when i do get the timing within a certain range i get spark then i loose it . any tips?
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
that's what i was thinking? would u know how to set it on this model? thanx! i got new points with the condenser i bought ,& i was thinking i should do that now. just to get it over with. um i can see that there's a slot ,for what i think is a phillips for the points? also, timing & point gap ajustment , are they the same thing? i am starting to really enjoy getting to know this bike. im really thankful of u guys taking the time to answere my questions. thanx!
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
ok new development i get spark ? it seems like every few minutes. ok , like if i go try to start it , it will spark the first kik, then on second kik no spark & if i wait a few, kik again first good second no good? any suggestions thanx!
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
Wow thank u so much, u guys r amazing! ill keep u updated thanx!
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
thanx i needed the gap. im, well this may sound stupid but since im new to ancient bikes here it goes.ok so i bought this bike running & of course a week later no start. checked everything.. main switch ,cutoff switch, battery, wireing harnest coil ressistance (also found a coil on ebay bought it thinking that might be it, & no. test's the same as the one i already had) & i say this because i have no spark . found points & condenser replaced condenser still no spark ? now what i need to know is what exactly what creates the spark ? now if i take the plug out & uncover the stator motor , run it with a drill the battery charges up & the lights all work? so wtf ist it - im getting ready to blow this thing up!
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
thanx! that makes me feel pretty good about it.
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
need help to replace points & condenser on a 1975 yamaha dt175b? thanx in advance ? & what i mean by this, is the whole proccess removal of parts & tools i might need . or info on a manual thanx!
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