Everything posted by Fahren
KN air filters or original airbox?
cheers guys...think i will either try and fix old airbox (previous owner broke the lid cos 2 screws were rusted solid) or replace with 2nd hand ebay job Just had the shock of my life 4 carb to engine intake rubbers £242 jeez thats rather steep! will need to do some online searching methinks...ebay aint got any!
KN air filters or original airbox?
Is it worth ditching the airbox on my 87 FZ600 in favour of KN air filters?...the airbox lid is damaged and doent seal properly plus there a pain in the ass to get back onto the carbs. I need to replace the carb/engine inlet rubbers, i noticed only one air box rubber was actually fastened tight to the carbs the other 3 were barely covering the carb, no apparent gaps that i could see but no airtight seal either i would guess. I figure i would need to change the jets too anyone ever done this and know what size jets are required, also if it rains is that going to affect the bike too much. failing all that does anyone have a spare airbox for sale?
lol yeo one weird looking bike....the forks look like they would snap!! and i can truly say i aint ever seen one b4 no wonder there rare!!
lol i missed the extra S ...dont recall ever seeing an FS1SE any pics?
88 fz600
Me and my Bro both have FZ600 both 87 models, he had probs with his left hand switch gear i.e. the indicators worked but his pass light didnt so he took it off the handlebars and gave it a good clean up, checked al connections and contacts and he got the pass light switch working again...im assuming that this may be the same for your bike. As the main light switch and starter are on the same switch gear it could just be that the contacts are dirty or a loose wire, just remove it from the handlebar and check it over etc...if all seems ok then check the loom and block connectors to make sure there all intact and connected/clean etc... My bro had all electrics working but when he pressed the start button he just got clicks...new battery didnt make any diff...he had the starter off and it turned when bench tested but soon as it was back on bike it didnt, he even had a garage test it and they said it was fine...he bought a second hand one and the engine turned over!!
If it ain't one thing. it's another.
how old is the bike? my Yam dealer told me Yamaha stock parts for all bikes up till there 30 years old..so i got 8 years left on mine lol
just seen a "M" reg (1973) FS1E on ebay for over 2 grand ...my bro had an "N" reg one 1974 i think bought it for £120 back in 1987 had the pedals on it etc 60cc big bore kit and he sold it to his mate for a fiver!!!!! generally ive seen them selling for £800 upwards as AL stated
88 fz600
Does the neutral light etc come on when u turn the key? if so id maybe try stripping down the RH switch gear and give it a good check over for corrosion or loose wires etc make sure all the contacts are good.....i take it u have checked the obvious fuses etc...try checking all the electrical connectors on the loom and spray em with contact cleaner too it wont hurt..
light white smoke
I have the same problem...i know u get a little whie smoke in the morning due to condensation but whilst on a long run a friend said when i changed up he saw a puff of white smoke come out of the exhaust...said not to worry cos his fireblade does it sometimes...anyhow i copied this from another forum see below. It's normal for "white smoke" to appear out the exhaust in colder temps - there is a small amount of water present in gas that gets burned in the combustion process and is released as vapur, or white smoke, out the tailpipe. Other causes of white smoke are blown head gaskets on liquid cooled bikes - but as yours is air cooled, this obviously isn't the problem. Next time this happens, check the outlet of the muffler closely... if you see lots of water droplets coming out with the "smoke" then I'd suspect cheap too low octane of a fuel. Try a higher octane to see of the problem goes away. White smoke can also be caused by unburnt fuel. If a spark plug is erratic in operation (ie: misfiring) it can fail to ignite the fuel/air mixture in the cylinder under compression forces and shoot it out the exhaust valve as white smoke. One other cause is the engine running too lean. As your bike is fairly old, I'd check the condition of the carb rubber intake boots. If they are cracked, this can allow air to get sucked in and lean out the mixture, causing white smoke. Another clue to a lean engine is that it will run very hot and the headers/exhaust pipes will turn a deep blue. I think the bit in bold is prolly whats causing my bike to smoke occasionally.....especially after its sat for say 15 mins then i restart it...no moisture present...
anyone else hate driving?
Tis true lol but Fahren is a shortened version of my online gaming name from years ago...Fahrenheit-451 (from the book) back in the days of Team Fortress Classic etc.
New to bikes
aye them were the days!!! none of this poncy modern day stuff...guys following you on another bike with bluetooth intercom thingys and day glo pink vests....we had to push our bikes 5 miles, drink 3 pints of strong ale...arm wrestle a copper and answer some questions on what this sign meant etc (the answer was always "Over take all cars asap") No seriously (DONT DRINK N RIDE) or wrestle coppers, use your head when overtaking cos 9 times outta 10 Mr average car driver wont/cant or hasnt seen u. And if you have to push your bike 5 miles then u aint filling it up often enough (Thanks to my bro who got me some fuel when i ran out the other day...the shame of it lol) My son has just got his license and will be doing his CBT he too will have to learn how to use gears, no offence to my son but when he got his bike he said the bloody brakes a bit crappy....to which i replied thats cos its the clutch!! he now knows which bit does what!!!....soon as he has recovered from his op i will try to teach him how to use the gears....dont think id pass my test if i had to take it again today it seems so bloody difficult compared to the test of the 80's....
FZ600 probs
Hi all, my bro is struggling to get his FZ6 on the road..everytime he fixes one thing another problem shows up...he started his bike the other day it ran for a few minutes then started choking, back firing...he felt the engine and noticed only one half was warm....turned bike off went in the house to fetch a big hammer when he came back the bike was p*ssing out oil and fuel...well he sorted the fuel problem out (usual FZ6 carb prob) but he cant understand why the oil is coming out of an air pipe?....the pipe in question is connected to the bottom of the airbox and attaches to the engine.. any ideas why oil might be coming out of this pipe?
anyone else hate driving?
Been back on bikes now for over a month, having spent the last 17+ years driving due to having 6 kids. I figured hell they all growing up now i can use the midlife crisis trick as an excuse to get a bike and it will save me money cos its cheaper to run and dammned good fun!!....well it aint cheaper to run atm cos i spend so much time riding now im using more fuel than the car lol....i went out to get a paper the other day 20 miles away....then thought id just pop a little further up the road and get me a nice bacon n egg bun and a coffee from the burger van...may aswell just go a little further up the road ......70 miles later im home again lol. £10 in the car i get 2 days worth of town driving (more on long runs) £10 in the bike = hours of fun, covered 1500 miles so far in over a month I find myself falling asleep so to speak in a car...yes its nice to do the shopping in and keeps u dry n warm in bad weather but its just so boring!!!
Oh...OK, go on then The old nail has since departed and its replacement is on its way... Hope its a genuine replacement and not some cheap copy!!!
My restored 1986 FZ 750
dude please restore my FZ600 for me lol thats an absolute fantastic job!!! Bravo!!
XJ600 1990 rear linkages
ill assume for the sake or argument that you have checked ebay?...if not try there (in fact ill check in a mo)...i need some parts for my 1987 FZ6 and according to my local dealer Yamaha parts are available for all models for 30 years..so mines 22 years old that leaves me 8 years for parts lol.. www.cmsnl.com there based in the netherlands and supply many parts (some not cheap i hasten to add) but most are reasonably priced. Had a quick look on ebay and found 35 pages of parts for XJ6....lol i aint looking through em all, there are a few other places u can check...another member Wild foamy posted these sites for me www.wemoto.com, or www.bitzforbikes.com ...good luck!!
FZ600 bodge job!!
Ive got to stop drinking lol quotes self "its a no boner" duh..... should have have been "no brainer"..its the stress of having 6 kids honest....i new i should have gone for that cheap zx9r...£800 1997 model..no tax no mot bad dint in tank and a flat back tyre..(small bad dint lol)..but then id have to join the kawasaki owners club hahaha..and i like yams!.....ah well tis fun to mess with bikes so i guess ill get to work. atleast the engine should be easy to drop unlike some bikes.....wonder if i could just support the engine from above and remove the engine cradle bars then drop the sump off??...will consult the yama bibles of haynes and clymer!!
What the heck is this??
whats the black thing in the middle? not one of those inline fuel filter thingys is it? which if it was would kinda narrow it down. Take the clips off and have a look/smell etc
FZ600 bodge job!!
Took my FZ6 out for a long run yesterday 150 mile round trip....when i got home i had oil on me boot and the lower fairing was dripping with oil...the culprit was lower crankcase plug the one that is 5 inches forward of the oil level window. Figured id nip it up first only to find the damn thing fell to pieces...apparently it was damaged at some point in its 22 year history and cleverly painted over to hide the crack in the top of the head...so i removed the offending plug and found that whoever had bodge fixed it had also used what i think is araldite to seal the plug on the inside, only thing is i only found a quarter of the stuff in the crankase housing So the question is do i drop the engine and remove the sump casing to be sure theres no big chunks of this shite floating around the engine? or use an engine flush ( or both)...or take a leap of faith and assume that if there was anything in there its probably been reduced to particles, which would have probably damaged the engine anyway I mean how much would a bloody plug cost? damn cheapskates!! Ive done 1300miles on this bike in a month mostly just little runs here and there and it seems to run fine, plenty of grunt in the old gal...but out of action atm till i decide what to do.. i guess its a no boner really and for peace of mind i should drop the engine and open her up which is gonna take some time...there goes my summer!
Exhaust advice
not sure about FZ600 can and CBR400 exhausts tbh compression difference and all that...have u tried looking for an aftermarket set? or looked on ebay..i have a predator stainless steel kit on my FZ600 1987 model so maybe u can get one for the FZ4...although you would be looking at spending a fair bit of moolar for new aftermarket jobby!! 375 for mine but it came with the bike.....(edit just found this ) http://shop.ebay.co.uk/items/__fzr400+exha...4=228459_228460 hope it helps!!
cheers mate, i asked a local dealer today and he quoted 420 quid for the shocker ...i could prolly get another FZ for that and pray the parts are ok...went to get a rear tyre was told there nornmally 60 quid 85 was what i got quoted lol time to shop around methinks......found a site that does oilcoolers but not sure if i could get it to fit www.demontweeks.co.uk mine still works but most of the fins are a bit battered
Hi guys n gals...i joined a few weeks back and being p*ssed most of the time (at this time of night lol) ive never checked out all the forum pages...so i aint introduced meself properly...so quick hello to all..im 42 just returned to biking after 17 years or so..(prolly 20 lol) .bought an FZ600 a month ago and already done 1k on it..(oops told insurance i would only do 2k a year)....im divorced and look after my kids 6 of the little blighters well 2 have left the nest now! anyhoo ive been searching for parts for my FZ and need a rear shocker and an oil cooler (after market is fine) other parts im looking for are clocks, rear disk as mot advisory says its pitted and slightly warped, rubber covers that go inside the fairing near the oil cooler......i can get most of these from ebay cept shocker and cooler so if anyone knows of any sites that sell these 2 items pls let me know.....im trying to get this bike back to original status..with the exception of the paint work lol that can wait till i get another set of plastics....kind regards all and clear roads to ya!!
Who Insures you?
The cheapest i got was £65 TPFT basic cover so went with Hastings at £75 tpft with helmet and leather cover...thats for a 42 year old on a FZ600.....was gonna get a ZX9R cheapest quote was £273 Tpft but figured as i aint ridden a bike in 20 years id take it easy on something smaller...
help with fairing repair
Im in the same boat...my fairing is a bit tatty and paint job is in need of renewing. I saw one place on the web so far that does aftermarket fairings £195 for the full monty http://www.mandp.co.uk/productinfo.aspx?ca...Bodywork-Panels Ive looked for the decals and only found an american firm selling the full kit for $269...there probably is a UK based shop but i aint found it yet. But considering my bike is all red theres no point in getting the kit lol. What would be the best paint to use for respray (using cans) .... For the repairs i used that fiber glass repair compound u can get it at Halfords or Wilko's...but i definately will look into getting the plastic weld. What exhaust system u got Oldtimer? looks like mine, full Predator stainless steel
fz600 re paint
Hey thats not a bad job considering its an outdoor can job!! my bro painted his FZ in yellow, not my cuppa tea lol. I just bought an FZ600 last week in red it looked great in the pics but up close it needs re-doing and some fairing repairs...i was considering paying to have it done but it might be very expensive so i might do it myself in the shed. One prob my bro had was after applying the laquer and leaving it to dry for a few days it started to give the appearance of crazy paving! he has re-sprayed it 3 times now, also he accidently spilled a little fuel on one of the side panels and it ruined the paint work a bit..not sure what type of paint he used think it was acrylic based.