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Everything posted by Fahren

  1. Fahren replied to Fahren's post in a topic in The Bar
    Cheers guys n gals, if i can get a link up ill post some pics which could be used to promote the wearing of all gear, i think some of these new riders of today think a low speed smash wont hurt them.....just had a good look at the bike and gave it a big hug cos it took most of the damage the frame is cracked and bent in four places ive not long paid for a brand new tyre on the back only done 500m on it, hope i can get it back as salvage cos my bro could use alot of the undamaged parts...engine still runs aswell...although it sounds bloody loud cos the pipes have come away from the block...matey in the car phoned me up to appologise and said he would sort out the insurance and wanted to know if i was alright, which was unexpected but pretty decent of him...he said he had to get his car towed all the way to leeds....think i might purchase a Panza trike next Take care all and thanks again!!
  2. Fahren posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Today is a sad day, my lovely 22yr old FZ600 is no more...some nice chap in a car decided he would turn right across my path and ruin my day......end result of 30mph impact is my bike has been totalled, front end bent n busted, fairing shattered and frame bent and cracked...thats the gutted bit, the glad bit is, i was wearing most of my gear and just got a few strains, scrapes and bruises and one cracked rib! My boots saved me from a broken leg but the armour plate in the shin is cracked...what a day!! I have spent a few hundred on this bike restoring it in the last 2 months to see it mangled and leaking in the road!! Driver was in tears cos he thought he'd killed me and admitted it was his fault..pfft never sent me any flowers or Chocs though...ahh well guess i will be without a bike for sometime, dont think im gonna find another FZ600. So always wear ur gear guys n gals...dont need to tell the experienced bikers that cos u know, but i see many new riders wearing only t-shirts n shorts!!
  3. I saw that on facebook and definately want to go but i think im taking my son to his Uni digs on the 13th...otherwise im definately gonna try and get there...
  4. Fahren replied to Fahren's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    well not entirely sure what i did but the problem seems to have been resolved...all ive done is check all connections especially around the rectifier. I think the problem was twofold 1) being the connection from the rectifier and 2) the bushes on the generator, all though all i did was remove the gen cover as much as i could and was able to check the bushes which both seemed ok, i just gave them a push to see if they were moving and cleaned the contact area as best i could...been out twice now on some long runs with lights on and no problem...... Im thinking maybe the bushes werent contacting properly, anyhow fingers crossed its sorted!!! I did another voltage check and there is now an increase on the meter when the bike is revved!!
  5. its a new craze in scottish pubs to do with putting the Condom on ur head and blowing it up, he who gets it the biggest without popping it wins a free round of drinks bought buy the looser!!
  6. Fahren replied to Richard_Bolton's post in a topic in The Bar
    greetings and welcome
  7. Fahren replied to Fahren's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    sorry should have mentioned that bit....(god im slow) did that yesterday and no noticable change..revved to 2500 rpm then 5000 rpm no change either up or down. Battery read 14.06 v when put on bike, started her up and it read 12.3v ran it with lights on got home bike would not start reading said 11.3v.......not enough to turn the starter motor that was on the old battery new battery lasted a little longer but end result the same...so i guess it is the charging circuit but which part, will take a little more investigation, i suspect the generator stator arm cos LO replaced it with 2nd hand one, he also replaced the rectifier with a brand new one. bike has run fine for the 2 months ive had it but until the other day i havent used the lights ..
  8. Fahren replied to ratrodfergy's post in a topic in Classics
    some nice chap in the USA sent me this link, dunno if u can get them here in UK though http://www.turntechbattery.com/TurnTech%20...ry/Welcome.html
  9. Fahren replied to tracker's post in a topic in The Bar
    only problem ive had with buying from the states was British customs charging me an extra £35 before theyd release the parts........seller said all costs were included in price!!
  10. Fahren replied to Fahren's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    right ive just ran the bike for 30 miles with lights on with a new battery....bike started to cut out so i turned the lights off and bike was fine.......rode another 4 miles turned lights back on half mile later bike stuttering again, lightrs off bike fine u get the picture.....all connections cleaned and checked everything seems fine...anyone any ideas? not sure if this model has bushes on the generator, haynes manuel doesnt really cover this part much!
  11. Fahren posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hope this is useful for anyone like myself who had battery/electrical probs...delete if u already got it on the forums.. http://www.electrosport.com/technical-reso...ing-diagram.pdf
  12. Fahren replied to Fahren's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Right ive topped the battery up cos it was a little low on the old eloctrolyte and charged it for 27 hours....i used a duel car/bike trickle charger the aitomatic types that are supposed to switch to green when battery is ready ...well after 27 hours it was still charging and i was a little concerned ....electrical testers said it had 13.6 v on it so figured it was okay to put back on bike........ Bike has been running fine last 2 days starting first time every time....ive just been out on a night run 24 miles with main lights on and the bike died. Stopped to buy cigs n booze and bike wouldnt start so had to bump it....few hundred yards with lights on and bike starts running lumpy as though its running outta fuel, as soon as i turned the lights off it ran fine.......tested battery on the bike while it was still running and it shows 11.4v dropped to 10v with lights on So the bike runs fine during the day and battery seems to hold charge....old receipt from last owner says he paid to have a new rectifier and a 2nd hand generator stator arm...could this be the problem i.e. the stator arm is fubarred? It seems that the bike cant generate enough power to charge the battery when the lights are on and the engine eventually stalls because its not providing enough to actually keep the engine running? does this make sense?
  13. Fahren replied to gunnysonics's post in a topic in General
    passed test at 17 and bought a brand new 350 YPVS N2 rode that for 18mnths then got me a CBR1000 then got a FZR1000 Genesis... No one who has just passed there test should be allowed to get on the biggest bike there is...its a helluva jump from a 125 to 1000....even a 600 would be a big jump. I think the 33bhp restriction is good and something similar should be applied to car drivers too such as the 1ltr engine size someone else mentioned.... Ive just returned to bikes after a long break (family n kids etc), no mid life crisis here nor am i trying to regain my youth!!...ive always loved biking, cars are fine but the funs in riding my bike. I had the chance to get a ZX9R but figured its been that long ill get a cheap FZ600 not too fast handles well and cos its old im re-learning the maintainence side of biking lol (need a bigger wallet). In the month and a half ive been back on bikes (covered 2k miles so far) ive noticed the same problems are still there i.e. road surfaces/conditions are fooking abyssmal and most drivers dont know your there (especially me cos i cant ride too long with lights on otherwise the battery drains) dayglo will have to be worn methinks lol.....
  14. Its sometimes stamped on the edge of the disc but i think the minimum is 4mm...
  15. Fahren replied to peterxj600's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    thats just sic...i bet the car acts like a bloody parachute lol better open the windows to improve airflow!!!
  16. Fahren replied to North East Daza's post in a topic in Classics
    that looks brand new lol how old is it?.....think i have an old photo of my bro's 1973 model, will have to get it scanned onto comp!!
  17. ive been looking for a parts bike too....seen plenty but they just too far away and it would cost more renting a van and driving than the bikes worth lol
  18. Fahren replied to peterxj600's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    my ex seemed to think size mattered she left me for a 19 stone guy lol....no seriously i would think that if u put a bigger oil cooler on ur bike u might end up with less oil in the engine and if u use a smaller one then u aint gonna get the oil cool enough to be effective (just my train of thought so dont quote me on it lol) but as said above it might not matter if u have an oil cooler on anyhoo....i want a new one for my bike but aint gonna pay the mega bucks for a Yammy original, think i found some replacement ones on demontweeks.com but not sure about the pipes etc..mmmm a nice chrome one would look awesome!!
  19. can u bump start it?....my bike been fine till today when i decided to run with lights on, turned bike off for 3 mins whilst in a shop came back and bike strated to turn over then started clicking, i left it for 10 mins tried again almost started but back to clicking so i ran it down a hill and bump started it....took bike for a 20 mile run with no lights on but still would not start when i turned it off......battery is now on charge! My bro has same bike as me and his only ever clicked...new battery didnt help either, it turned out the starter motor was buggered despite a garage saying it worked fuine on a bench test! Both our bikes are 22years old so we expect things will need replacing...thats part of the fun i think lol...dunno about yours though but try charging battery first i guess... as for charging i always disconnect the battery from the bike....and never use a car battery charger, i have read that bike batteries need to be slow charged otherwise u damage the cells...so i use a bike battery charger.
  20. Fahren posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Me again with another question....my battery runs outta power if i run the bike with the lights on during the day... yeah i know someone is thinking dont run with lights on lol but ur average car driver has enough trouble spotting us!! I only had me side lights on.....now maybe i need a new battery or need to give the whole electrical system a good checking...but from reading a 1987 Superbike mag on the FZ600 they say the battery runs very low after only a short time round town with lights on and the occasional use of twinkers....so the question is; is it possible to uprate the charging system on this bike? or is it just a question of buying a better battery....this one is a year old and was installed last August by last owner who also replaced the stator arm (albeit a second hand one) and a new regulator....can anyone reccomend a decent make of battery cos i dont want to be stranded at the bottom of a hill in the dark should i venture out during the darker times of the year....
  21. im gonna take a wild guess here and suggest it might be an electrical fault CDI unit maybe or whatever its called lol....if u know a mate with same bike and year maybe try swapping the boxes over to see if that makwes any diff... other than that its a case of checking the plugs, carbs etc for dirt ...maybe check the coils too!...dunno otherwise but im sure a more wiser guy in here will have a better solution lol
  22. Fahren replied to North East Daza's post in a topic in Classics
    ahhh that one definately looks safer....
  23. found this for ya!! hope its useful.... http://hawg-wash.com/polishingmetal.html basically use the finest grade paper u can get...i use to be able to get Rolls Royce grade paper from work for polishing the smallest of scratches and i mean the smallest of scratches lol....then use a good polishing agent made for chrome
  24. Fahren replied to peterxj600's post in a topic in The Bar
    hmmm what type of oil did u buy? i.e just genral motor oil or actual motorcycle oil? i only ask cos i got 5 liters of 10w40 semi synth and was told not to use it in my bike cos it would ruin the clutch!!....been reading up on it on the net and there seems to be a bit of a debate going on.....some say motorcyle industry is just ripping us off making us buy expensive oil etc......i paid 14 quid for 5lt of 10w40 car oil and 16 quid for 3lt of motorcycle oil...so the question is does it really matter? (edit) NO SREWDRIVERS EITHER LOL
  25. cheers Grizzly, if i do go the KN way it will save me time knowing the jets need to be 2x up in size, just cant beleive the price for the inlet rubbers...still i bought this bike as a bit of fun to do up etc...last couple of days its been running a little rough, it was alright when i went to Devil's Bridge on sunday (heheh beat a 600 bandit on the twisty bits ) I have the carbs off atm so will give em a good clean, intake rubbers are cracked on the outside and quite hard on the inside which points to replacement. Bike has started showing a reluctance to power past 80MPH last few days feels sluggish and also seems to have developed a vibration at same speed that ive not noticed before....on inspection of the airbox there seems to be a small amount of oil in there behind the filter is this normal?.....i know theres 2 pipes one that comes from the crankcase and the other is a drain pipe..