Thanks for the advice Tylerman. I actually read through all your posts about fixing your rs100 before I joined the forum. Currently I know it needs a battery, because it doesn't have one, but the guy I bought it from said the guy that gave it to him drove it to his house and that was about 6 months ago. Also the kick start has a crack in the connector and needs to be replaced, but I don't think that it would be a big deal for me to use it to try to start the bike. Of course, I was planning on flushing out all the fluids and doing a tune-up before I try to start it. I do know that the gas tank has some slight rust inside and I'm not sure what to use to clean that out. I will be taking some before pictures of the bike soon and put them up. It was funny that the guy who sold it to me told me it was just a 1974 Yamaha 100 and after searching for a while and not finding anything really about it I called Yamaha gave them the vin and found out it was a 76' rs100, which actually made me like it more. It has the original green racing paint and only 4200 miles on it.