Everything posted by BillyO
Manchester Riders
Well i think it was a success overall glad u made it Kev. Another Manchester Rideout soon i think!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Anyone know of any events up our end soon????
cat n fiddle
Morning kev Glad you enjoyed it pleasure meeting you and we will be doing it again soon so i will keep you posted. not sure on where the next one will be to but i quite liked the ride up to matlock some of them roads on the way down from the buxton to matlock were great. spoke to ben last night and he said he loved it even though he got lost haha Billy
cat n fiddle
No worries, enjoy
Leather Jackets and gloves Help!
ebay and sales are great bud i got all my gear from them spent half of what i expected to do. be safe bud.
Im new, need some advice please! :)
welcome to Y.O.C Yeah that is good advise above. take note mate. more the better really.
Manchester Riders
Bump for anyone who hasnt seen this yet.
when did you hit a cat?? haha oj, Looks bad that mate. hope your ok.
cat n fiddle
Cheers for the heads up mate. keep a eye open.
cat n fiddle
Really?? nice one.
cat n fiddle
No worries enjoy the ride up there
- YZF R125
cat n fiddle
30th aug ) starting at ducati sale then riding down threw hale,wilmslow alderly edge down to macclesfield across the fiddle to buxton down to bakewell then down to matlock and back ) gona be knackered when i get home haha more than welcome to come if you like. welcome to meet us on te way if u want to.
cat n fiddle
haha nice!!
cat n fiddle
hey pal, as chris said it is a great road but you do get some turkeys on hedge missles thinking there rossi on there sometimes. but it can be a great ride we are passing over the fiddle on the manchester rideout (organised on another website) if your still coming?? Batifan,yamgirl and chris you are all welcome to come if you fancy it? let me know if you fancy it B
Got the 'out-laws' coming for dinner
lol thansk for that...
Hello, just bought my first Yamaha
Welcome to the Y.O.C Bud
Newbie says Hi
Nice bike mate, welcome to YOC
Join us for our Ride Out from Wessons Café to Brooklands Museum in aid of Ride Out for Spinal Research
WOuld have done this if it was up north. shame nice one to all that do
Manchester Riders
staying in sale manchester-hale-elderly edge-macclesfield(stop at pub)-catt & fiddle-buxton(stop)-bakewell-matlock(stop) then back.
Introducing myself
Hey bud, welcome to YOC
Another Newbie...
Hey pal welcome to the forum i love my yam mates tried to get me to get a aprilla but i think they sound like hair driers and every forum i go on there aprilla problem topics n only seen one r125 yam problem so figures speak words with me. great bike mate you will love it for a first bike. not as fast a a rs125 but for me a better allrounder. B
- newbie
Manchester Riders
lol keep it in doors lads lol oj
Manchester Riders
Could be up to 7 of us but not a defo number yet could end up being 3 lol
Manchester Riders
Nice one look forward to seeing it