Hi all, newbie with pics!
hey cool bike and yes power is all and be all i think... wel done for passing your test and god help those who have to sit or ride should i say through the new mother of all tests!!
hey well guess not such a good idea but was only after pitching the tent honest and yes im sure ill be heading north soon just need to sort out when and then hopefully get my teenager son on the back and scare the crap out of him not really just getting him to sit still is enough to scare the life out of him!!
hey well guess ill have to ride up north one day and see for myself and im thinking of doing that soon on my FJ any good ideas wheres good to pitch a tent in scotland??? your back garden??
kawasaki ER5
if you plum for one of these there a good hack to have, but beware of the rear wheel its good for up to 30,000 miles then its have it skimmed or find a replacement..... ive found a few on sites where you bid for em not sure if im aloud to say..... but they have been substandard to say the least. it was a case of scrap the bike or replace it and so £400 later got a new rear wheel. and use ASF grease on the brake activator thats atttached to the rear drum or you will be sorry they tend to get very stiff and seaze up!! I know it happened to me.
ive got one fitted to my trusty ER5 and when i get my FJ back ill fit one to that to, cost a bit and need to keep check on oil level and bit at the chain end but boy there are saving me miles and miles of wear, the police (hope its not a dirty word on here) use them on all bikes, and that stuff in cans that used to be used to spray on is like grinding paste and music to garages ears, who else thinks a scotoiler is the way to go? or do you think its waste of space??
always nice to see a lady rider nice to meet you and im new here to..... safe driving but guess if us blokes knew a girlie was on the bike well be a few accidents as our eyes wouldnt be facing front ways would they
oil light on my FJ
Hi adam, thanks for the reply and so its nothing to worry about and yes it did come on once on me when going up a hill i thought hey up!! yes great bike but heavy on the handling,,,, not pushed it to much though just had it up to 90 and then realised id not secured my saddle bags on and had a five miles ride to go fetch em!! i was on a dual carriage way at the time and the longest mother of all of em!! but The FJ made mince meat of it have a problem with the fork seals to chap i got it from has done them once but did a few miles on em and bingo fork oil showing so hes got it back again. do you think a fan could be fitted to a FJ? that way it wouldnt over heat in the city stephen
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oil light on my FJ
hi guys I have just brought a fantastic FJ 1200 and for some reason the oil light keeps coming on for no good reason but must be one of course, its got plenty of oil in it, I have noticed that all the oil vanishes from the inspection window and only sometimes when i turn the engine off it might come all flooding back to the inspection window..... Could it be a oil pump problem?? I dont think its electrical as both ignition and oil lights come on and then go off once started up. I have gave the bike back to the garage when i got her from and waiting for him to get back to me and mean while i thought id check you lot out about it...... any answers will be well recieved. Im using my ER5 to run around town and to and from work, and boy do i .love my ER5 found its more versitile and I can throw it about not like the heavy FJ,s all power and grunt but not so manuveralbe......... Stephen
king of the castle
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