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  1. Thank you ttaskmaster, it's true, sometimes the smallest simplest things make a difference!! I've been used to "tank-hugging" on previous bikes, so sat on the Virago the same way...but did as you suggested and didn't feel the heat so much!! I did notice that the brake pedal is off-set way to the left, which might be why I tried to cover it (and put my foot too close to the heat in the first place). The previous owner did say the bike had been dropped (while stationary) on that side, so there must have been some impact on the pedal which pushed it out of shape slightly. So I've solved one problem and will now look at sorting another! Thanks again everyone, much appreciated
  2. Thanks again Glen, much appreciated
  3. Thanks for the replies guys! Mark, I should have posted a pic with my query - sorry about that! I have good boots and I wear cordura gear but the kevlar patches sound like a good plan! Glen, the footboards look the business all right - what did you do with the brake pedal when you fit the boards - won't it be in the wrong position (too close to the bike?)
  4. Hello everyone, newbie here! I've recently bought a 1999 XV535 and it needs a couple of adjustments so that it fits me comfortably (I'm a bit of a shortie....5"2'!). I've sorted out the handlebars with risers, but I have a problem with the footpeg on the right side. When my foot is on the footpeg, my leg is against the exhaust pipe and the bottom of the engine...so I get rather warm!! I haven't taken it on a long ride yet, but I guess that if I do, there could be burning!! Has anyone had this problem, what did you do to resolve it? I'm thinking about footboards, would this work d'ya think?? Thanks peeps! PS - forgot to add that I can't sit further back on the seat, I'm as far back as I can go while still reaching the controls!!