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  1. Here's a photo of what I have here. (Click for full size) The wires with the connecting blocks are from the stator. Here's a wiring diagram for the Mk1, I don't know how much use it will be though.
  2. Sorry if I came across a bit pissy chaps, I'd spent all day in the shed wrapping my knuckles, grinding my teeth and swearing a lot. Thanks for the info, Cynic. Oh, and sorry for hijacking your thread streaky.
  3. I asked about the same thing for my Mk1 LC a couple of days ago and no one bothered to help. I had to suss it out myself. I'm unfamiliar with the Mk3 and have no doubt that the CDI and coil are different, so my method won't really help. A bit of trial and error is needed me thinks. Is there an orange wire coming out of the CDI? On mine the orange wire connects to the coil.
  4. I've just measured the bore which is supposed to be 56mm standard, but what I have here is actually 66mm. I can't find a 10mm oversize piston, so I'm wondering if a DT175 piston will fit? Is a DT175 piston the same length, does it have the same size pin hole, will the conrod bearing fit, are the ports the same? Hope someone can shed some light on this. Cheers Chris
  5. I think I've sussed it! Red with black tracing (from the stator) to Red with black tracing on the CDI. Black (from the stator) to black on the CDI Orange from CDI to orange on the coil. The rest of the wiring harness is sitting on the floor of my shed, and the bike still has a spark. (result!) I'm a bit concearned though. There's a spare wire on the output side of the CDI (black with white tracing) what's this wire for? Also, does anyone know if I still need the rectifier/regulator? P.S The plug is a NGK BR8ES, incase anyone needs to know.
  6. Hi all, newbie here so please be gentle. I've just bought a 1983 DT125 LC to use as a field bike and would like to remove any unnecessary wiring. (indicators, lights .etc) Anyone know what I can rip out and what I need to leave in? I don't want to go ahead and remove something I shouldn't... Also, anyone know what plug I should use in this? (my service manual hasn't arrived yet) Cheers Chris