Everything posted by rose
Which cruiser should a newbie choose?
Hi your story sounds very much like mine. So take the course and see if you truly do like riding. If so; your tall and a V-star 950 will seem too cramped in very short order. What I did was buy a used low km honda shadow, rode everyday for a few weeks, went on some day trips to get some experience; that's when I realized it was too small for my height, yes I could have done some modifications(engine guards with pegs to stretch out)etc, but I knew I was going to want more power. I sold it and . test drove 950,1100,1300,1700 v-stars. Honda's are too low for me, even the 1300 Personally I found the 950 and 1100 barely a step up in size to the honda; the 1700 would be great for touring; my favorite for size, power and around town and the .touring that I want to do is the 1300. It should be ample. So I bought one last Friday and love it. Brand new just breaking it in for another week or so, lot's of room and power. Very easy to ride, turns great. I'm a new rider also the bikes heavy but a low center of gravity. Hope this helps. Good Riding Rose
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
Congratulations on letting go of $, hey we only live once; that's what I say! I've been riding since April 28th (got my MC license) purchased a used 2006 Honda 750 Shadow Aero (Tourer), May 11th, rode it for 3 weeks; sold it and bought a new 2008 XVS13CTX 1300 V-Star Tourer this past Friday; so I know what you mean by outgrowing. Actually the 1300 is a beauty to ride. I'm just breaking mine in for the next week or so. Get engine Guards for you're bike, all it would take is a slip on some gravel , I doubt you'd be able to hold up 714Lbs . I'm planning a trip late August/early sept up to the Queen Charlotte Islands by Ferry then over to Prince Rupert down to Vancouver across to Vancouver Island and back home. Lots of bikes on Vancouver Island, great riding; out to Tofino on the West Coast Campbell River to Gold River. Probably awesome riding where you are also? Safe Riding Rose
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
Congratulations on letting go of $, hey we only live once; that's what I say! I've been riding since April 28th (got my MC license) purchased a used 2006 Honda 750 Shadow Aero (Tourer), May 11th, rode it for 3 weeks; sold it and bought a new 2008 XVS13CTX 1300 V-Star Tourer this past Friday; so I know what you mean by outgrowing. Actually the 1300 is a beauty to ride. I'm just breaking mine in for the next week or so. Get engine Guards for you're bike, all it would take is a slip on some gravel , I doubt you'd be able to hold up 714Lbs . I'm planning a trip late August/early sept up to the Queen Charlotte Islands by Ferry then over to Prince Rupert down to Vancouver across to Vancouver Island and back home. Lots of bikes on Vancouver Island, great riding; out to Tofino on the West Coast Campbell River to Gold River. Probably awesome riding where you are also? Safe Riding Rose
New member
Me too! Just sold my 2006 750 Honda Shadow after riding it for 3 weeks and bought myself a new 2008 1300 V-star, awesome bike; I'm just breaking it in. Can't wait to let her rip! Great riding on Vancouver Island, B.C. Good Riding, Rose