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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. looks like your going to have to take the engine out and check the head and piston rings you could also sort out the valve seats aswell. best get a manual and go from there
  2. have you tried swapping the ignition coils? if thats blown then u wont get a spark charge the battery this always helps the blokes story sounds like he put diesel in it or bad fuel, try draining the engine of all fluids, flush it and refil with fresh empty the petrol tank clean with fresh fuel and refill with new fuel. and have you tried bump starting it? just push it down hill (or a flat) in second gear and see if it fires up if it starts and runs then you know its just a starting problem. hope this helps .Paul.
  3. yeah but it dont help the engine just keeps going over but it will start and run fine if i push it down hill in second could it b the plugs? iv got standard ones in but dont know what the hotter plug is. is it the next number up or down?
  4. i sugest checking the bulb and if thats fine have a look at the switch ( might just be a loose connection )
  5. hi im in the middle of jetting my carb iv chainged the main jet , sorted out the float , built a straight through exhaust, and put a free flow filter on it but i cant start the engine when its cold. iv put in a bigger pilot jet (from 12.5 to 17.5 ) and that hasnt helped any ideas what i can do or where to start? cheers. .Paul.
  6. sound! got it all sorted whilst enjoying a brew!
  7. one of my m8s came to my house for a glass of water, he had been riding all day and was locked out of his house he came in gulped the drink down faster than you can spell onomatopoeia, went outside and it was gone. nicked. never to be seen again. gutted! the best prevention is precaution!
  8. is it 2 stroke or 4 stroke? if its 2 stroke performance exhaust, air filter, remove washers, rejet carb, uprated spark plugs, differant front sproket, uprated cdi, reboreing if its a 4 stroke new exhaust, air filter, rejet carb, uprated sparkplugs, uprated cdi, differant front sproket, reboreing
  9. right to stop the bike from running too lean you can do 1 of 3 things 1. clean or replace the air filter (cost 10-20 quid ) 2. adjust the needle (cost 0 ) 3. put a slightly bigger main jet in ( i can get them for a pound a pop but expect to pay up to a fiva) and the other problem the only thing i can think of is its electrical ( a loose connection can cause earthing causing overheating ) first check the battery connections disconnect them and run a wire brush over the battery connections and the bolt, then the wire connection, if that fails check all the connections for corrosion or that green powdery stuff, clean, then put back together. i had a similar problem with mine and found that the wires to the battery wernt connecting properly but the wire brush treatment sorted it out hope this helps . Paul.
  10. a picture would help loads (iv seen many colors of straw from grey to orrange and all inbetween)
  11. id say try ajusting the jet needle it should b on the 3rd slot down (with the pointy bit to the floor) then u put it down for richer and up for leaner
  12. hi i need to sort out my carb jetting iv got a xv 125 4 stroke engine and i need to do plug chops to figure out whats happening now iv had a look on google and every picture iv seen is different to another (in relation to what color the plug should be) so could anyone point me in the right direction? i just need to know what it should look like if the fueling was bang on then i can tinker from there. cheers .Paul.
  13. hi the part that was shown on the link is all 1 piece. (front down pipe and mufflers) it said it don't come with downpipes but thats for the rear cylinder which has a separate down pipe. I know this cause i bought one and it arrived next day! i couldn't find anywhere that dus a different exhaust other than the slash cuts. so I'm in the process of converting my old exhaust to a straight through with just a single muffler instead of the dual connected ones. at the mo its looking a bit sorry for itself but its working and the bike has gained from it.
  14. hello el muerte ! cheers for the info. where could i get the cdi tndf 45? its my sachs which has the xv virago 125 engine iv just re jetted the carb and sorted out a new exhaust and air filter but im having trouble finding a pilot jet could u help?
  15. cheers but tried them already
  16. hi all anyone know where i can find a Mikuni BDS26 pilot jet? well i think its a Mikuni BDS26 its for an xv 125 engine. any help will be appreciated cheers. Paul .
  17. the 3 washers in between the con rods on the crank have disintegrated and one of the con rods needs replacing as it has about 1mm of play, plus the bearings are worn so il need new ones .....basicaly a whole new crank, bearing and con rods.. £400 to get it repaired and the engine put back together not including the bearings and gaskets or £400 just for the crank + con rods at the dealer and this is all due to the oil ....well.... lack of so in total im looking at £700 which i dont have
  18. hi all I'm the proud owner of a 2004 xvs 125 drag star that has a knackerd engine! : ( a selection of the parts have covered less than 50 miles (as i spent 600 quid on new parts then the engine went bang) now to the point.... what should i do with it? i could sell it but id have to sell it without an engine i could strip it and flog the parts but id have spare parts left over or i could build something using the parts and just get hold of an engine just to let you know it cost me £4000 brand new, and iv spent another £1000 fixing it! so I'm wanting at least £700 for it plus i owe my m8 £200 for finding out what went bang, and storage. so as you can see I'm a bit stumped with what to do....
  19. hi just wondering if the rev limiter can be disabled somehow and does anyone know where i can find a rev counter that doesn't need the cable from the engine? chears . Paul.
  20. cheers m8 big help thankyou! hopefully il get that set then i can carry on re jetting! : )
  21. well the engine is Yamaha (an xv 125 virago ) so in my book its a yamaha bike. but thats a whole new topic but anyway chears for the pic iv been looking for hours trying to find something similar, and would you know where i can find the measurements for the float height ? either for the xv or the xvs as they look the same chears. Paul.
  22. hi my float that sits in the carb is bent out of shape could anyone post a picture of theirs? i need to be able to clearly see the angles so i can put mine right thanks. Paul.
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