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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. Paulwhite

    hard to start

    could be your piston rings are shot but dont hold me to it. do a compression check to find out.
  2. ooooo that piston looks nasty! id hate to see what the inside of the barrel looks like up close! (hands in head moment) and i meant using the Fiberglas and filla for the plastics lol dont think it would last 2 min in an engine. might giv it a go though to see what would happen lol. but yeah think uv defiantly killed that engine......for now. just spend a couple of months sanding it down smooth and get a piston/rings to fit. or get someone else to do it
  3. duck tape? why not just get some fibreglas and filla on it?
  4. yeah its annoying when you cant find parts. i cant help you on that one soz but there are plenty of ppl on here that can! hope u get it on the road again .
  5. yeah would b good but my bike is in bits too lol iv only got a couple of 125's ones being used for a bobber project cause the engine blew and is in boxes in the shed (xvs 125 ) and the other one needs new piston rings (sachs roadster 125)
  6. i live about 10min drive from alfreton and i havent met anyone on here that lives even remotly close to me lol
  7. BELPER!!!!!! thats near me! ..........well ........sortof dont suppose uv been to matlock bath on a sunday? or M.F.N on a monday or wednesday?
  8. where were you oldtimer when i wanted to do the same on my dragstar!!!! i looked everywhere for about 3 months to find one and could only find somewhere that built custom sprockets but saying that it was about 2-3 years ago. sorry reservoir dog i stand corrected!
  9. ul have trouble trying to find somewhere that will do the front sprocket with 1 tooth less (or 1 tooth more) ul b better off getting a rear sprocket done just 1 tooth extra/less wont do allot ul be better off getting 3 to 5 teeth put on/off (hence why its better doing the rear sprocket) just incase u didnt know if you opt for more mph ul loose out on torque which will slow down ur acceleration and ul struggle to get up hills (just something to consider) at the end of the day 1st gear on a xvs 125 is just for pulling off (because its a heavy bike for a 125) where as on a bigger bike you can cruise through traffic quite happily in 1st.
  10. ok if u just checked the cable (wiggled it) then it will be slack best to take the screw off ( on the torque arm )that tightens the cable on the hub, then see if the wheel still locks up. if it sorts it. put the screw back on i normally tighten it till the wheel wont move ( or is stiff ) then slack it off 1 rotation at a time till the wheel moves. if it dont sort it then could b an engine prob i.e gears, clutch,
  11. ok put the 240 main jet on moove the carb needle down a notch ( pointy end facing up ) this should sort it out
  12. im not to sure about the ybr125 but the ones iv come across are normally a bolt that runs through the middle with a couple of wiers attached and a normal connector then there are about 2 bolts holding it to the frame. not sure where its located but its normally close to the battery and starter solenoid probs under the seat. dont spend money on a second hand one unless u know for sure that it works 100%!!!!!! there are so many ppl out there selling their broken one as working cause u wont know till u put it in and try it .
  13. slack off the rear brake !!!! its most likely uv forgot to do it so ur drum brake is on! slack it off and get back to us if its not that then check the bearings turn freely and give them a grease.
  14. you should get a bit more top end torque/speed with increasing the main jet size but it shouldnt affect the running of the bike, you might have to change the needle position to get the mixture just right but do one thing at a time. just swap the jet and see how it feels then do a spark plug check and if its running too rich lower the needle by 1 notch ( pointy end facing the sky ) then see how it feels and do a spark plug check to see what the mixture is like. but there are some other ways of getting more out of it but ul have to either wait for another reply or search the forums, i know there are loads of older topics to do with making the dt faster its just a case of looking for them.
  15. yeah soz didnt notice the split white line lol but yeah ur right about the bloke on the bike not driving defensively enough looks like he had the whole carriageway to himself. just a poor judgment on his part that luckily only cost him his bike.
  16. some lucky! could of been allot worse! but saying that isnt it a solid white line? so therefore you shouldnt overtake in the 1st place? if im right then both the van driver and the poor bloke on the bike were in the wrong. more so the van driver for not doing what he should be doing ( mirror, signal, maneuver! ) but yeah some lucky bloke!
  17. nice one lol thought about something similar for the thieving b*****ds that have been nicking me fence! but i like the idea iv had in my head for a while an electric fence like the ones u use to keep horses then ul be woken up by the screams of the thieves! then drift back to a gentle sleep knowing that they have learned there lesson
  18. if its only done 700 miles then it should still have warranty on it! just take it to the dealers and they should sort it out. was it serviced at 600 miles? it dus sound like a fuel problem id do a spark plug check myself. (sounds like its running a tad lean) but dont touch it unless the warranty has run out!!!!! if u dont have warranty and u know what ur doing clean the air filter and try it, if its still doing it cleaning the carb would be next, then if the problem is still there move the jet needle up a notch. should sort it out!
  19. only use wd40 as a last resort. i tend to use engine oil if i run out of chain lube and cant get some for over a month! ur best off spending a tenna on some chain lube from a bike shop! itl b the best thing for ur new chain! and probably the best investment ul make for ur bike! as for front indicators ul struggle as there linked to the forks with a rubber clamp which the indicators are bolted to so ul have to see if u can find some that will fit. im trying to find some for my custom build but its looking like il have to make some custom brackets.
  20. i think its more due to the lack of knowledge. if ur from a biking background then ur going to go for something second hand with some pull in it. but if ur new to biking and ur family dont know much then ur going to go for the nice new sparkling snail on wheels sitting in the shiny "helpful" showroom, then moan cause it cant overtake a bus and try and make it faster. but if you do a bit of research and know what ur doing there are some absolutely smashing 2nd hand 125s going for cheep! that with a little cleaning and maintenance will last you for years and keep you entertained. but as ppl have said everyone has to start somewhere.
  21. ok are u putting 2 hd in ur comp? if so ul need to set the one thats in there as master and the new one as slave otherwise the comp wont load up. on the hd have a look at the connectors u should have another group of connectors with a piece of plastic linking a couple of prongs. have a look on the hd and it should say somethin like mas, sla, ect. just moove the plastic to either the mas (master) or sla (slave) to set it. if ur just putting in the new hd then ur gonna have a load of problems as u cant just put in a new hd and go hope this helps if not just take the comp to pc world and they should b able to explain better.
  22. And all you will manage is a 125 that sounds like a wasp on crack id rather sound like that so ppl hear me and look to see where its coming from rather than not making any noise till the bmw at the junction plows into me cause they have there mobile attached to there ear. but i can see where ur coming from. down my way there are about 5 ppl with modded peds buzzing up and down the streets its not cool and its not clever its just pathetic and annoying.
  23. yeah turn the idle up and as for an exhaust if u want louder pipes u can do it one of two ways 1. go and spend 300-400 quid on some slash cut highway hawks 2. drill six 5mm holes in the end plate ( the black plate of metal around the hole when u look at the exit of the exhaust ) it makes it louder but it could fail the mot. but saying that mine didnt fail the mot for it but it did make it sound more meaty.!!!
  24. hi i know macs are dead annoying when it comes to parts but have u tried pc world? even if they dont stock the part they will 9 times out of ten order them in for u, just take ur new hd in and tell them what computer uv got and they will sort it for u, either that or try maplin.co.uk they do loads of stuff like that. but i think ul find that uv bought a pc hard drive which dont fit, cause apple like u to buy there branded products instead of the cheaper pc ones. good luck. ps just make sure u set ur master and slave on the hd otherwise ul have conflict problems
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