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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. im not reading it again!! but i think he blew his engine then got a new one and is now giving advice on how not to blow it.........i think....
  2. might do but the 125 tank will definitley fit! the 125 and 250 are the same apart from the engine.
  3. "Would be nice to see some punctuation - man that is hard on the eyes!" second that motion! but yeah if you get a high flow oil filter, and a bigger tooth sprocket set then the engine will last a little longer. as to the oil if it smells burnt then its too late! the damage has already been done! and iv had a go on one and there quite nippy the bloke who owns it has a tendency to ping it off the limiter which i suspect allot of owners do (well the younger ones anyway) and that wont help at all! but its a 125!!! its not meant to be the fastest thing on the road. so if you look after it and ride it properly instead of a 17 year old with an 80mph toy then it should last quite a while. (and im not havin a go at 17 year olds just remembering what i was like at that age had a wrist like an anvil)
  4. cheers OT i ended up taking it apart and found out how it works its all sorted now but that pic u put up is handy! i wondered what that bracket was for! and was going to just chop it off! but now i know it holds the pump i think il keep it cheers for all the help OT much appreciated! iv managed to get the engine revving properly now so next stage is to get it in the frame sounds mint with the baffle out
  5. i used an angle grinder with a metal cutting blade on it and slowly cut the rear fender. did a good job and didnt scratch/harm the finish at all so id suggest that. as to the fender it will sit right high up off the wheel (about 2-3 inch!) and the only way to lower it is to either get smaller shocks or cut the rear fender mounts off as to a light you will have to fit it somehow i had to use fibreglas to make a holder then used clear silicone to stick it in. either that or get a bolt on jobbo anyway good luck and post some pics up when u get it done!
  6. ..where to start. . ok 1. if you clean the engine so there is no oil on it then you can see where the leak is coming from, then if it leaks you will need to get new gaskets (sealant) but its a big job so best get a mechanic to do it. 2.the exhaust will corrode, best get some new ones (after you fix the oil leak!) 3.the choke im not sure about but if the bike starts up then its not a big problem. 4.its the flasher (flashes the low beam headlight to a high beam headlight) 5.if its the front forks your on about then you probably need to put more fork oil in them 6.if its bent get a new one and the bike is not meant to go off road.....at all but if you need to go off road get some longer shocks!
  7. soz OT i stand corrected it is the fuel pump but iv had a look at that pdf manual u sent me and its only got info on how to dismantle it and clean it but not where the hoses go.
  8. il give you a tip put a post on the bar section and introduce yourself to the forum. also fill in the details like where ur from, what you like/dislike ect! there are quite a few ppl on here that could help but are not willing to help one hit wonders who put one post up to get help then are never to be seen again! its free to sign up and the help you could receive is priceless! so just take the time to say hello and someone will take the time to help (just giving some friendly advice) .Paul.
  9. its a chunk of metal with about 4 hoses on it, it connects to the fuel line on the petrol tank then to the carb and the rubber inlet to the cylinders. its there to use the vacume created by the engine to pump fuel into the float bowl but i havent a clue what hoses go where! oh and have you sent the postage to me yet for the fender? cause if you have i havent received it. well not yet might come today about 1 ish.
  10. yeah i was going round a corner doing about 10mph when mine slipped off the rear sprocket (oops) luckily i wasnt hurt but everyone had a good laff as i picked myself and the bike up off the floor lol i laff about it now but it could of been so much worse! safe to say i havent made the same mistake again.
  11. can anyone tell me how the hell the pulse pump connects up? its off the bike (i didnt take it off) and i need to connect it back up again and its looking like a mass of hoses going into a block of metal at the mo. some pics would be nice (hint hint lol) but yeah any help would be appreciated cause i need it to get the cbr engine running properly for the bobber project then i can start mounting the engine into the frame and take some pics to post an update
  12. tip .....dont jetwash a bike! just the wheels......saves problems like this occurring.
  13. Paulwhite

    bobbed xs400

    hmmmmm very nice gives me ideas..........
  14. all depends what ur after, if you want the chrome to stand out then a matt black will be the best contrast against the chrome, its also a little unusual to see a matt black bike as ppl normally like their bikes to be shiney. im toying with the idea of a matt black and fluorescent green colour scheme for my xvs 125 but its very radical.....
  15. welcome to the forum and very well done with the intro! sounds like your a biker at heart but opted for 4 wheels instead of 2 lol well hope you enjoy your new found love and have many years of happy riding! soooooo glad you didnt get a aprillia rs 125! yeah there fast and they look quite sporty but it would be off the road most of the year being repaired, (i wouldnt recommend it for a 1st bike at all!) but yeah good choice with the ybr should last you as long as you need it to and be a nice ride. be safe m8 and enjoy yourself! .Paul.
  16. yeah sounds like ur battery has given up m8
  17. i dont know m8 iv not looked into quality oils yet (its a big subject) but ur looking to spend around 30-40 quid + a liter for the TOP quality stuff but i couldnt tell you what to get. but if you get some medium good oil say dont spend less than £15 a liter but just do an oil change every 4-6 months then it should be ok ur best bet would be to ask around on the forum or pm the moderators on here as they will be able to give you a better answer with there years of experience! and im sure a question like this has been posted in the past. i know 10w 40 is the basic but you get different tipes/viscosity depending on weather conditions so since were coming into winter you want one suited to both the bike and the weather conditions. (to the moderators if they read this) would it be a good idea to pin up some links or some info on quality oils? like viscosity charts, what makes would be best for certain weather conditions and even some hands on experience of oils? and possibly some rough prices of what you would be expected to pay for quality oil?
  18. its not ur starter motor m8 its ur reg rect. that "buzz" is the starter relay not getting enough power to start the starter motor and ur battery when fully charged should read at least 13 volts! right the way the wiers work to give u an idea. engine has a coil inside that generates its own electricity in AC power, the power then gets sent to the reg/rect which converts it into usable DC power which in turn charges ur battery and makes everything work on the bike (like ecu, spark plugs, lights) the starter motor runs direct off the battery and needs 12volts to work so if the reg/rect has failed the battery isnt getting charged and no usable power is comming from the engine, so the power being used is getting sucked out of the battery alone, so when you start the bike and with the ecu, lights, spark plugs working off the battery, it overloads and looses its charge, and results in you getting a dead battery now if you run the bike with a broken reg/rect for any long period of time all that non converted AC power is going into the battery plus everything is sucking the power out which overloads it big time, making it heat up, swell and posably crack and leak. .
  19. rectifiers could go if they get wet....really wet, not sure how you would insulate it cause it needs to be able to get rid of heat. could put a plastic tub (like a Chinese takeaway tub) round it but then all the heat would be trapped inside but at least it would be water proof! not sure what others would fit but in theory they are all the same (convert ac power to dc power) and christof i had a look and am quite shocked they dont have one! well not for the dragstar, so if it says "new" on e-bay then thats probably your best bet. i know the xv and xvs engines are practically the same, so by rights the reg/rect for both should be interchangeable. (dont think yamaha would go through all the expense of re-doing the stator coil when they could just stick a xv one in the xvs but dont hold me to it) shame you didnt tell me u needed one a week ago as iv just stuck my old one (xvs) on the new engine iv got (cbr) lol but if you get a 2nd hand one there is always the chance that its blown or will last 2 weeks. so ask plenty of questions and get a guarantee!
  20. you need to take the seat off and the side panels (where the battery is) it un-bolts then un-plugs, i wouldnt trust e-bay but wemoto are good. u can get a new one from there and itl get to you the next day but goin price is around 80 to 90 quid for a new one but at least its guaranteed to work .....and last! you might be lucky and wont need to change ur battery but fully charged it should read at least 13-14 volts, but put some money asside for a new one just in case
  21. the reg/ rect has blown and ur battery will be next
  22. just do me a favour and keep a CLOSE eye on the oil quality! all these mods will wear down the piston rings a little faster (and replacements are like gold dust) plus if the oil quality goes down the toilet so will the bottom end! (trust me iv had 2 engines fail on me at the crank!) so yeah good job! just keep an eye on it
  23. IT LIVES!!!!! IT FUCKIN LIVES!!!!! FUCKIN BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUTY!!!! after spendin 4 hours re-wiering the loom the cbr 125 engine LIVES!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!! can u tell im chuffed? lol
  24. i havent looked into it no but i quite like the originals all you need to do realy is free up the cables (unwrap them from the yoke) and push them forwads a little so that they sit up straight or slightly forward. personaly iv been toying with the idea of drag bars or even clip-ons to give it a streetfighter/ bobber look (somethin original)
  25. well the way that i posted is just the safest way to run in an engine so that it will last! but ul find itl only take about 2 months if that to put 2k miles on it (if you use it like i do every day) but that way you have no chance of blowing it or killing the engine in any way just keep it up to date with the service and change the oil regularly and ul be fine!
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