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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. well i need to make it cause the original air box for the engine wont fit in the frame so i need to come up with an alternative. (and you cant just put the filter straight onto the carb)the hole is an odd size about 46mm I/D , i cant get to any scrap yards as the ones i know of down my way have closed down , and iv looked on e-bay but there a little on the pricey side. (trying to do it as cheep as possible) plus im wanting it to be like an idle screw on a carb so i can open it to a certain point then it can open more if the engine needs it.
  2. hi all i need to make an adjustable butterfly valve for the air intake on the xvs bobber but not too sure the best way to go about it.... i can make the round plate no probs....its just how to connect it to the "axle?"(the bit that controls the movement) and how to make it so i can control how far it opens or closes ect, the best idea iv come up with so far is to try and cut a bit of studding in half (legnthways) then wedge the plate in between, then stick a nut on each end to wedge it in the inlet pipe, but then comes the problem of controlling how far it opens... cause its replacing the original intake i need to move it at like 1mm increments to get the best out of the engine and find the "sweet spot" so to say..... but i dont think my idea will cut it. so any ideas are welcome iv made a pic thingy to try and give a better idea.
  3. i know this is going to sound a bit wacky but if you buy another drag with forward controls on, you can swap them with the originals you have (as you know that the engine is good on ur bike) then sell the one u bought for the same price u paid for it. if i had the money thats what i would do, cause then effectively you get them for free
  4. iv found a couple of websites that do them but...ur lookin at 3-400 quid! here is a link to one and they are just around the corner from me! clicky thing as iv said there is loads of money gone into that bike! just seen this on fleabay!!!!! av a look!
  5. or just pm me ur e-mail adress then i can send you one on pdf!
  6. ha ha ha love it lol this is what i can see out of my window lol (the one in the middle is my car).....its that deep iv managed to build an igloo!
  7. welcome to the forum phil the speedo should light up when you turn on the lights but im guessing the bulb might have gone in urs. its a bit fiddly but you undo the bolts holding the chrome surround (one at the front then 2 at the back) then unscrew the speedo cable and dis-connect the electrics, then you can take the thing off and change the bulb. and to adjust the gear lever christofeser answered that one just follow the lever to the connecting rod and undo the nuts at each end then there should be a slot on the rod where you can put a spanner to turn it. a liberal dose of wd40 will help.
  8. hello and welcome to the forum! and thats not a mini......its a medium.... bmw with a mini sticker on it (im a true mini fanatic lol) but yeah if its your 1st time on a bike id suggest not getting a "sports bike" first off as you will scratch, dent, and scar your bike, so best sticking to something comfy and with good mileage. but anyway welcome and have fun
  9. the bike is just well used, spray the spark plug caps with wd-40 or what ever you have to get rid of any water.(sounds like a bit of water got in there and stoped it from sparking hence the loss of power) iridium plugs are a waste of money for your bike m8 as there mainly for sports bikes over 250cc but they would improve combustion but you wont notice anything. the rectifier is water proof but the cables going into it could get trapped water in them in extreme conditions. the cdi is also a sealed unit but if you disconnect the cables then spray with wd-40 then re-connect them it should sort out the problem.
  10. hello there an introduction goes a long way to getting help on here
  11. right.....well iv got all the parts and put them together, with regards to the 130% thing its above it! assuming 1 cubic cm (cc) is equal to 1 ml its about 3-400ml /cc so all id need to do is sort out a butterfly valve so i can get it spot on, then its done looks quite good anall, il have to post a couple of pics but the bike is under about 4 inch of snow at the mo anyone got any tips of how to make a 47mm buterfly valve?? lol
  12. best way to check the starter motor would be to take the long black lead coming from the motor and put it on the positive terminal of the battery (when its in the bike) if it turns over then its not the starter motor. would save spending 250 quid to find its a faulty relay or switch. normally a click from the solenoid means that ur starter motor is past it, or for some reason there isnt enough power to complete the circuit like a bust fuse, loose wire, rubbish earth, dead battery ect. either that or the starter relay is broke.
  13. that sounds bad m8 best get yourself a Haynes manual and take a look at the engine (strip it) then you will have a better idea of how bad it is! but any seizure of an engine is bad, OG could be right and it could of had something to do with what you did with the air filter, could of freed up too much flow making it run lean.(check ur spark plug) with any luck its just the piston and rings, but its not sounding good m8.
  14. thanks kelum great read with some good points cheers m8
  15. well im trying to get the same performance that i had before with the original box (if not a little more) but iv searched the internet and havent come up with any decent info on the matter, well not for a 125cc engine anyway.
  16. fair dues m8 just try and not make another claim, then at least you will have 1 years no claims which should help lower the price a bit.
  17. little problem ....iv got 3 kids under 4 years old the youngest being only 2 weeks old so library is a no go, but internet on the other hand, i can use that anytime iv had a read on 4 stroke tuning and come to the conclusion that unless you have a small fortune to waste then there is no point trying to tune the 125cc 4 stroke. but im not trying to tune so to say, im just replacing the original airbox cause it wont fit. and a hypercharger? .....no point id have to put a new engine in every week
  18. ahhhh ....cheers m8 dont suppose you could post some links to some good sources? (so i can do some research and get a better idea)
  19. thanks drewpy got mine this morning looks mint! good job
  20. just get a new battery then you know that its defo not that.
  21. tie them to the back of your bike next time you go for a ride lol
  22. so thats 16250cc of filtered air????? (my engine is 125cc) i dont get how you have come up with that figure. and why its important.
  23. you cant just put a filter on the end of the carb, as the little 125 engine just wont work (this was my original point) the air needs to be sucked in by the engine so the vacume can suck the fuel from the carb, mix with the air then go into the chamber. the dragstar 125 uses a special pipe to control airflow into the engine where-as the cbr uses a box, both restrict air flow in some way. iv been doing some research into it and have come up with a new setup. im going to use a silicone u bend with a cone air filter on the end, now to restrict the airflow im going to have to think of a way to put a sort of butterfly valve in there (similar to the throttle valve on the carb) then i can have a play with different setups to find the best for the engine. might even make it spring loaded then it would free up airflow when the engine needs it. in theory it should work and all id need to do is find the right tension spring and put a slightly bigger main jet in. but il order the parts, have a play and post the results
  24. if your just trying to get them shiney and keep them that way. give them a good clean then put clearcoat (rattle can paint) on them, it wont last forever but it will provide some protection for a few months at a time.
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