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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. lol is it? yeah il finalize the design closer to the time and pm everyone a pic with the payment details.
  2. yeah im going to get paypal sorted out then il pm everyone closer to the time to double check the order......
  3. OG m8 im just needing to know how many are wanted as we need to sell at least 25 for the price to be £10 each. any design tweaks/ideas will be made before i order them in the other thread. but we need to hit the 25 mark. so can i put you down for 4? in a medium? if we can hit 25 then il put my money to it and get a sample made ....its gonna cost me £75 (i think...its in the other thread) to set up. so im not doing it if we cant get an order of 25 or over.
  4. yes ... unfortunately its too expensive to put screen names on...... how many are you wanting og? (il change the pic of the shirt in a mo ) all done but any design ideas or any other questions please click the link and put up a post.
  5. right peeps i need to know how many people want them so if you could use this thread to post how many you want, what colour and what size. there going to be around £10 each but it depends on how many we need here is the design but please use the other thread Y.O.C T-shirts anyone interested? to post any other comments cheers. .paul.
  6. hi and welcome to the forum im not completely sure on your bike but gearbox/clutch problems are mainly due to the oil. plus im guessing you dont know when the oil was changed last? so it wouldnt hurt to give it a service. do an oil change, and put new spark plugs, air filter and oil filter in. then at least you know when it was done. im sure someone will give you a better answer soon
  7. sorry to say m8 but 125cc 4 stroke engines nowadays are designed and built to be "restricted" its not really a restriction as this implies that the engine has more power. but they dont. its just built to plod at a reasonable speed. there are a couple of things you could try but they will cost money and are not guaranteed to work, and will damage the engine over time. so your best bet would be to just keep it as it is till you can get a bigger cc bike. but here is a list of what you could do:- 1. free flow exhaust (frees up air flow, costs £300 for an extra 4mph) 2. bigger jets in carb (creates a bigger bang, costs £7 per jet but its not a mod for a noob!) 3. re-map (re-map the icu, or cdi whatever you call it costs £400 for an extra 5mph) all these will wear out the engine faster (if done properly) if there not done properly then expect ur engine to last a month 4. big bore kit (it changes the bikes cc so you get more but your engine internals take on more strain plus it will make you illegal if your on a learner license) your best bet (and cheepest) would be to use the ybr for 2 years to pass your test then get a bigger cc bike.
  8. i had a similar problem when building my bike ......would rev fine when stood still but put any load on it and it would bog and eventually die.... turned out to be an air leek carbside .....
  9. well im not sure if i am or not thats the bit thats winding me up. iv still got to go down to sort it out, whats annoying is they treat you like scum at the mansfield branch .......well after you sign the contract anyway. but go to the chesterfield branch (which is closer to me) and they cant do enough to help. i dont see why i have to go to 1 specific branch to cancel a contract and re-claim my money. so as it stands ....bright house are shit!
  10. the way i see it, is normal bloke vs a bloke in an armored jacket, armored trousers, with Kevlar/carbon fiber coated gloves and a helmit.........i know who id put money on and anyway dont they realize that its perfectly legal to filter? iv seen a few wing mirrors go flying due to cunts in cages being arseholes! and done a few in my time.....tee hee he
  11. the only reason i suggested a gear box was for better control when cornering......plus it makes it more like a combustion engine bike. its ok having a rev and go....but these things make no noise.... have you tried riding with ear plugs on a quiet bike? (to the point you cant here the bike at all!)....its weird (and i dont like it) i dont know about you but i found that i rely on hearing the revs and select a gear to suit to help judge the right speed when cornering.....there is a nice bendy back lane round my way and on a 125cc i can tell you exactly what gears to use to get the most out of each corner. think its more a personal preference thing
  12. it will be interesting to see what comes out of it in the next 10 years or so problem is there rev and go sort of thing.......would be better having gears.....but still in "development" stages i suppose.
  13. click me to see seen this and it sounds interesting ....
  14. since this subject has croped up.....there is a new film called four lions......looks like a laff
  15. too late...... the one on the right has already had him
  16. i went to bright house the other week (Saturday) wanting to get a big tv (47 inch) so on impulse i set up a contract and payed for delivery. total cost would be £2334 over 3 years with insurance and warranty, they told me yeah everything is fine but i need a number and address for a reference. so on the Monday i gave it them on the phone, great i thought........i wait and wait.....friday comes along and no TV so i ring them up to cancel (I'm within my 14 day's as it states in my contract) plus i can get one cheaper from PC world. they said yeah thats fine its all sorted but you will need to come in and sign a couple of forms then we can issue a refund......so i go in the next day (it takes 45 min to get there by the way) i go in ............oh sorry sir we cant issue a refund till Thursday so if you can come in Thursday then we can sort it out for you.........after me spending half an hour arguing with them about the fact that i cant make it and them plain ignoring it i travel home and make a complaint to the customer service department..........today i receive a letter saying that i have defaulted on payment! and owe them £38!!!!! its supposed to be canceled!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah I'm pissed right off! .......Rant over. (sorry)
  17. just depends how many people want them 25 is the minimum. so come on people who wants an official yamaha owners club t-shirt!
  18. well......it dont have to be a v-neck! but are we all happy with £10 quid a shirt?
  19. right lads they dont do the football shirt material......or man made material as the printing technique they use melts it. but they do some nice cotton ones if we go for the black or blue design that i posted and have a minimum order of 25 then it will cost £10 per shirt, but if we order 50 or more it reduces the cost to £7.50 per shirt and the way my mind works is, if we order 50 or more then we can get a better quality shirt to start with, which would make it £10 per shirt. the prices that iv posted is for the cheaper v neck cotton t-shirt its good enough for the job but we could get a better quality shirt. for personalization (screen name on the back) its.....well too much now here is the interesting bit. for no extra cost we can put more stuff on the front like designs, as the way they do there pricing is they charge by colours and how many "screens". its going to take 2 screens to do the front anyway, and about 3 colours, so as long as we just use the 3 colours,we can pretty much put anything we want on there for no extra cost. im going to have to put the web address across the shoulder blades as its going to cost more to put it on the bottom due to the different shirt sizes needed.
  20. yeah thats what i was thinking, but depends on price. im thinking something light with a v neck, football shirt material would be mint! im also thinking getting it embroidered instead of a transfer. should last longer but il have to get a price list and go from there.
  21. sounds good to me but iv never used it b4 so il let you do the honers
  22. well im set on black (like the pic above) we could go yam blue but you might as well get y.o.c stitched on an official yam top......... the way i look at it is we are a community of Yamaha "owners" that love to talk about bikes, customizing and riding in general. so why not have our own stile?
  23. iv just had a look on there website and they can source any type of t-shirt at any size. standard prices are a hell of allot cheaper if i order 25 or more (about half the cost of 25 or less) but just thought...... what colour do we want the shirt to be?
  24. yeah im going to get some quotes as to collar-less i dont know m8 il have a look tomorrow
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