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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. if ur in need of some parts il do u some for cheep im breaking a 04 xvs 125 for certain parts and need to get rid of the bits i dont need if u need a regulator / rectifyer il sell u one for next to nowt e-mail me if ur interested. [email protected] cheers. Paul.
  2. id say try and get an airbox for it that would b ur easiest fix. because it has differant filters, there isnt enough suction so to say to suck the fuel through the jet. plus they say if ur rejetting the carb then u need to put differant air filters on plus put a new exhaust on with more flow. so as i said if you want to get it working the easiest way then try and get the airbox and go from there, then you will have a better idea of what could b up with it. plus lack of a good mixture could result in one cylinder running hotter than the other. plus all what you are discribing points to this. so try and set ur fuel mixture as rich as you can get it then see what happens, worse case senario it will start ok then bog down and stall when you put the power on. have you tried reving it with the choke on? thats an easy way to see if ur mixture is too lean, if its running ok with the choke on then cuts out with it off then you know its lean. hope this helps. Paul.
  3. sorry to say its a 125 so ur not going to get any more power out of it, putting on a bigger exhaust and carb will just improve the torque so ul get to top speed a little faster but dont expect too much.
  4. id sugest checking ur electrics just make sure that the connections are on tight and that they are clean, i had a similar problem on me sachs (just electric start) i put it in a cover over winter and found that the condensation had corroded a couple of turminals so i just cleaned them and it started fine after that.
  5. i dont know i havent heard of it before but looks like my plans went out the window thanks to speedshop lol yeah i think its a bit beond my skills to make a rake adjuster that sorts out the trail.
  6. lol well i still need to source some parts b4 i can start building the furnace i.e an old oil drum and an old gas bottle might take a trip to me scrappy. its surprising how simple it it to build a furnace and the things you could cast is endless iv been designing a metal lathe with a milling attachment for a project then i can use that to make more complex items. but yeah il take pics of the whole proses when i get the parts i need.
  7. yeah the government stuffed us up big time and now we are all paying for it!! if they turned to the banks and said "get stuffed! u made ur bed now lie in it!" then we wouldnt be in this mess! but we are so unless every body in the uk stops buying fuel then it wont decrease and we all know thats not gonna happen! think guy forks had a good idea! i say boooooooooo!
  8. just a question how old is the oil in the bike? hav u tried just a simple oil change? might just b old oil and u dont have a leak.... just a thaught.....
  9. good idea but dont think iv got the resources to do them properly i.e custom lenses (for lights) plus i dont want to compromise on safety so im sorry but handlebars and frames are a no go at the mo. il just stick to the usual hand controls, grips, pegs, bits of bodywork ooo might make a belly pan lol
  10. scrap that last post iv just googled it lol. i see what u mean now and with the design iv got it makes allot more sense why it hasnt been done b4 might have to look into a way to adjust the wheel angle to sort it out cheers for the comment it was very useful!
  11. can you explain the trail? and what effect it has on the bike? i havent heard of it before cheers. Paul.
  12. i bought my 1st bike ( well ped ) second hand cost me 900 quid with helmet lock and jacket my insurance was 300 quid tpft which was mint for a 16 year old then at 17 it got nicked so i opted to get a xvs dragstar 125.. bought it brand new cost £4000 and me insurance was 500 quid due to the claim of the ped. the motivation for buying it brand new was because i knew that it wouldnt of been thrashed or that i wouldnt need to replace anything due to an underlining problem plus it had a years warranty with free service and a buy back plan for if i wanted to sell it in the 1st year. all in all a good deal i think but mainly got it for the street cred cause it looks bigger than it is lol.
  13. oh i forgot to mention the part will b going on a xvs 125 with a custom engine so lots of things could be done.
  14. ok a bolt is a bit too simple lol might do a skull shaped headlamp
  15. well its going to be me 1st try at casting so i think a barrel or piston is a bit advanced for my skills lol maybe in the future i would post pics but i cant as i dont pay membership i might have to sort that when i start building the furnace yeah foot pegs are a good idea my idea is to make the bike lighter by replacing heavy steel with light aluminium but dont want to compromise on overall strength im going to use the lost wax technique its a bit long winded but produces the best results cheers for the ideas got anymore?
  16. yeah iv only made a prototype out of card, i know its a bit basic but it proves the theory. all iv got to do is make the part out of aluminium then start testing it to breaking point. just wonderd if there was any other rake adjuster in the market that isnt a whole new yoke setup. cause with my idea u wont need to change the yoke or buy a new one just modify ur frame slip the part on and away u go u can have up to 4 different rake settings.
  17. hi there im thinking of building me own aluminium furnace in the back yard and just need ideas as to what to make for me 1st try at casting, thaught might as well do something for a bike. any ideas welcome cheers. Paul.
  18. Paulwhite

    1 Wing mirror

    when i was stopped by the fuzz for me tail light being out they never mentioned the fact that i only had 1 mirror and they gave the bike a good going over so guess its not illegal.
  19. have you checked the electrics? just check the connections are tight and are not corroded might just b a bit of water shorting it out.
  20. hi all was wondering the other day if there is a fixed rake adjuster out there? i want to be able to adjust the rake without swapping parts. iv come up with a design that would be welded to ur frame and allow you to adjust the rake to preset angles just by moving a bolt, but need to compare it to other ideas b4 i start spending money on testing. iv had a gander on google and cant see anything remotely similar, just ur usual new yoke and fork setup. so if anyone has heard of such a thing or can post a website id b grateful cheers .Paul.
  21. just thought where will i b able to get a case for it?! id have to find somewhere that do metal castings either that or build a aluminum furnace in the back yard and have a crack myself.
  22. lol dont think they will sell that many way too easy to d.i.y!!
  23. well it is all theory based but in reality il probably only get about 10 or 20 mph extra if im going down hill with a strong wind the engine im thinking of strapping it to is a 140cc 19bhp pit bike engine going to 14000rpm they only have 4 gears so should have plenty of pull but in theory because its a torque converter it should work, plus im not looking for extreme acceleration just more top end speed the idea of making it work in 4th is if it kicks in at 2nd then it will be fully on in 3rd and 4th and then as u said the engine would really struggle i think the trick would be to make it engage at a certain rpm on a certain gear to gain maximum effect. say 3rd gear is best for getting the most out of ur engine i.e acceleration, torque ect. and say i set it to work about a quarter of the way in to the power band say its 6000rpm then in theory with 3 quarters to go in the power band it should pull the bike with no problem, plus as i said before if i set it to a 1 to 1 ratio to start then the gearing wont be affected till the torque converter engages plus there is the gear ratio of the sprockets to consider could set them for acceleration then that will give me the best of both worlds, good acceleration till the converter kicks in then its just more speed
  24. yeah i typed belt torque converter into google and found this My link its 2 v shape pulleys with a belt and it starts with the one at the engine. the belt runs close to the shaft then as the speed increases the pulley's walls get closer together increasing the belts circumference, the other pulley works in the opposite way starts with a big circumference then gradually gets smaller till the belt is running on the shaft . all this changes the gear ratio from say a 2 to 1 ratio then as rpm increase it gradually turns to a 1 to 2 ratio now if i attach it to a 19bhp motor and lock the 1st pulley half way it gives me a 1 to 1 ratio then i could set it to reach a certain rpm before the 1st pulleys circumference begins to increase say for example 4th gear then when it kicks in il theoretically get a 1 to 2 ratio which would double the sprocket speed giving me more mph .....i think . sorry for waffling on a bit its a bad habit of mine. so yeah what do u think?
  25. could be a number of things how old is the bike and when was the last time it was serviced?
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