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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. how do u mean miss firing? is it choppy like intermittant and dus it do it when u rev it? try starting the bike with half choke and let it warm up then take the choke off and see if its still doing it.
  2. i hope u realize that if u only take a couple of links out ul need a new front and rear sprocket when u come to replace the chain. which will cost quite a bit more than a chain on its own . cause as the chain stretches it will stretch to the point where it misses the teeth and starts grinding the sprockets down ( i know from experience! lol ) but ur in luck iv got a front and rear sprocket if u want them? i had an 04 xvs 125 spent 600 quid on it then a week l8r the engine blew ( the con rod went ) i had a brand new sprocket set and chain put on it so its up to u but im wantin to flog them for 30 quid ( for both ) depending where ur situated i could either post them or u could come and pick them up its up to u.
  3. 40 quid should do it for a decent one go to any decent bike shop tell them uv got an xvs 125 dragstar and they will get the book out, to take it off have a look on the chain for a link that is different from the rest (if it has one) it should have a u shaped link on it just slide that off pop the link out and hey presto if it hasnt then the easiest way would to get a chain splitter on it. but iv found that if u stand the bike up on something so the rear wheel is off the ground u can take the wheel off and the shock on that side. take off the sprocket cover on the engine, and then u can just pull the chain in between the gap of ur swing arm and frame! best to wrap the bit of chain thats going to touch the frame in some old cloth so it dont take the paint off ( this is how i took mine off ) that should do the job then the new chain should have the special link to easily slip it on. just thought as well ur other post about getting into neutral and trying to get up hills it could b caused by a knackerd chain! hope this helps.
  4. this is what i would do.(in this order ) change the oil ( go to the bike shop and get some decent stuff ) check all cables and levers see if this sorts it if not check the clutch springs and plates.( take it to pieces yourself or take it to someone who knows what there doing ) just a question was the clutch uprated when the conversion was dun? might be that its worn out or is just not good enough for the conversion.
  5. oh also check that the gear lever/ shifter is on properly and not loose also check that its greased properly on the pivot ( mine used to soak up rain to the point it went stiff ) i used to take it off the shaft on the engine then soak it with wd40 then push it up and down till it was loose. used to get loads of rusty lookin wd40 coming out of it but it sorted it out lovely!
  6. hi addik have you tried adjusting the clutch cable? just incase u dont know:- screw in the screw closest to the lever till its in all the way makin the cable slack then follow the cable down to the engine and ull come across an adjuster closer to the engine, pull back the rubber then unscrew it by a couple of turns then undo the screw at the lever till it makes the lever tight ( so it dont wobble ) start the engine up and go into 1st. slowly release the clutch to find the biting point ( i like it to bite about a thumb width from the bar ) if it bites any less then go into neutral (or turn the engine off ) and un-screw the adjuster near the engine till u get it right then try going from 1st to neutral or from second to neutral. i found that mine went slack after about 6 months of use so i had to adjust it every now and then but hopefully this should sort out getting it into neutral plus in 1st when u try and go into neutral if u do it slowly ul feel it click in b4 u hit 2nd. iv also found that there isnt a need to block shift unless ur coming up to a nice corner that u know u can take safely and just flick it from 5th to 3rd just b4 u enter to half power it round till u see the straight then open the throttle and fly. either that or u need to slam on the breaks cause that pillock in the bmw on the phone just pulled out in front of u without looking. soz for the waffling on but im just missin me bike...... hope this helps.
  7. welding rust just dont work, could try a patch but depending on the corrosion it might be pointless. for a quick fix try exhaust gum to block the gap then wrap it in exhaust wrap then jubilee clip it all in place might look odd but will sort it out till it corrodes beond repair.
  8. if ur getting quotes of £1700 for an r125 then ur looking in the wrong places m8. when i got my 1st bike at 16 i got quoted £300 for third party fire and theft i had to make a claim in the 1st year cause it got nicked which pushed it up to £500 (i didnt see any need for fully comp and still dont). im now 23 with 6 years under my belt and my insurance is less than £100! think im with red star but not too sure but still £1700 for a 125!!!!! i could get a 2lr vauxhall vectra insured and still have cash to spare and iv only got a provisional license!
  9. yeah id say go with Ttaskmaster! poor oil is what destroyed my engine!! it was only 4 years old and only did 14000 miles! dont let it end up in boxes in the shed like mine is!
  10. thanks clarkegray!!! everything i needed to know! cheers.
  11. hi dus anyone know how to get a modified bike back on the road? im replacing the engine, makin some new fenders, and lowering it. but need to know what i have to do to make it legal to drive on the road. do i need to send it of to get checked over? or can i get me local garage to do it? this would be the 1st time iv built a road bike and just need some advice. cheers .Paul.
  12. cheers im gonna have to try it with the dental floss lol , and midnight61 that would give me the best finish! but im a bit of a cheep skate. dont like sacrifices i find them wasteful if not a little messy lol.
  13. hi all just need to know how to take the drag star embilum off the side of the tank without breaking it. im re- painting the tank and want to be able to put them back on. but just thought id ask b4 i get a screwdriver on it. cheers . Paul .
  14. have u tried adjusting ur clutch? mine used to lock up on a long ride and stick in one gear then i found out the clutch cable had stretched and loosened it. hope this helps if not iv got a load of parts if u want to buy some cheep. the con rod in mine went about a year ago and i couldnt get it fixed. . Paul.
  15. it dus sound electrical just check your connections to make sure there clean also make sure the terminals on ur battery are clean and on tight, is the loom earthing anywhere it shouldnt be? just giv it a good going over and hopefully u can find the problem.
  16. well i thought the bobber seat would replace the suspension in the way of comfort. i will be making the seat by hand so i could make it as hard or soft as i like but the idea of loosing the suspension is to lower it as i cant find anything other than push bike springs that are small enough to do it , but i just need to know what i need to do to get it back on the road.
  17. hi all im rebuilding me xvs dragstar 125 the engine blew so im putting in a 125cc pit bike engine. Im also going to be removing the rear suspension in favor of a couple of steel supports, make me own fenders and at some point will be fitting a bobber seat, the rest of the bike will be standard. just wanted to know if anyone knew what would be involved with getting this creation on the road? iv never done this before so dont have a clue where to start. any advice would be appreciated cheers . Paul .
  18. cheers. thought of usin heavy duty paint stripper with wet /dry sandpaper to get it off or at least get it prepped for re-painting
  19. hi all iv started a project and the chrome on the front wheel is chipping/bubbling cause of rust and crud. just wondered if anyone knew how to remove the chrome?? or just sort it out so i could paint it with some hamerite and still get it to look decent. cheers. Paul.
  20. Paulwhite

    Easy Drop

    put it this way if they want u to pay for ur uniform ect why not just take it out of ur pay packet? some companies do charge for the uniform but will only do this after a contract has been signed. all scams are the same they all ask for money then go into too much depth to why they need it. I say dont send money unless u hav signed a contract 1st!
  21. right time for an update! Finlay got me dragstsar back and i forgot how big it was !! but anyway iv striped the bike down, grinded all the rust off and re-painted in black hammerite. Iv decided to go for the "bobber look" , for some reason it just suits the bike down to a tee. but yeah iv used the Sissy bar mounts to make the swing arm ridged, looks quite cool but il have to make some proper mounts to make sure its ok for an mot. im going to make the seat instead of buying one (only cause im a cheep skate) thought a wooden seat on a metal bracket should do the job and look quite cool. iv still got to get round to prepping the tank for its new paint job plus im wanting to paint the wheels red for that old school look just got to figure out the best way to remove chrome. so yeah theres the update any ideas are welcome!
  22. well the idea is to have a rear light setup that is invisible till the lights come on so it just looks like a fender i was going to use super bright LED's mounted directly to the fender but wasnt sure if it would pass an mot. and by reflector do u mean the little red ones or the silver one that goes behind the bulb?
  23. hi all im wantin to replace the rear lights with custom led's built into the fender but need it to pass an mot. dus anyone know about the regulations on lights and what would pass and what wouldnt? cheers. Paul .
  24. you might b waiting a while MaD.VeZ iv just got me dragstar back so im workin on that for the timebeing but il repost when i get round to building it.
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