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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. always bike as the misses does the shoppin lol
  2. think il need a pic for that one m8 as its a little tricky to explain lol
  3. tie wrap it and see if that helps, and anything leaking is never good lol edit:- sorry didnt read it properly. think it should be ok for now as the air gets sucked into it from the airbox but if your concerned about it try wrapping some black electrical tape round where it links into the airbox (if you stretch the tape when you wrap it then it will act like shrink wrap and make it air tight) if you do that for now till you can find a perminant fix.
  4. iv heard of it but dont know where it is lol
  5. cheers vez im gonna give it a go this afternoon and hopefully im able to get it off lol might also come up with my own flywheel puller but iv got a spare incase it all goes horribly wrong .
  6. just a thaught is the spedo cable catching anywhere?
  7. im not sure then m8 i havent got alot of experiance with forks lol but cant you top them up to see if it masks it for the mot? sounds like you need to strip them down to see whats happening.
  8. hi peeps iv got to take the crank out of me xv 125 engine but cant get the clutch or the magnet off, anyone got a manual or some instruction? the clutch has a wierd bolt and nut in the middle that both undo, and the magnet on the other side wont budge cause its a taperd, keyway shaft. cheers. .Paul.
  9. iv just read the other post and ppl are saying do the pilot/air screw at 2.5 turns out, to get the mixture right try that 1st and see what happens then but probs best check the needles to see if there set right. once thats done get back to me and we can go through fine tuning it.
  10. sounds like the mixture is rich take your spark plugs out and have a look to see what colour they are, if there realy dark or close to black then you need to change the carb needle setting, (same if there light or close to white) take the needles out and put the pointy bit facing down you should then see a black bit on the top of the needle (like a thick washer) (pointy end = bottom) check the manual to see what setting it should be (its normaly half way) set them to what the manual sais for now then pop them back in and see what happens. then once thats done we can fine tune it.
  11. iv done it on a few 125s but that was just to improve the sound, but why would you want to do it on a 1300?? if it did anything to the performance then you would need to re-jet the carbs.
  12. nice one, well after you have that sorted we can go through if the mixture is set right but 1 thing at a time m8 catch u l8r have fun
  13. yes m8 the pilot screw is the air screw ! so if you follow the manual and lightly seat the "pilot screw" (air screw) on both carbs then un-do them by 1.5 tuns (try and be exact) then this will put them back to factory settings and sort it out
  14. are you sure the manual is talking about the jet? and not the air screw? it sounds like the manual is on about the air screw with it being 1.5 turns wich would be the factory setting for the carb.
  15. the idle jet controlls the fuel flow on low throttle so it needs to be on the carb properly for it to work as it should if you unscrew the jet then it wont work properly causing little or no idle.
  16. oh and forgot to mention once the air screw is done turn out the throttle stop till its ticking over nicely and quietly. then we can see if the mixture is ok
  17. right put the idle jet in all the way and close up the carb (and dont touch it again ), turn out the air screw by 3 turns and if the throttle stop is in all the way turn it out to about half way and try that for now then it should idle ok, then turn the air screw out till the bike revs high (till turning the air screw has no efect) then you need to turn it back in a tiny bit at a time till the revs drop then turn it out till you hit the point where the revs go up. and then that should sort it
  18. im not quite sure what your trying to do? the idle screw should push the part that your throttle cable connects to (so it opens the throttle slightly), so you shouldnt need to take the carb appart. dont suppose you could post a pic then i can see exactly where ur comming from?
  19. lmao yeah there was a whole topic about them not so long ago lol
  20. yes m8 you do, guaranteed you will have at least 1 near miss EVERY time you go out on your bike but thats all part of the experience just be safe m8
  21. put the needle on position 3 (think its the standard original position) but should sort it out
  22. right can you get the engine started with the throttle and or choke? if you can then get it started and screw the idle screw in till you can let go of the throttle and it idles, then you can sort it out.
  23. i think you might need to change the idle settings again but do a plug check 1st you never know might b ok . but the way i understand it is the needle jet is used throughout the throttle range, the pilot is used for idle to 1/4 throttle then the needle jet takes over then the main jet kicks in for top end, but every time i have the problem you have i just change the needle jet position and the air screw and idle settings and it sorts it out lovely.
  24. ok try and get the bike to idle then turn up the idle screw so it revs to about 1500rpm then once you have done that turn the air screw in (but dont let it stall) then slowly turn the air screw out till the bike revs high (there should be a point where the bike will stay at the same rpm after a certain amount of turns. you want to be just on it!) then turn down the idle screw to about 500 - 1000 rpm .....done
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