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Mini Enduro Man

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Everything posted by Mini Enduro Man

  1. The Bike in your profile picture is a 1971 Yamaha JT1L 60CC It is deifinately not a 1972 JT2.... The JT2 bikes were Either Mandarin Orange with a Yellow stipe, or the JT2MX which were yellow with a black strip... If you need any repair manuals or parts Manuals... I have them on PDF I can send you... Just contact me at [email protected] Thanks Kevin/ Mini Enduro Man
  2. Chris, did you end up selling the bikes?? I am draftingman who was bidding on them on the Ebay auction! I left messages about shipping to Montana$$ I am still so interested!! I do love these Bikes Kevin/ Mini Enduro Man
  3. What is the Vin# on your JT1? That way I can tell you what color it was when it came from the factory! THere are actually only (3) color schemes for the JT1s IF you bike is actually a 1972 Bike.. does it have a head light and taillight? That could be a trick question too, because alot the kids took the lights off to have thier bike look more like dirt bikes? There are many ways to tell what bike it really is... Gas tanks were built differant, Air filters differant, frames were differant.... Engines had a number of differant things on them, triple trees were differant!! But the Vin# will be the tell all . and I can send you a picture of exactly what you bike should look like!!
  4. Oops forgot to touch base on the oil injector cover!! It is a after market item that guys used to remove the oil injector system and just run mix gas! The covers are still available out there on Ebay!! but they are hard to find! You will definately want to remove the Rotary valve cover and make sure everything is OK inside. Kids tend to run straight gas when dads not around to mix... This will burn up the Rotary valve and can cause extensive wear on the Mian bearings! Mini Enduro Man
  5. Sorry I did not see the post sooner..... But I will chime in The frame on the bike is bent ... that is why the bow is in the top frame member.. It should be straight. The bent frame will give the forks a differant angle and make the geometry look off from your other bikes. Heat the frame and bend back straight using a level to verify its flatness. Also have the lower support (DOWN FRAME) attached on the lower bolt pattern to help align the bolt hole for the connection point where the Gas tank attaches to the frame. Heat and bend until you can easily put the bolt through the gas tank bolt hole connection point.. and the frame will be in its correct position. As for the brake wheel setup, simply take the forks off rotate 180 degrees and reinstall... You would not believe the stuff I have seen when taking and putting these bikes back together.. some guys are clueless, and should not be messing with thier kids bikes!! Just this weekend I tore down one of the engines off one of the bikes I am restoring ... the guy had put all the engine seals in backwards??? The poor bike was draining oil everywhere??? LOL He could not figure why gas kept coming out of the main magneto seal!!! DUH