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  1. Ok Thanks for the information - I cleaned the Carb out and when I took it off I took the air filter out - I just replaced it so it was in good shape - I will check the rest of the air box and the hose coming from the carb was cleaned as well --but I have not check the pipe at all - I will give it all a shot here in a couple of days - It was running great last summer but then all of a sudden it started bogging down after being started - I have not put a lot of time into it yet Thanks
  2. Sorry to butt in but I have been following this thread because I am having the same problem with my Yamaha RT100 - It will bogg down after it starts and when you give it throttle it will eventually die. What about the oil to gas mixture would that cause this problem - My model has an oil injector on it -Just wondering if that could be the issue with yours as well. What about a bad reed valve. Any input on these two particular issues would be great thanks Brian
  3. I have the same problem with my RT100 - I changed the Plug, the Gas, and cleaned the Carb - Can anyone give any help? Could it be the 2 cycle oil mixture The bike with start right up but when you put it in gear and give it gas it boggs down and eventually dies --But then it will start right back up again thanks for any assistance