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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    Ive got these herbal sleeping tablets as i never sleep but they make you feel like real shit the next day so only take them if i havent slept in like a week! I think the only time i actually sleep properly is if im drunk! and then im wide awake at 6am! I actually went to a specialist a few years ago who tried to explain to me the differnce between REM and nonREM sleep... cant remember what !
  2. Alex


    I'll tell you what you want to jump out, the way some of the people fly the planes! They have a full time, but when he is off some of the other jumpers who have a PPL can fly the plane! Scares me to shit as some of them are a bit rusty!!! Saw on the news today that in north wales its going to get a bit windy!
  3. Alex

    European Travel

    Kavos is a shit hole! Lots of girlies though. Definatly get proper travel insurance with unlimited medical care, not sure if your E1/11 covers you in cyprus, but worth asking at your post office. How remote will you be from places? If your going to be a long way away from civilisation use plain water in your rad incase you need to drink it, and make sure you have sealant in your tyres, and of course give you bike a proper check over before you go and if anything looks iffy change it now! Yep and take twice as much money as you think you need!
  4. Alex


    Just been watching the wind on the news on cnn here in oz looks pretty funny to me! Then again it was windy here the other day it picked up just after i jumped out the plane, and after landing couldnt get the parachute deflated quick enough and i nearly got dragged across the runway in front of the plane Shit myself!!!
  5. Yeah can i have a learner plate instead of the flag?
  6. I think it was Scott posting these tremendous pics
  7. Are pattern parts the company still around?
  8. Yeah get posting guys, as costs me a fortune in net cafes... bloody embarrasing everytime i get caught looking at girls too
  9. I still think Pete works for them
  10. Whats made it worse just been caught again by the bird next to me!!! Had to have another peak lol
  11. Alex

    Big Wave

    Well said skyline
  12. Alex


    Know how you feel mate! Seems like once a year for me
  13. Alex

    MotoGP Winner

    Ive been missing the racing overhere, we dont get all the cable channels its so annoying!!!
  14. Alex


    Sex mate, that puts me out for good!!!
  15. Ive done it again!!! Looking like a perv in the internet cafe..... and proud of it!
  16. Alex


    Well i would just say practice practice practice, give it more power than you think you need, i think people chicken out when there bikes making a little noise But for everybike and person its different, just keep trying or fit a tiny sprocket
  17. Ive just made myself look like the biggest perv in the world in the internet cafe, looking at the pics when some bird came and sat next to me
  18. Alex

    Christmas Card

    Well its late but happy christmas!!! or maybe its early
  19. Ah just heard from my dad today, and he has told me that they have actually sent my two speeding fines back to my house in the UK!!!! Will they start chasing me around the country for these fines or should i pay them?
  20. Alex

    Big Changes!

    Big thanks to Pete!
  21. Pete you had me worried there mate
  22. Yeah happy new year and christmas to everyone! Treat yourselves this new year and keep coming back
  23. Alex

    My Christmas Wish!

    I apparantly look like tin tin! :oops:
  24. Alex


    If you really want to understand how OIL politics run the world i suggest you read; THE PRIZE : THE EPIC QUEST FOR OIL, MONEY & POWER I never realised how much oil effects world politics, naive of me really, but its not always the case. Even scarier when you read about how WATER is going to cause even more conflicts!
  25. That says it all! :shock:
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