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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Petes either gone quiet, or gone to check
  2. Alex


    Thinking of haircuts wish i had the cd with me of my haircut i got in China!!!! I looked focking bald!!! They had used thinning scissors all over my head, and my hair on the sides was longer than on top... it was so funny, luckily only took a few weeks to grow out
  3. Alex

    Hi all

    Yeah you had me thinking! As surely you know that Brighton isnt in the US, nice to have some more brits around
  4. Alex

    Newbie Alert

    Well it was no Iraqi jumpsuit! I used to just wear that one for a laugh as it matched the helmet and i looked like bruce lee in it! The others one did look more normal though. It was actually bright yellow, its just that the pic is a photo of a photo thats why its shite
  5. Well i really doubt it. Firstly who would have a bike for 2 years and never notice it, also all the staff at the garage not noticing it, and the manufactures not noticing it? And mainly the last i knew of it the stickers are put on by hand, so surely it must be impossible for the person who puts them on at the factory to put them on wrong. As they wouldnt have a choice of old ones to hand!
  6. Most probable a panel has been replaced, and he couldnt get a decal for it, and just made do with older ones where he could. How rude of me welcome to the forum by the way
  7. Why has he removed decals?
  8. Well i will be back for something for a change
  9. Yeah hard work with a file is usually the best, however if none of that works. Get the mig out and weld something to the stud
  10. Yeah you can make me a set, im bored with my bike being blue
  11. Yeah i use the windsor wurth stuff, its excellent... but it still gets a little spray over my wheel unless im putting too much on though, but by far the best ive used out of about 4 that have been recommended to me
  12. Glad you got it sorted mate, you can enjoy the nice british weather now
  13. The ONLY way i can see that happening is if the bike was sold, and somehow it was damaged before the buyer took hold of it. And the buyer wanted it asap and didnt care about the details, but i very much doubt it mate
  14. To be honest ive always changed my oil before the book intervals, and always using branded oils and have never been able to tell the differnce on my bike
  15. The husky looks the muts nuts! When i was young and naive and had a DTR i looked at fitting supermoto rims and they would have cost more than the bike lol
  16. Alex


    Thinking of Viagra do they sell Tiger in the UK? the adverts over here for it make me laugh "Brings out the tiger in you" with some dirty old couple
  17. Alex

    Newbie Alert

    Hey welcome to the forum mate, will be nice to see you around so to speak Sorry though Scott this is the only way to fly! PS Ive had all the jokes about my helmet!
  18. Alex

    Hi all

    Hiya mate glad you made a post and welcome So where you from and that sort of stuff
  19. Alex


    Your trying to look like me now with that haircut!
  20. Alex

    hi all

    Oh my god!!!!
  21. Out of curiosity what hole do they use?
  22. Hi Kelley nice for someone to live near me for a change! Welcome to the mad house too!
  23. Alex

    Send your :)

    You have to have some regrets in life
  24. Alex

    I'm back baby!

    Hey hello there... Nice to see you back
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