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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Does it do it from stationary?
  2. yep 1040s the way to go
  3. Alex

    Hi all

    Think this is turning into an fzr club
  4. THats one clean fzr you have there!
  5. Nice bike there mate, jsut put black grips on it and it will be perfect
  6. Alex


    And the annoying thing is its always the last place you look
  7. Imagine how Mozzy felt at 105mph on his DT !!!
  8. Alex


    I sooo nearly brought a real hairdressers car the other day, a 95 Mr2 turbo... it was only because i was missing my bike and wanted something faster.. got over it though
  9. Alex


    Ive never used one to be honest, heard a lot of bad and good things about them though interested how you get on with it, once you eventually fit it
  10. Alex

    Moto GP

    Laguna is an awsome track its that one corner which goes down the hill, the way they jsut seem to drop down looks so good...
  11. Alex

    Yamaha FZR 150

    Cheers that will be lifted to the resources page
  12. Alex


    Hiya folks, so whos this carb genius
  13. Alex


    As much as Pete hates it i swear by ultraseal
  14. Alex

    New here

    Nice to see another member with a decent bike for a change
  15. It is a 16v GTI!!!! as it delicatly says in bold on my notice of intended prosecution... im being sterotyped you see!
  16. Thats what im hoping as thats what it looks like, also if i was actually pulling over it must show that the middle lane traffic was doing the same speed otherwise i wouldnt be pulling in However the video could well indeed show something completly different. Not sure how long the video footage is, im hoping its just of me passing that set view point. Also i cant view the video online i have to wait and see it in court or goto the police station in chippenham to view it.
  17. I cant be that bad as i was wearing my seatbelt!! And yes if i had my YZF i wouldnt have been caught from the front!
  18. Here have a look it shows you where it is, and copies of the calibration certificates etc... quite intersting http://secure.safetycameraswiltshire.co.uk...run/portal.show ALEXANDER DINO ASIGNO 24/09/05 P752GMO C2010356 7158 Probably shouldnt put this up but oh well...
  19. Alex


    As sheeny says take them out and goto a specific bearing shop.
  20. Well here is my car on the M4! My car was caught doing 97mph which is a bit of a bummer as upto 95 is a fixed penalty so now i have a notice of intended prosecution and have to goto court :-( There website is pretty cool as you can get to see the pics, they cant show me the video though as i have to goto the police station to see it. And apparantly im not allowed a photo without my passenger blurred as its against data protection, which i think is a bit odd. 'M' 4 Mugging After being forced to refund fines illegally imposed on 6000 drivers using the A303, Wiltshire Safety Camera Pratnership have cleared decided to teach us nasty drivers a lesson for our audacity. They plan to use mobile speed camera vans on the M4 to collect the money they need to refund their illegally imposed fines. It is reported that the trigger speed for the cameras will be set at 79mph. http://www.abd.org.uk/local/wiltshire.htm
  21. Interesting bit of news there scott!
  22. Thanks fred On second thoughts how about a redirect from your site hehe
  23. Alex

    My own red button

    How about this red button
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