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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Sorry my fault, I spoke with a company who were supposed to be sending me some samples, and i never got them. Then i completly forgot about them. I will get on the case this weekend and let you all know. Sorry!
  2. Hiya thanks for the comment, could you please post a link as an example. Thanks
  3. How's it now? You may need to force refresh "shift + f5"
  4. Wahoo all up and running again! If anyone has an issues with anything please let me know. Cheers
  5. Sounds like the perfect time to get your bikes cleaned and polished ;-)
  6. Hi everyone, sorry for the short notice but the Yamaha Owners Club wesSite will be down from 1300 GMT Tuesday 3/Feb so that we can move our hosting. This should take under 48 hours. Our new hosting will be on a distrubuted server platform which will mean that the site will be much more reliable and since several servers will be answering your queries rather than one, much much quicker :-) The inconvenience will be worth it!
  7. This has to be one of the funniest sites online, they are all stories from a guy who works for a design company called deMassi Jones. He makes fun of his co workers and are all true stories. His famous one was the 7 legged spider. The sites been around for a while but he has just updated it with asking to trade his furniture for a new motorbike. Check it out http://www.27bslash6.com/R1200GS.html The Party in Apartment 3 is great too
  8. Alex

    Server Hacked

    It's the second time in nearly 8 years the server has been hacked, so not too worried about it. More a pain than anything else, can't belive the hassle these guys will go through just to put a page up with their name to appear on other websites! I can understand hacking bank and government details but owners clubs....
  9. Alex

    Server Hacked

    It was really frustrating, I was running a training course in Essex and got a text from a friend to say the site had been hacked! Couldn't do anything until I got home :-( Oh well at least it was only a couple of hours.
  10. Alex

    Server Hacked

    Hi everyone sorry the site has been down today, someone thought they would be clever and hack my server. All users details, passwords etc are entirely safe and weren't compromised. They hacked my server and replaced a few files which brought the site down but there was no access to any of the databases. Anyway after a lot of work it's all back up and running! Ahmen.
  11. To keep you all updated, I'm waiting to hear back from Simon Belton the head of marketing with Yamaha in the UK. He needed to email someone else outside of Europe. In the meantime what type of stickers do you want? Planning on getting two types created.
  12. The person i needed to speak to wasn't there, so waiting for a call back. Typical.
  13. Alex


    Rebuilding my bike
  14. Alex


    From the album: Rebuilding

  15. Alex


    From the album: Rebuilding

  16. Alex


    From the album: Rebuilding

  17. Alex

    Out on Bike

  18. Alex

    In action

    From the album: Out on Bike

  19. Alex

    Forum Feedback

    Hi guys, thanks to those of you who have been giving feedback via the feedback tab on the left of the screen, and for those of you for putting up with it. It's not going to be up for much longer as the new software will be out at the end of the year. In the meantime we are still trying to collate as much feedback as possible about the use of this forum/functionality etc to ensure that the new board is much more user friendly. We are looking to simplify the forums and add additional areas so please let us know your thoughts.
  20. Actually asking Yamaha may be a possibility if i can get hold of the right people, Yamaha have given us the right to use all their imagery and brand content from their website. I will send them an email now. I'm not worried about being sued, as surely that would seriously compromise Yamaha's brand value by sueing a owners club who promote their products. The real typeface is obviously much better than me hacking another typeface to look similar. *EDIT* My email was bounced. They have removed the email contact I had, and from looking on their site they no longer take email enquiries! Will try and call tomorrow.
  21. I want to start a "good" product reveiw section, I know other forums have them but they are all pretty basic and not great. I am going to run a competition to write a product review to get this started. The product review must be for something related to your bike and have been purchased this year. I will pick the top 5 reviews, these will then be put into a poll for you guys to vote. If we start getting lots of reviews quickly (20+), I shall end this within a couple of weeks, if not I will wait until we have at least 20. The winner will receive $50 transfered by paypal. Now get writing!
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