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Everything posted by Alex

  1. The thing that puts me off it is that it looks like half the bike is made from the DT :shock: and this is a 600 not a 125, never rid one though but thats my concern
  2. Alex

    back brake

    Sounds like trapped air, rebleed the brakes :roll:
  3. That really is looking seriously mean, cant wait to see it finished 8)
  4. This is not fair reading these posts, i so want my old cr250 back! Yes i know im a traitor but defo the best mx bike i have ever been on :oops:
  5. Not sad at all 8) Here are my versions of R1JANs avatar :wink:
  6. Thought this would be interesting to see what some of our newer members look like 8)
  7. Alex

    WD40 Rules!!

    Dont we all mate
  8. Alex

    superb run!!

    Sorry to hear about that dai :shock: I suppose you will be sneaking out on your bros r6 8) Well i have spent nearly every passing hour over the weekend on my bike, trying to get used to riding it again :shock: My wrists feel like i have been standing on them all day or something :evil: I stupidly pulled over to speak to a bike cop to see if there was going to be any bikesafe courses in the area, forgetting i had a black visor, illegal can, and number plate :shock: And i was pleasantly surprised the police man couldnt give me enough info, and never said anything about the illegalities of my bike etc 8)
  9. Glad to hear you had fun mate, dont let mozzy here about your pants :wink:
  10. 15million bikes sold in 1 year :shock: I will bring you one back if i dont die from sars :wink:
  11. You cant even see what it looks like :shock:
  12. Yep give it a good clean and will be as good as new 8) Put a black seat cover on it and will love even better :wink:
  13. Yep always try and do everything yourself, as you never know when you may be the only one present :roll:
  14. Alex

    Devils Bridge

    Would love to take my bike round cadwell and have some nice photos of me airborne 8) However too far for me to go 220miles :cry:
  15. Alex

    Ymaha TZR-R

    Just realised it also has a different frame
  16. Alan dont remind me of changing a tyre, last time i did it i did exactly that!!!! After about an hour managed to get the tyre back on and pump it up then i realised that i must have nipped the tube as it went down as quick as i could pump it up :oops:
  17. THe hardest part is breaking the bead, lay wheel flat on a blanket or something and drive over the edge of the tyre in your dads motor and it will pop off the bead, then just use anything blunt to take the tyre off. Bloody pain in the arse they are, take the wheel off and just pay the garage thats my advice coz im lazy
  18. Alex

    Ymaha TZR-R

    Ooh interesting... my yamaha dealer were wrong then I was specifically told it was never a uk bike, oh well. Be interesting to know what the differences are ? Just a thought was the TZRR uk model a limited edition or something :?
  19. Alex


    Does the image not give it away :wink:
  20. Alex

    Ymaha TZR-R

    TZR-R is import only, my local yamaha dealer actually told my friend who was thinking of buying one to go with the NSR out of all the fast 125s, as both the cagiva and tzrr are extremely hard to get parts
  21. The only shaft bike ive ridden is my aunts Virago, thats pretty clunky too. Thinking of alternatives to chains, i saw a cruiser the other day that was belt driven looked the nuts but dont know what it is :?
  22. Alex

    WD40 Rules!!

    Shes probably faking it for you mate :wink:
  23. :hi tom Looking good, and at least a million times better than your CB :wink:
  24. Its amazing how dated the 98 looks :roll: Would still love to have it though 8)
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