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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    What's the diffirence

    Called a vin plate over here "Vehicle Identification Nmber"
  2. Alex

    Rounded Allen bolt!

    You could drill em and re tap it also
  3. Alex

    RAMMED by a car!

    Yeah a Hattori Hanzo Katana would rule As a cock up in the film though i dont think he actually ever made swords :roll:
  4. When i done my DAS everything was provided, but i still brought all my own gear as it takes a while for it all to wear in. Also looks better for the examiner if youve got your own stuff i think :roll: As for a helmet dont go with a brand, go with what fits properly! If your not 101% sure ask them in the shop and they will go through the options with you
  5. NIce to know its not just me that gets the shit :roll:
  6. Alex

    Im a geek!

    Im still saving for my anorak
  7. Alex

    Rounded Allen bolt!

    Not sure on what bolt you are talking about as then i could think about the amount of space you have to do it. If you can get an angle grinder there, buy a thin disk and cut a slot in it, then you can use a large screwdriver to unscrew it. If that fails it is possible to do the same with a dremel but it will take you hours :shock: But yes i have done it with hundreds of bits later Or the easiest way if you know someone who can weld, is to weld a nut onto the end via the hole in the middle then you can just stick a socket on. I hate allen head bolts as there is always someone before you who has used cheap allen keys which dont fit properly :evil: I always change any bolt that i can find if it even looks like its damaged, far easier in the long run
  8. Alex

    What's the diffirence

    I think on 96 models they were standard. However mine was maually added at a huge price :shock: Never realised how much they cost :roll:
  9. Alex


    Hi Tym, well i think that you will find us lot ok to get on with as all the freaks are now banned
  10. Alex

    What's the diffirence

    I thought the only difference was flatside carbs, close ratio box and single seat As i have had three yzfs (sort of) and they all have removable subframes, and adjustable front forks. Maybe the uk ones are different to yours :roll:
  11. Alex

    Im a geek!

    Well ive just realised that i must be a complete geek, why the hell am i still up and nearly 1 in the morning as usual on the internet! :shock: I am going to be a complete loss when i go travelling as i wont even be seeing a computer very often :roll: Think im going to have to buy a little tomy toy one
  12. Change the colour :shock: Is that a joke :? As ive never seen a kawasaki thats not green :shock: [edit] i lie i saw a black one a few days ago
  13. Yeah He has a habit of this, a few years back i had a 1990 rs turbo. It was absolutly mint and cost me £6k. After about a year of owning it my little brother who was about 5 at the time decided to draw around my car with a stone. Hence every single panel had to be resprayed :shock: And of course this completly wrecked the resale of my car and i ended up losing quite a few thousand because of that. Ive decided to wait until he gets his first car and is all excited then im going to stick a brick through the window :twisted:
  14. Alex

    RAMMED by a car!

    Yeah and that :shock:
  15. Well i am completly pi$$ed off i just remembered :evil: Today i realised that one of my ba$tard little brothers have scratched my rear panel on my bike getting his stupid bike out the garage! :evil: Their poxy bikes shouldnt even be in there! We have a 20x30ft shed they can keep there bloody bikes in :evil: What makes it worse is the fact that the rear panels were only just resprayed a few weeks ago, and it needs to be redone now as it has gone through to the plastic :evil: :evil: :evil:
  16. Alex

    RAMMED by a car!

    I just imagine when riding that every god damn car driver is out to kill me, so far its worked :roll:
  17. Hmm whats wrong with the new 636, i had a go on my friends and i would definatly swap it for my bike. I feel a lot more confident riding that than my bike :cry:
  18. Alex

    FZR1000 insurance

    Think it depends on the company :roll:
  19. Im still undecided whether or not im going to sell my bike, this has to be the hardest decision ive ever made
  20. Well im still living with my parents as ive been saving up for my travels, but my dad doesnt mind at all. However my mum doesnt really like me riding it as within my family we know of three people who have died in non fault motorcycle accidents, and my mums cousin had to have her legs amputated :shock:
  21. The DTR is the modern looking one if you know what i mean :roll:
  22. Hmm not too sure to be honest, im pretty sure that they are all the same, as my brothers 2000 had 2003 plastics on it. :?
  23. The YZ plastics fit DTs too 8)
  24. Id be alright as i would be wearing a nappy
  25. One clean looking bike 8)
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