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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Pot, Kettle, Black :wink:
  2. Right handers only coz i can give it more without having to worry about hitting an oncoming car :roll:
  3. Alex


    Yeah unless the finance owed is more than the value of the bike which is the norm
  4. Thought you bred them yourself mate :?
  5. Cheers everyone horrid getting older ! It means when i get back i will be 25 so will have to get a job :shock: And yes mozzy i did get a good seeing to, i think it was just because she forgot to get me a card though
  6. Alex

    so funny!!

    Not so sure about the music, but the cats cool
  7. I wonder what they taste like :?
  8. Slow enough to be able to stop if someone is parked stationary the other side as i fecking found out a while back :evil:
  9. I rode all over the place on my test, depending on where i got better visibility, this is what the examiner himself would do, so if this is how you would normally ride thats what i suggest. As for example on a left hand bend you would want to be on the right of the lane
  10. Was it not from 94 that ohlins came standard :?
  11. Have You got msn and a web cam :? :wink:
  12. Alex

    Right Lad's

    Yeah i feel sorry for them, you really shouldnt take the piss though. I try not to look at them when i see them as i too feel embarassed :oops:
  13. Hmm i dont actually know when i was born :? Happy birthday to your daughter by the way yammie
  14. Hey cheers guys, my hints worked :wink: Thanks for the kisses yammie anything else come with them :wink:
  15. Alex

    My YZF in 3D.

    I done something similar and fed the images into quicktime vr and had it as a mouse movable image, something to consider, you just need to get macromedia director. Way of cheating to make sure it spins properly, find the centre point and use string to the camera to make sure the distance is always the same :wink:
  16. I would have to go down stairs to watch ch5 and i cant be arsed, seen one before there mad ! all them weird instruments they use. Went and saw loads of dead people on display in london, a professor van gun or something like that as a sort of art show, people were skinned, and filled with resin and put in various poses etc
  17. Could come in handy next time you brake down and i cum to the rescue
  18. Ah an autopsy, thought it was something to do with bikes or cars or something auto-psi :oops:
  19. Alex

    My next bike

    Im lost too! What code :?
  20. Corr now youve said that its made me 100% certain
  21. The only reason he hasnt banned you Yammie Girl is because were still waiting for your skinny dipping photos :wink:
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