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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Get posting again you lazy b*****! And welcome back of course
  2. It was originally done, but its hard enough to get some users to post at all, let alone route plans etc so we got rid of it
  3. Alex

    MotoGP Winner

    I so want yamaha to put honda to shame
  4. I seem to remember M&P doing them a while back on a leaflet i had sent through.
  5. You both got pretty good bargains there!
  6. Looking good mate, looks like its going to take some work though!
  7. Do they have smaller jets?
  8. Yeah as scott says check that the actual starter is turning, as it could also be the connections at the end of the solenoid. The solenoid may be throwing across but when it reaches the contact which makes the connection to start the starter maybe dirty.
  9. Yeah they can be a nightmare half of mine unwound with the studs, which made it easier to replace them!
  10. Alex

    Send your :)

    Take a bucket with you as im sure you will have a lot of bad memories at your age
  11. Alex


    Did you buy it off Mozzy, as i hear that him and his missus have some good videos
  12. Alex

    Road Signs

    Well if im ever in government! or maybe we could get the whole country in on it and do it ourselves
  13. The worst one for me are the prats that sit in the 'fast lane' going as slow if not slower than the outside lanes! And here in australia nearly every fecker sits in the inside lane! i get so stressed driving here, aussies must be the worst drivers ever!
  14. Alex

    Send your :)

    Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you... oh you know the rest have a good one mate!
  15. Alex

    Pissed Off

    Only cost me a beating from my dad... bargain
  16. Alex


    Youve lost me baz!
  17. Sounds interesting im back home by the end of march so hopefully the tarmac would have started to warm up
  18. Alex

    flip up lids

    Yeah it certainly gave me a fright!
  19. Nori is definatly my favorite rider, i just love his powerslides!
  20. Alex

    flip up lids

    After a very close call i would never use a flip up helmet ever again, i borrowed my brothers once last summer! I was sat at the traffic lights in the summer in my leathers feeling the lovely heat coming out from underneath me so i had the face up on the helmet to keep you a bit cooler as you can. Flicked the lid back down and drove off, just before lane changing i turned to do my life saver and the front popped up half way so i couldnt see shit! I know it was my fault for not having clicked it down properly but would never use one again after that.
  21. Alex

    Pissed Off

    I done exactly the same thing mate! Was pissing down outside so couldnt spray in the garage because of the moisture. So brought the wing inside the kitchen, masked up all the surfaces and put blankets everywhere. So thought no one would know... I thought all the paint particles would just fall to the floor... but they didnt they were over every single brick on the walls in the kitchen, over the aga and everywhere. I had to t cut off the fridge freezer, the aga had to stripped and repainted, and my dads favorite brick walls were rendered over! He got the brick arch over the aga sand blasted but made so much mess decided not to with the walls. One of the many times i was in shit as a kid!
  22. Alex


    Trying is so much better
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