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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    pet hates (again)

    Glad shes ok mate, sue the bastard!
  2. £12 for 10 NIPPLES!!!!! Bargain let me at them
  3. Alex


    Me being me cant just have a 'learner' one i had to go the full works and get a 7 channel one, and even with the learner sticks on the bottom AND a gyro still managed to crash it loads. Never learned to fly it and now thinking about getting another one when i get back as i cant accept failure!!!
  4. Alex

    hi all

    I think he needs to visit more often!
  5. For that i would do anything!
  6. Alex

    TRX 850

    I hate the simplist probs because i never find them until ive tried every thing possible!
  7. My testicles would be cut off without a doubt!
  8. If you liked parasailing you should have a go at parabungy! That is quite good, you are on a platform that lifts to about 150m by a parasail and then you jump off!
  9. My dads friend has one never stops going on about it to me! Hes never said a bad thing about it, and i know its had quite a few track days. Unfortuatly cant ask him anything as im out of the country
  10. Alex


    Yeah you can buy tiny wireless videocameras for models. Sadly this is from experience! I used to have a helicopter which had one, i had it for about 6 months then gave up with it. Took me about the same time just to get the stupid thing to hover and cost me a fortune everytime it tipped and smashed the rotors! Wish i had kept it up though, as apparantly they fly identical to a real one and it is possible to go from a model to the real thing! Well thats if someone would let you! Out in in Australia i bet a sub would be quite fun especially ramming the sharks with it! And looking for nemo!
  11. Thinking of flying im off to a school tomorrow to find out about hanggliding and gliding lessons, just for a bit of fun as the weather has turned shite!
  12. Alex

    Go-Karts on Ice?

    Yeah couldnt see a bike rider winning considering F1 drivers propably spent a few thousand hours in one
  13. Alex

    Tyre Presure

    Interesting read there mark
  14. Alex

    hi all

    Alright mate glad to have another new user aboard! Well im from a little shitey town called Steyning, which is about 15mins from Brighton. At the moment though i am a nomad and have no fixed abode, currently travelling round Australia.
  15. Alex

    i left her

    Are you sure you didnt get dumped? I think she found your stash of mags in the back of the van!
  16. Alex

    i left her

    Thats what they all say mate!
  17. Yeah it was pretty cool! Im actually just looking at how much it will cost to get me a PPL so i can learn to fly... god i need a job
  18. Well this is my latest adventure and it was truely amazing. I had an aerobatic flight is this little plane, a Pitts Special 2A. I got to do barrel rolls, loops, snap turns, stall recovery, inglerom manauvres and every other type of manouvre you can think of ! Unfortunatly though it wasnt the slightest bit scary, i thought being such a little plane it would be jumping all over the place. But to be honest the plane ride was so smooth it felt completly normal whilst doing all the aerobatics. The only annoying thing was that i really wanted to know how much g we were pulling in some of the manouvres but it was waaaayy to much to get my head forward to see the guages! Anyway all i can say is that this IS one of the things you have to do before you die! And now i have decided that im going to have to learn to Fly. With my latest two hobbies of scuba and skydiving, along with motorbikes, cars and eventually flying im going to have to get a proper job!
  19. Alex

    Send your :)

    34 Today acording to the site! Hmm is it correct
  20. Alex

    long way round

    Havent even heard of it!
  21. Oh yeah i forgot i had the dreaded snapping one too!!! Couldnt get it out with a stud remover even after heating it up so had to weld a spanner on to it!
  22. I bet 150mph would shit you up half inch from the ground!
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