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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Well i personally wouldnt use car oils, im no scientist obviously. But jsut from the diffences between cars and bikes, would like to hope that the oils are infact designed differently. Cars generally have separate oil between engine and gearbox. Bikes generally use the same oil in engine and gearbox and clutch. And yes i know some cars and bikes have dry clutches and other stuff.
  2. Alex

    yzf600 1995

    The 1997 model was 85.6bhp, torque 44.3ft/lb's cant be much different for the 95 Check out www.cybersportbike.com/breviews/yamaha/yamYZF600.htm
  3. Alex


    yeah it was a shame they were brought out by HRC Im going to have to get another trials in the near future
  4. Alex


    I never realised he was originally a stand up comic
  5. Bollocks this computer hasnt got flash and cant install it
  6. Alex

    Radio contest..

    Heard it before but still made me laugh
  7. Alex

    Polish haircut

    Jesus christ! Luckily for me i dont live there as i would be getting a trim everyday of the week lol. However this blonde looks like a man!
  8. Alex


    The one in the red thinks hes well hard
  9. So shes got Bleeding great big nipples hahaha
  10. Well before i came away being a freelance designer, i ended up spending more days off then i should have. I would ride my bike at least 2 hours a day everyday of the week. And go out all weekend. As much as i love my bike if i hadnt have spend so long riding the dam thing i wouldnt be in as much debt as i am now But my poor bike hasnt been out the garage for about 7 months now, the nearest i get to my bike is reminding my dad to turn the front wheel, as i forgot to get a front stand
  11. Hey my dad used to have an old Bultaco Sherpa 350 Twin shock, i used to love riding it, but wasnt as good as my motessa
  12. Well im a tart only taken my bike out in the wet when ive had to ride it home, and yes i need a nappy bigtime, or maybe some better tyres for the wet. It just annoys me too much having to clean it all again though.
  13. Alex


    I thought that Meet the Fockers was allright, but it was just the same gags over again from the first film
  14. Alex

    my mum comes here

    Yes Mozzysmum, one of the kids gets jiggy with his mates mum
  15. When my bike was wrote off it looked so minor, until they told me the frame was twisted! I thought it was just the wheel pushed out of alignment or a bent spindle!
  16. Why hello there Suzi Sounds like you've been clocking up the ks on your bike, so where in spain are you from?
  17. Alex


    I watched Ray yesterday that was a good film
  18. Alex

    Show us yourself!

    The only prob is though if this gets too famous he might get tv spots!
  19. Alex

    my mum comes here

    Well hello there Mozzys mum, have you seen American Pie By the way Derek WHAT a lovely pair of socks
  20. Havent heard of that must be shit scary!
  21. Just another thought to mention, there is also a points system where the frame/chasis is worth a certain amount of credit. Engine and stuff are also included but cant remember what is what... can anyone else help out here i cant remember! ... Theres a change
  22. Is your bike unrestricted i cant remember, because if its not there is no point adding a K&N
  23. Have you sprayed before, if you have any experience spraying definatly use two pack paint. Do you have a compresser and spray gun? If not go to a "proper" paint supplier (not halfords) and get the right paint and get them to put it in the cans with the funny nozzle thing on the end. You get a much more uniform spray and it sprays in a line rather than a circle so you get a much precise overlay on the paint. Not sure if new plastics come primed but if not make sure you use some scotchbrite to key up the plastics and thoroughly clean. Then use a decent clear plastic primer, before using a normal primer on top. Keep rubbing it down after everyother layer with P800-1000 until it is uniform all over. If any small holes use some putty/stopper to fill. The main thing to say is to take your time, 100 thin layers will be better than 2 crap ones. So take your time and if you get any runs or imperfections, do not try and put more paint on, or blow it, touch it, or anything. Let it dry and lightly sand it down. Before spraying again. Only spray in the same direction, and try not to let the paint dry when spraying, overlap each line of spray to keep the paint wet underneath then you wont get any visible spray lines. Once the surface is perfect then laquer it and hey presto!
  24. Check the seals around the side of the airfilter to make sure that nothing is passing around the airfilter and blocking the jets
  25. Alex


    That does look the dogs bollocks Scott But i meant when i brought my montessa about 7 years ago, the yams were no way as good as they are now. Not upto date anymore with trials so not sure how they really compete though.
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