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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Or just sit there in 1st with the clutch in, wind the throttle right back and hold it, then just let go of the clutch
  2. Well its valentines day soon so maybe you could ask for one
  3. Oh i would love that engine in my bike, then again to be honest i cant mak the most of my bike and its only a stage 2. I would shit my self with that in it!
  4. Yeah take the plug out and check for fuel, if it has fuel it could be flooded. So let dry out and try again. If still not working post again
  5. Preventative maintance sure is cheaper though
  6. Yeah it was just my girlfriend that time, but she knows im a perv
  7. Alex


    Yep thats why im on the complete opposite of the focking place!
  8. Have you got R6 thongs
  9. Alex

    Show us yourself!

    Well i always wondered what you look like gaz! Anyway heres a lovely pic of me a few days ago, on a 3night scuba trip off the reef around the whitsunday islands in australia. The pictures a bit shite as the camera was in its waterproof housing and the lens was wet, but im sure you will get the jist.
  10. Yeah my bike doesnt get wet either
  11. hehehe could be a prob! I would phone for you but im in oz
  12. Yippee.... nice little arse
  13. Alex

    Polish haircut

    I just love looking at this stuff in the internet cafes havent been thrown out one yet
  14. Alex


    Come on i was wearing flouresnt socks and a shell suit then, i was probably out roller booting or something equally crap!
  15. Alex


    Hmmm Cajun Chicken
  16. Alex

    Show us yourself!

    When i find an internet cafe which doesnt have the usb ports disabled i will show you a lovely pic of me, actually there must be one on here somewhere
  17. Alex


    Try and get a WR if you can
  18. Alex

    First Bike

    Well i with Scott, my first ever bike was a '83 Honda Z50R with all 3 gears
  19. Alex


    Now Mozzy is that you or your mum?
  20. Alex


    Yeah i dont think we got that programme over in the UK, wasnt that also the show that Jim Carey started in?
  21. The only prob with aftermarket fibreglass fairings is they never fit as good though. It always seems they take moulds off the originals and neglet the shrinkage
  22. Just phone your local yam dealer up im sure they will tell you over the phone, they only have to look in a book
  23. Sorry mate but i obvioulsy dont understand what your getting at. Ignition systems i think you are on about. Allow you to change the advance or retard ie if your running low or high compresion such as a turbo, or running nitrous, where the ignitiion is timed differnetly. Or changing gear for example. They can also allow multiple sparks. They can also protect the engine against detonation, set rpm limits. They also allow set fixed ignition curves, so in theory you can run the bike differntly for track day than on the road at a touch of a button. Some also tell you top dead centre. My uncle who used to ride gp would be able to explain better, so will try to get hold of him as he has bored me to death about ignitions before. But like i said before unless you are a serous racer on a serious bike you wouldnt notice the difference. There are more things you can spend your money on to get bigger bhp improvements than changing your ignition.
  24. Let me get this right. You mean that the carb isnt get any fuel when the filter is connected, and the fuel chamber isnt filling up?
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