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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    Bloody Aussies

    Well i will never know now. I had all the work completed and have now sold the car. The car was booked in for monday but the new owner is going to take it down. Which is good as it meant that i could leave australia earlier, so im now off to singapore tomorrow. Trying to stuff my face today and at the airport as ive know idea what sort of food i will be eating. Fingers crossed that the food is nice and the plane doesnt crash! Had a really good flight in china!
  2. Alex

    yzf r1-r6 etc

    My bike is a YZF-750R the thundercat is a YZF-600R the thunderace is a YZF-1000R But none of these are a YZF-R1, YZF-R6 or a YZF-R7 All different bikes. Presume YZF jsut means its part of the sports family rather than motorcross, cruisers, etc
  3. Alex

    yzf r1-r6 etc

    I think you should just delete your post! The r1 is a YZF-R1 (1000cc) the r6 is a YZF-R6 (600cc) But both are differnt bikes, but so to speak the R6 is a baby version of the R1
  4. Alex


    Doesnt work mate, unless you give us your password
  5. Alex

    R6 vs FZ6S

    Yeah i dont think it has the same brakes as the R6 anymore either?
  6. Yeah for some reason they still keep sending me 3 catalogues through, and of course the special offer ones They do do some cheap stuff, i got my micron paddock stand from them, with the erm my brain has gone, the bits you screw onto the swing arm? Cant think of what they are called, and anyway was cheaper than M&P just for the stand
  7. Alex


    I can always remember holding my little brother outside a shop in brighton, he must have been about 3 and he pointed to the massive black security guard next to us and pointed saying monkey! I could have died, but luckily the bloke had a really good sense of humour and pissed himself! Thought i was gonna get a kicking!
  8. Alex

    First Bike

    Well im off to do a bit of travelling in south east asia, starting in singapore tomorrow. So wonder what joys of food i will have to put up with again. Well at least i will be home next month to stuff myself with normal food again!
  9. Alex


    I cant remember how old it was when he had it, i was only little but must have been 5-6 years old so cant have been worth that much either! Lot of hard work to steal one of them bastards
  10. Alex

    Guess the bike

    Well done Alan! I remember now it was designed by Carl Neracher but im pretty sure it was older than 1921... will have to check with pete
  11. Were definatly going to have to ban that word, or bring back the auto word replacement
  12. Alex

    the bar

    Hi suggy, yeah some pics would be good, welcome to the forum by the way
  13. Alex


    My uncle had his pan european stolen years ago. It was in the back of his garage with his car parked in front and shuttered in. They had actually lifted it over the top of his van to get it out!!! He first realised when he took his car out and realised all the roof was dented! How many fockers did it take to lift that thing then!
  14. Alex


    Well always wanted to see ol nessie, but my girlfriend never took me, it cant be more than an hour from bridge-of-weir!
  15. Thats a smart looking bike, you would certainly stick out on that
  16. Alex

    Guess the bike

    Cor theyve had some improvement! This is really going to annoy me
  17. Alex

    Guess the bike

    Well i was just going through my travel pics, and have forgotten what this bike was? Does anyone know. Im pretty sure it was one of the first motorbikes ever made, pretty cool that it has hub centre steering
  18. I must admit i had a couple of hondas and couldnt fault them at all. I had an 83` Z50R and a 92 (I think) CR250 and both were excellent
  19. They havent got my bike on there
  20. I seem to remember a few years ago a pro boxer doing the same thing. Must have been funny to watch a Pro boxer trying to look like he cant fight
  21. Alex

    First Bike

    Yeah i would have died for a pasty! Its annoying because i didnt get to take photos of the other foods as the people starting shouting at me when i got my camera out, i wish i had just taken them now... Now let me see... dog, ducks intestines, ox stomach, tongue, snake, frog, fish heads, hmm cant think of anything else off the top of my head. I didnt dare try the scorpian kebabs after that lot just wanted normal food!
  22. Alex

    Endo Game

    Well i just get almost the same everytime... and cant get over 26
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