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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Bet they are bigger than the bike
  2. When i was pulled in oz the exact words from the cop were do you know how fast you were going.... I so nearly said the one about not fast enough as you caught me up. Wish i had said it now, now that they keep sending me court letters home
  3. Alex


    Well if you had a YZ it would be easier! Not that that helps I know these guys have them for the YZ, might be worth a call to see if they can make you up a set. http://www.mxm.co.uk/motocross_makes/yamaha.html Ebay have some older ones for sale, so might be worth just keep checking. Otherwise carefully draw them up on Illustrator and have them cut out of vinyl. I know that they wont be the originals but if thats all you can get.
  4. Alex

    R6 vs FZ6S

    I hate to admit it though, but the SV isnt too bad, i had one for a month as a hire bike. Took me a while to trust it though
  5. Thinking about it, why not save some money and just squeeze some deep heat in them
  6. Alex

    I Predict......

    Nori is my favorite I just love the power slides
  7. Maybe you should stick to cars hehehe
  8. I know that you can buy reverse kits not sure if they do one or not for your bike. Have you checked with your dealer?
  9. You can also get them furry hand warmer type things that fit around the end of the bars
  10. Alex

    R6 vs FZ6S

    Im sure the R6 kill your wrists too
  11. i still like the bikes, i think its the innovative front brakes that do it for me. What did it stop like?
  12. Alex

    t.cat mirrors

    Yeah pattern parts always generally suck
  13. Strange looking though I only thought they were about 90bhp?
  14. Alex

    Bike with reverse?

    Always remember seeing my mate on his Cagiva 125 thinking he was jack the lad do that and slam into the car behind him And before that he used to have a RD which i had seen it happen on a few times too!
  15. I can remember doing my CBT on a Cg125 i felt like i was inn walace and grommit!
  16. Alex

    Guess the bike

    Ill see what i can find
  17. Alex

    Bloody Aussies

    Yeah my plane leaves to singapore in about another 3 hours. And will be home next month
  18. Alex


    Yeah i know, i was thinking that i hope he didnt think that i whispered something to my brother and he said it
  19. Alex


    I always have wanted a KTM just never got round to seeing one i want, and having the money at the same time
  20. Alex

    Who can do this?

    I saw some prat doing that outside a club in Brighton, but the funny thing was he still managed to come off, must have gone up to quickly
  21. Alex

    Guess the bike

    Well the museum got back to me, after Alan and filled me in, but heres what they said. The Neracar was created by Carl A Neracher, built by the Ner-A-Car Corporation in Syracuse, New York in 1921 and also in Sheffield, England later that year. Carl Neracher acquired a patent for the Neracar in the USA in 1919 and with financing help from razor maker King C. Gillette began production two years later. The Neracar was aimed at people who wanted a comfortable vehicle but couldn't afford a car. And was advertised as "300 miles for a dollar" and 85-100 miles to a gallon and a speed of 35mph. It featured a single cylinder 13.5 (221cc) cubic inch engine and used friction drive by means of a fabric coated wheel rubbing a flywheel which causes friction and in turn creates motion and a lever to slide the wheel to different positions for changing ratios and acting as different gears (three speed). Also unique to the Neracar was the center hub steering system. The British Neracar also known as the Sheffield Simplex version, as it was made under license by the Simplex Luxury Carmaker in Sheffield, England. It featured a larger engine 285cc two-stroke, and in 1925 was upgraded to a 350cc engine, known as the Blackburne and Model C. While the American version engine size was increased to 15.5 cubic inch in 1924 and was known as the Model B. The Ner-A-Car corporation stopped making Neracar's in the USA, after the 1924 production model, due to lack of popularity. Production also ceased in England in 1926 after a new luxurious and expensive hybrid model failed, the company closed it's motorcycle division .
  22. Well mine was when i used to race motorcross. I had stripped and rebuilt the engine on my CR250 and just could get it started. By now it was late in the evening and couldnt wait any longer for my Dad. So i decided to tow it, unfortunatly for me i was too impatient. So asked my Grandad to tow me down our lane. However... The bike started up no problem after about 20 metres, but my Grandad forgot he was towing me and just kept going! By this time im shouting and swearing at him to stop, but he still hasnt realised and is still listening to talk fecking radio, about women with period pain. I can see some of my girl friends walking down the road, and luckily in a way my grandad realised who they were and stopped to say hello. Now at last my grandad realised what he had done, waved out the window to me and decided to do a U turn. Dragging the bike on its side and pulling me down the road for about 5m before i fell off, and he just kept going for about 100m completely fecking up all the plastics and frame on my poor bike! In front of my dream girl and her mates... I wanted to kill him!!!!
  23. Hey welcome back, wondered where you had been?
  24. Alex

    Strange Bikes

    Fock riding that jet bike, without a helmet and leathers
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