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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Well i have brought an old Mk3 Golf 16v, cant believe how slow it is compared to my old Mk2. But anyway was cheap and needed a car, now its been pi$$ing it down everyother day. To get to the point for the insurance to be valid for theft, i need to provide a VSIB certificate to prove i have an alarm fitted. The car has a clifford concept 300, but i dont have the certificate and do not know who fitted it. I spoke to my local clifford dealer and they tell me they cant issue me a new installation certificate because the no longer make that alarm. But the insurance company say it doesnt matter i just need to provide proof i have one. And they will only take a VSIB certificate as proof. Anyone got any ideas, or anyone i can talk to as i dont want to pay for a new alarm when it already has a working one
  2. Alex

    virus alert

    Im sure the beer will work fine
  3. Well thats what i did when i had my DTR
  4. Alex


    I wasnt here either
  5. Alex

    A bit of cleaning

    Nope its like ive never been away...
  6. Maybe hes so ashamed hes using an alias
  7. I was worried about the same thing when i got mine, but seem to remember it was fine
  8. Im pretty sure your not affected, it was for new licences, so in theory you dont have a new licence, because your bike gets added on later if you see what i mean
  9. Alex

    A bit of cleaning

    IVe heard youve got a floppy anyway
  10. Alex

    A bit of cleaning

    Hope you didnt get it over the lines
  11. What is it now for new drivers, 6 points and banned?
  12. Alex

    A bit of cleaning

    Did you colour the writing in yourself? My wheels need a serious clean
  13. Alex

    Rim trims

    Not as bad as i had imagined!
  14. Calm down ladies, or i will get my handbag out!
  15. Alex

    Making Love

    The Italian says, "When I have a-finished makina love with my girl-a-friend, I go down and gently tickle the back of her knees. She floatsa 6 inches abova da bed in ecstasy". The Frenchman replies, "Zat is nothing, when Ah 'ave finished making ze love with ze girlfriend Ah kiss all ze way down her body and zen Ah lick ze soles of her feet with mah tongue and she floats 12 inches above ze bed in pure ecstasy". The Irishman says, "Dat's nottin'. When Oi've finished shaggin' me bord,I get out of da bed, walk over to d'window and wipe me knob on da curtain. She hits da fockin' roof.
  16. You should move closer to brighton
  17. Change your date of birth in your profile, then you wont age so quickly
  18. Alex

    MOT time

    Yep mine too Have just stuck the NORMAL exhaust back on too Had to have the headlamps adjusted for somereason were fine last year
  19. Just need the pics of you in your birthday suit
  20. Use a bike cable, and gear lever, so you can manually open and close it, otherwise you lose bottom end power
  21. Happy Birthday Seven
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