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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    Forum update

    Yeah that should be fixed, there was another software update and I changed some caching settings to speed up the site. I didn't realise it was caching the forum pages which it shouldn't. Are you still getting issues?
  2. Nice idea, but my sexy one piece body condom wouldn't fit. Will have to just keep my eye out for the right tail pack.
  3. That would have been perfect if half the size Still has the hassle of taking on and off, I'll eventually get the right tail bag, just harder to find than expected.
  4. Alex

    Biker down course

    Have you done anything with IAM or BMF?
  5. Yamaha don't make a specific tail bag. Ironically I didn't even think about a tank bag, even though I've had a bagster tank cover with mounts on for the last year. I've just kept it on to stop the tank getting scratched when parked amongst the bikes outside work. I'll take a look but I don't think they do any tank bags which still give easy access to the filler cap. Had a look at Kriega but they look like bags and I'm quite vain, I'd like something which looks like a small shell bag, similar to the hard shell type motorbike backpacks.
  6. I've had enough carrying a backpack just to carry my waterproofs and disc lock, can anyone recommend a smallish tail bag I can leave permanently on the bike?
  7. Alex

    Forum update

    @blackhat250 Should be fixed now, are they working for you?
  8. Alex

    Biker down course

    I wish they had something like Bikerdown out here, all the training that I've found so far is track based. Which sort of defeats the object for me. They don't teach SMIDSY out here, not sure why. Anyone who doesn't know of it.
  9. Alex

    Forum update

    Yeah I've noticed that, I'm still waiting for support to get back to me on it. Oh well we have super smilies now, animated gifs!
  10. Alex

    Forum update

    Just to confirm, everything is ok now for everyone?
  11. Alex

    Forum update

    Hi, yeah there was an issue over the weekend, the hosting company auto upgraded Linux which needed patching which took the server down.
  12. Alex

    Ear protection

    @bippo I haven't seen the C4 out here, will have to take another look and see if can be ordered from anywhere. I've currently got the Shark Evoline 3 flip which lets a lot of wind noise through, that and the horrid droning when commuting is awful. That aside, I got the new plugs through and tried them this morning and they are noticably better than the previous foam ones I was using.
  13. Alex

    Forum update

    Hi all, it was that time I was dreading, updating the forum software, luckily it all went smoothly! Few new things you might notice: Post before registering - allows new users to pre post and then register. Hopefully that'll help increase our members Animated GIFs - Not sold on this, but I've had a few requests so let's see how it goes Faster! - Lazy loading images and better image optimization As always let me know if you notice any issues. Cheers Alex
  14. Alex

    Ear protection

    I'm tempted by the Schuberth C3 Pro Helmet, just expensive and I can't get one to try before buying.
  15. Alex

    Ear protection

    What helmet are you using and did it actually make much difference?
  16. Alex

    Ear protection

    I've had enough of listening to the droning noise from the akropovic on my commutes and have just ordered some 'better' foam ear plugs (Hearos Xtreme Protection NRR 33). I'm now thinking I should have gone down the custom route, is anyone using them?
  17. Alex


    Happy Christmas all. I’ve got the Ghost it’s a good cam just annoying you can’t charge off computer. I can see my quad lock kit wrapped up ?
  18. Yeah pros and cons. Thinking of weight penalites though, I ride with a helmet cam doesn't have any noticable difference. However it did save my and my insurance when I was hit by a taxi in the bus lane a few months back. Taxi driver drove off, luckily i had it all on video.
  19. Have you had a look at anti-vibration inserts? Such as these, much better than just heavier bar ends https://fasstcoaustralia.com.au/products/anti-vibration-inserts Also could try using anti vibration bars which MX riders use, check Protaper have heard a lot of good reviews about their bars.https://www.protaper.com/product/32/contour-handlebars/black
  20. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/308263621/jarvish-the-smartest-motorcycle-helmet-ever-made/description Looks interesting.
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