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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    Hehe that makes two of us
  2. Alex


    As it appears quite a few of us on here are on Facebook i have created a Yamaha Owners Club group. http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=28376722388 Hope to see you all on there too :-)
  3. Alex

    Well, of course

    Wow you've sure got some amazing riding out there. On a second note that really looks like the bridge from Beetlejuice ;-)
  4. Please can you ensure that any images in signatures do not exceed 100 pixels in height, this will make sure that threads are much easier to read.
  5. Alex

    Crazy Swedish!

    Yeah it's insane. I can't believe it still!
  6. Adverts have been temporarily removed until the new forum is sorted out. We will then look to only show advertisements to free members. Hope this removes some of the pain in the mean time :-) But please keep the comments and any constructive criticism coming.
  7. Alex

    Crazy Swedish!

    Oh my god is all i can say... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7636577.stm
  8. Hi everyone there are some great suggestions coming here so please keep them up :-) I will make sure that these issues are sorted for the new release of the board, another aspect of the board i think needs looking at are the categories. These were set up a long time ago when there were only a few hundred members and probably need analysing. So any suggestions most welcome. On the top navigation there is a link called "My Controls" click there. Then under the heading "Personal Profile" select "Edit Profile Information" and you can edit your bike listing on that screen. Thanks everyone
  9. Alex


    Hiya, to respond to some of the comments, the colour scheme for the forum is yes a bit AWOL to the rest of the site design. We have been holding off on redesigning the skin for the forums as the new release of IPB is so substantial that the chance of the existing templates working is extremely slim. The new version is about to go to beta testing so it will be released by the end of this year. @Mason - Please try and leave constructive criticism. It is rather ironic that you used the feedback box to tell us to remove it ;-) As for removing the banners we will be implementing this for paying members shortly. As wild foamy says the running of the forums and news section are costly. (I have personally paid for this from my own pocket for nearly the last 7 years) As for the adverts, these are not cost per impression banners. The Yamaha Club only receives money if one of you actually purchase a policy, they are cost per acquisition. I am closing this thread as it is duplicated here Please reply there. Thanks for your comments
  10. Hi Cynic that's a good idea to have a character limit for the bike listings. We are trying to get as much feedback as possible in the upcoming weeks before IPB 3.0 is released, this way we can work out all the required improvements to be made and carry them out on the new board. Unfortunately we won't be making changes until the new version of the forum software is released, otherwise we are duplicating work and some issues maybe fixed in the new release. The upcoming release of IPB looks great and has many more useful features such as: Improved board index The board index features a collapsible sidebar, showing relevant information such as recent topics, top posters and more. User control panel The control panel was a big focus right from the start. We first knew we were going to remove the messenger from the UCP, since it didn't fit conceptually. What was left has been redesigned, with settings broken down into tabbed sections, showing only the menu for that section - this should prevent new users from being overwhelmed when they open their UCP and seeing so many links. Messenger system User profiles Redesigned, bringing them more into line with what users might expect from their favorite social networking sites. Recent Activity feed Allows you to see quickly what content a user has contributed recently, be it topics or posts, calendar events, images and more. Media tag New bbcode tag, which will insert all kinds of media right into a post. If you put a YouTube link in a media tag, it'll insert the YouTube player; similarly, if you link to a Flickr album, it'll insert a Flickr slideshow. If anyone wants to read more about it, you can read away on the IPB Blog?
  11. Hi Goff, yes I meant improved ... was in a rush as normal. As for sponsorship to remove ad's that is a possibility and should be reasonably straight forward to do and i will look into it. For the issue with signatures it's very easy to set a file size but not for dimensions, of course you can ask people to ensure that their signature is a certain size, but it is extremely hard to moderate. I will look and see if i can find a plugin so users can turn off the ability to see other users signatures. Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming, striving to make this the best forum out there :-)
  12. Hi Goff, thank you for your feedback. To answer some questions the feedback box isn't removable it is there to provide feedback on how members feel the site can be improved. It will be removed at a later date, but is staying for the moment to improve the site for the users. As for the adverts, the site uses considerable bandwidth and needs to be paid for some how. I've run the site and paid for the last 7 years personally to keep it running. Now the site has over 12,000 members on the forums, and about 45,000 visits a day to the news releases it is costing a lot of money in bandwidth. If you would like to contribute/sponsor to the cost of running this site for the removal of the adverts please let me know. As for distracting signatures maybe you should set an example and remove your animated gif ;-)
  13. Alex

    US Yamaha Forum

    With you on this Goff, not sure why you would be posting another forum with no activity, seems self promotion!
  14. Alex

    Finally back home!

    Nope can't speak any of the African languages... luckily for me they all spoke English :-) Yeah it's pretty amazing these days since Russel Brice started exhibitions up Everest how heavily trafficked it is from people like me! Nick Heil has just wrote a good book "Dark Summit" about it and Russel Brice.
  15. Hi got this email, and those who have an R1 around slough may be interested? "I am trying to find owners of the Yamaha YZF-R1 for some bike market research taking place in Slough 20/21/22 May (evening). The group discussiions are 2 hours long and respondents get £70 for coming along. This is purely market research and if anyone can help could the contact me Ros Preston on 0208 866 3792/07986 583822 and I can give more information. I confirm in writing. Thank you. Ros "
  16. Hello everyone! Well I'm sure by now, judging by how many new members there are that probably about 60% of you have no idea who I am... but for those who do... I'm finally back in the country after spending time in Africa raising around £12000 for the Amani Children's home, which is an orphanage in a little town called Moshi in Tanzania. Here are some friends and I at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, it was -20C hence the hats. I have to say it was the hardest thing I have done. I just can't begin to describe how hard trekking is at altitude. This is one of the incredible views I would wake up to every morning, this one is on the way up to base camp. I really want to climb everest next, but that exhibition is about 70 days... and £30k! eek a lot of saving ;-) And here is one of the kids from the home. It was strange to be without the internet for so long.. but now i'm back raring to go, although sad and glad at the same time ;-) It wasn't all fun and games though, I've been away with work too... So what you all been up to?
  17. Alex

    XT Bliss

    Looking good up there Scott! Thinking of posting, i've been slack as... since getting back from Kili. Need to write one up speak soon off to go enjoy seeing South Africa lose at rugby ;-)
  18. Welcome mate! Would post more but of course have to get fully prepared for the Rugby later ;-)
  19. Well im home finally, and really need to get my arse out and stick a post up with the details and some photos once i have the time after trying to catch up with my work.
  20. Stop spamming!... you could have put some more bloody info on there too!
  21. Thanks for the sponsorship Drewpy Thundercat i'm sure it will be the hardest thing i have ever done. It is supposed to be the easiest mountain to climb up, but from speaking to people who have done it before the real killer is the altitude. As of course you cant train for altitude sickness, and obviously i dont have any big mountains near me i can use to acclimatise I'm hoping that my D80 will continue to work at -20C so i can get some photos at the summit, i will post it up once im back and recovered... Cheers guys
  22. Hi fellow Yamaha riders. Thank you for reading this post as i know it has nothing to do with motorbikes. I am raising money for the Amani Children's Home in Tanzania by battling altitude sickness climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro (the Worlds 4th Highest mountain) on the 1st of September. The Amani Children's Home rescues children from the perils of life on the streets in Tanzania, who face a high risk of HIV transmission and malnutrition. Whilst in Tanzania I will also be visiting the children's home and meeting the children and careers there. Amani really is a fantastic charity. Unlike a large, international charity that has fundraisers sitting in offices writing adverts back in London, Amani is a small, grass-roots charity that is making a huge difference. Amani adheres to strict accounting standards which are overseen by the international trustees of the charity. At Amani a little really does go a long way. Here are just some of the figures: * $20 (£12) - Feeds one child for one month * $50 (£28) - Provides medical care for one child for one year * $150 (£83) - Pays complete primary school fees (tuition, fees, uniform, school lunch, etc.) for one child * $348 (£178) - Provides full care for one child for a year (school, clothing, food, medical care, and counseling) Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and the largest freestanding mountain in the world (world’s fourth highest peak). It's as cold as -20°C and 19,340 Feet. I'm covering all of the costs of the trip from my own money so 100% of your donation will go to the Amani Children’s Home. So please feel free to sponsor me for each toe that drops off, or how high I make it until I'm bending over with altitude sickness the choice is yours ;-) Wish me luck, and I do hope you can sponsor me. No matter how small the amount, every penny helps. My online sponsorship page is here: http://www.justgiving.com/alexasigno2 Donating through the JustGiving site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me: The Amani Childrens Home will receive your money faster and, if you are a taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you. So if you would like to support the cause please sponsor me http://www.justgiving.com/alexasigno2 Thanks guys Alex
  23. Alex


    Congratulations Kev! 2 minors done bloody well... i got 4 :-( Now the important question what bike are you going to get?
  24. Hi Everyone I'm sorry to spam the forums but it is for a genuine cause. I am climbing Mount Kilimanjaro on the 1st September 2007 to raise money and awareness for the Amani Children's Home. I will also be visiting the Amani home in Moshi, Tazania, which sits at the bottom of Mount Kilimanjaro. Where I will spend time with the children who will benefit from the money donated. The Amani Children's Home rescues children from the perils of life on the streets in Tanzania, who face a high risk of HIV transmission and malnutrition. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and the largest freestanding mountain in the world (world’s fourth highest peak). It's as cold as -20°C and 19,340 Feet. I'm covering all of the costs of the trip from my own money so 100% of your donation will go to the Amani Children’s Home. So please feel free to sponsor me for each toe that drops off, or how high I make it until I'm bending over with altitude sickness the choice is yours ;-) Wish me luck, and I do hope you can sponsor me. No matter how small the amount, every penny helps. You can sponsor me online now, my online sponsorship page is here: http://www.justgiving.com/alexasigno2 All my best, Alex
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