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Everything posted by dtmf

  1. i had a problem just like that kinda . my bike was runing tip top so i set out for along ride. i stoped for gas and guess what click click click for the solenoid . what i found to be the problem was the ground wire from the batt . i cut it and i found the inside was all green even tho the outside looked fine . lucky me i had enuff wire left to make a temp ground to get home . then i also realized that for week's it would run real rough till warmed up and would cut out and backfire then stall out for the 1st few min's of riding.i thought i still needed some more carb tuning. i have now replaced the ground and it run's alot better . no more problem's at all
  2. dtmf posted a post in a topic in Classics
    ive spent 3 month's and 1700 miles geting this bike sorted out. alot of custom work has bin done and a few well wtf why not's . just installed was EBC clutch pad's, new EBC spring's, EBC front and rear brake pad's, and a new EBC front rotor. new turn signal's and new handle bars . i also lost a few lbs here and there . i finaly got the carb's dialed in with the new custom made exhuast baffle's . 1 more day of tuning and then i hit hwy 101 from here in san diego to as far up as i can go in 3 day's . here's some pics of her : the day i got her she look'd like this
  3. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    thank's for the help guy's . as soon as the new pad's show up im going to bolt her up
  4. dtmf posted a post in a topic in Classics
    i just got my replacement rotor from ebc . wow what a nice rotor . here's the thing: it's got counter sunk mounting hole's on the face so how do you mount it ? i understand i can use bolt's with holes for safety wire to mount it insted of locking tab's but what do i use in the countersunk hole's spacer's or washer's ? ive checked and it is the replacement rotor for my bike i just dont understand the hole's ? link: http://www.perfectbrakes.com/products.asp?cat=8012&pg=1
  5. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    i made some change's to the front end . new bar's and new turn signal's and got rid of some weight . after the new pipes and pod fiters and new jet's and custom tuned baffel's this girl now run's strong . when i got the bike it was lower'd by 3/8 " i now raised it 1/2" and changed the bar's . here's some pics
  6. sweet looking seca
  7. dtmf replied to plain old dave's post in a topic in Classics
    here's the post i saw with info about that in drewpy's tracker project http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php...art=#entry96480
  8. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    i got the jet's changed out today also put on some pod's . cuting out the air box was a big pain . i made a new box for the battery out of sheet metal . since ive done the pipes and even after the jet change i still have some bogging in the low rpm's . in 1st gear @ a stop when i take off it feel's like it lag's a bit then pick's up halfway thru 1st and then it's fine i went one size up from stock on the main's 117-120 RH / 127.5-130 LH the pilot jet's where already up alot past stock . they where like that when i got the bike. stock is 35 and thet both had 42.5. my mixture screw's are out about 3 1/4 turn's and they are new got them when i rebuilt the carb's afew month's ago . here's a vid of her with with the new change's enjoy here's some pic's too
  9. do you have the pinkslip? or just a bill of sale ? if you have the pink and it's singed over to you . then just go to the dmv and do the title transfer . i do not belive they have to "see" the bike . aleast they did not need to see mine when i did my transfer 2 month's ago . good thing to cus mine was a big time mess . yes you will have to pay late fee's if you let it go for to long dont for get you will need proof of insurance to get the reg
  10. here's a like i found for the tool http://www.z1enterprises.com/detail.aspx?ID=1698 . it;s for the xs650 but it look's just like the one for the xs400 dohc . for 12 buck's it's worth a try . i also plan on replacing the vavle shim's on my 82 xs400 seca . once you have the right shim's it look's like a very easy job to do . here's a link to the valve shim's they are down in the engine section http://shop.wemoto.com/index.dyn?oid=2147871
  11. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    so i got some time to work on the pipes this weekend .i was going to get the mac 2 in to 1 but i just went ahead and cut up the old one's and welded some new pipe on then wraped them up . i cut out both xover's so now they are just straight pipes . the old pipes were double wall so i had to weld a bead around the inside where i cut them so they would not rattle around . they sound sooo loud i may baffle them . my new jet's and pod's from mikes xs will be here on monday then the tuning fun begin's . here's some pic's and a video enjoy
  12. here ya go part #11 under fuel/air intake part's http://www.bikebandit.com/houseofmotorcycl...0g-1980/o/m8256
  13. dtmf replied to mrgene13's post in a topic in Classics
    if your going all out cafe . i would also get yourself some rear set's . i my self am going to use these http://tcbroschoppers.com/id16.html . or these from RAASK http://www.raask.se/fy11.jpg and here's a dude who make's some nice tank's and seat's http://www.thetankshop.com/
  14. dtmf replied to Tom Sittler's post in a topic in Classics
    here's a link for the cam's . i found on here . the xs400 is at the bottom of the list . http://www.megacyclecams.com/catalog/page57.pdf
  15. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    i would if i was going to use the stock air box . i'm switching to pod's as soon as all my part's show up for the carb's .next the tail and seat are going bye bye .
  16. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    some new pic's after a little paint . i'm still having a problem with the carb's . went it's hot out they hang around 3k-4k rpm often but not all the time BUT when it's cold out i can ride almost all day and they hardly do it @ all .i've looked every where for a vacum leak . i order'd some new carb holder's and some new jet size's i'm gonig to switch to pod filter's soon .i also finaly found the tool needed to change the vavle shim's . edit: the last 2 vid's were horrible here's some better pic's enjoy
  17. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    i did a front shock oil change today . there was only about 1/2 a cup or less in them and it was black an nasty .very easy to do as long as you got a buddy to compress the top cap while you get that sob c-clip out . i went with 7wt feel's alot better. i can now "feel" the road . i'm still waiting for my EBC brake rotor and pad's to show up along with all new cable's and ss brake line's . the carb's are still a bit snotty
  18. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    i got her for 500 buck's . i realy am starting to love this bike .
  19. dtmf replied to Vincent Moy's post in a topic in Classics
    i used the magura front master cylinder - 16mm from mike'XS for my 82 xs400 seca and it work's better than the old leaky stock one
  20. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    i cut the pipes @ the weld just after the foot peg's . you could cut them about 3" longer before you hit the baffles .i did this mostly becuse the baffles where cloged up bad and cuz i like loud bikes . i'm going to get the mac 2 in to 1 pipe set and fab my own "muffler" in a few week's . as for noise it's realy loud and would never pass a noise polution test .i would do the inspection then cut them .it may not be wise to run like this for a long time with the decreased backpressure im not shure . post up some pic's of your's i would love to see it
  21. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    i found some time to toy with mona today . i cut the pipes down a bit . wow what a big diferance alot better throttle response and it was Loud just the way i like it. i'm still having some prob's with the idle hanging random kinda now mostly only when i get on the throttle hard . here's some new pic's enjoy stock: cut RH side: cut LH side:
  22. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    i just finish'd replacing the master cylinder with the 16mm magura from mike's xs . look's real nice and work's better than the old leaky one . i'm going to go on a good long ride tomorrow and she how she hold's up
  23. dtmf replied to dtmf's post in a topic in Classics
    thank's drewpy . it's been 10 year's since i've had my hand's on a bike. this one was a real mess . it had alot of problem's . ran like crap the idle screw was missing it was just using the throtle cable adjuster to get idle . had a bad exhaust leak i was afraid that side was toast . but as luck would have it it's ok . the light's and key switch were a mess of cut up wire's stuffed behind the headlight . i had to redo all of it lot's of solder and heatshrink tubing . master cylinder had no screw's it was "glue'd "on and leaking badly . the whole front aftermarket faring and headlamp where held up with coathanger wire . i could not belive someone owned this raty snotty mess of a bike . all of this and more have been fixed the right way . i've bin lucky so far . the carb's still need some work pod fiter's are a must i hate that air box btw anyone know where i can get the valve shim's and the tappet locking tool . a good vavle adjustment will realy help me get this 400 in tune dtmf
  24. dtmf posted a post in a topic in Classics
    here's my new to me 82 xs400 seca . it hardly ran when i got her. ive tore thru the motor and carb's like a mad man. thank's to info ive found here she now purrs like a kitten and makes good power . up next is new brake's rear shock clutch rebuild and mabe some new pipe's btw i got rid of those ugly mirror's and got some bar end mirror's