Everything posted by dtmf
XS400 Pods setups. seen any angled setups direct on carbs?
i had a hell of a time tuning after the pod set up ..but i also switched to straght pipes in the long run it was worth it love the way it look's and sounds now
XS400 Fork Oil seals.. anyone ever successfully removed these without pulling your hair out
use a small flatblade screwdriver to hold it in place to keep it from spining , than use a pick tool to pry it out . that's what i did . if it's rusty and nasty than give it a spray with some WD40
XS360 pop a wheelie?
ive had my XS400RJ pop up once when i down shifted from 2nd to 1st then gunned it WOT . i cant say it was fun tho
Do I need to go up or down a Jet Size on 82 Xs400 Seca?
i changed to same size for both carb's when i did my mod's "straght pipe's and podfilter's" after the change to a bigger jet size the side with the smaller jet's was way to lean. i then went to same size for both side's as i went up in size . i think the reason for the offset jet size was for emission's. ive got a bit of lag in the low rpm's cuz of the pipe's but it pull's up to 115 mph from 65mph fast
Do I need to go up or down a Jet Size on 82 Xs400 Seca?
does it just fall flat on it's face @ 6k and pick back up ? sputter and backfire ? any surging . have you cheaked the plug's for to lean or to rich?
xs360 fast idle? please help... cant figure out...
pull the carb's clean'm real good and go up 1 size on the jet's . reseal the intake manifold's to the head's to make shure you don't have any leak's there . re-install the carb's and sync them up and go from there ...
Inline Fuel Filter setups
try some local cycle supply shop's . that's where i found mine they had a big ol box of them @ the counter next to the big one's .
Newb XS400S owner
http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/Yamaha/XS_400_SE/80-82/ http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-xs400h-1981_model8825/partslist/ http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-xs400sh-1981_model8826/partslist/ http://www.bikerevival.co.uk/forks.html http://www.babbittsonline.com/pages/parts/viewbybrand/default.aspx i would go with the EBC rotor and pad's. i love mine
XS360 Air filter advice...
i'm runnig the uni filter's on mine . there well made and work fine . i tried the one's from mikesXS. the rubber was cheap. i'm willing to bet you will for shure have to re-jet btw you can also get a prefilter sock for the uni's
Yamaha XS400 Special carb seal?
http://www.mikesxs.net/products-75.html#products Part #48-5021 and Part #48-5022
K&N Air Filters for XS400
if you go with PODS you may have to rejet but it's not that big of a deal and you get to know more about your bike. i would go with the advise you got in your thread about it. try making some and see how you do . go down to the local cycle shop and see what they might have to use ?
Missing needle valve seat clamp
if that inlet valve was to some how work it self loose it could cause alot of trouble
metal bit in my carb's
last time i took my bike out it started to run like crap halfway thru the day . yesterday i pull'd the carb's to give them another cleaning . when i pulled the top's off the diaphram's look what i found ! ive pulled this off many times to check for pinhole's and stuff but dam. look's like it was from when the carb's where made just some random bit left over from drilling hole's in the carb body . it made a nice hole in the rubber to. i fixed the hole with liquid electrical tape seem's to be working well the stuff i got is realy strong .
Installing new motorcycle grips
just cut the old grip off with a razorblade or a sharp knife . hairspray work's good if it's real hard to get the new one on
XS 400 is the devil!!!!!
it should be in the on position all the time. it will let you know when you need the res . the 1st thing i did when this happened to me i pull'd the carbs and the carb boot's . then i resealed the carb boot's to the head. cleaned the carb's put them back on and resync'd them and was good to go
81 XS400 with oil behind alternator cover! Help!
maybe the ground wire? i found mine would not start some time's and there seem'd to be no power then i found the ground wire was rotted inside the wire jacket. after i replced it ive had no problem's .
Mixture screws (XS 400)
shame on whom ever did the to your carb's i would check down in the hole's and make shure the "hole's" are ok . on some of the carb's the jet's come to a fine point and can snap down in there . my 82 has this type .not shure about your's may be different being older. i would pray there is not broken bit's of brass down in there
i like the look of straight pipe's myself. i think it would fit well with your build . when i did mine i made custom baffle's that sliped in to the pipe's to hush them a bit . ive now removed them becuse i like the sound alot better with out them it's god awfuly loud tho here's a old video after i made the pipe's the bike has gone thru alot of change's since then
i can't wait to see some pic's of your progress on this bike . will you be doing most of the work yourself ? look's like your building more of a cruser/bobber/hardly davidson than a cafe style bike
K&N Air Filters for XS400
i have an 82 with bs34 carb's the 54mm fit perfect . i did switch to the uni filter's tho . the rubber on the mikesXS pod's riped the rubber was cheap . the uni fiter's are very nice . the rubber's stiff but plyable . they are a foam type filter with inner spring's you can also get a prefilter boot/sock for them .
K&N Air Filters for XS400
just get the pod's from mikesXS or get a set of uni filter's . i paid like 14 buck's each for the uni's at the local moto shop and they work gr8 . the k&n are a ripoff. just check the o.d on the carb's to see what size you need
XS400 running too rich
the manual call's it out as the pilot screw. i drilled a small hole in the cap then pry'd it out . i also got an air leak when i removed them and reinstalled them . so i got a new set with new o-ring's from http://www.mikesxs.net/products-37.html#products
1982 yamaha seca xs400 questions
you realy need to check the carb's to find out "what" size is in there now . you never know until you remove the carb's and look . is it the stock jet's? did the other owner up the jet size when he put the holes in the muffler's ? when was the last time the bike had a valve adjustment or a carb sync ? in order to make the changes you want to do you need to check and adjust all of these thing's. i also would not expect much of a preformance gain by installing a k&n filter it the stock air box . if your bike has stock jet's i have heard that 1 size up from stock will help it run better . remember when messing with your carb's and making changes to the intake and exhuast . you have to tune 3 spot's on your carb's idle ,midrange, wide open throttle , pilot jet, needle jet,main jet . also the idle mix screw set on the top of the carb's i would replace the screw's,spring's ,washer's and the rubber o-ring's. to make thing's easy just cut out the air box with a sawzall like i did
1982 yamaha seca xs400 questions
that would be a no on the exhaust from the XS650 . but they do use the same BS34 carb set . you can also use the podfilter's they have @ mikesXS . you should 1st take off the carb's and see what jet's are in there now . if you have never removed them . i would also do a full carb cleaning and rebuild since you have to take them off anyway to change the jet's . here's a link i found here some time ago : http://www.motorcyclecarbs.com/Motorcycle_Carburetor_Jetting__W7.cfm
1982 yamaha seca xs400 questions
you can get bigger jet's here : http://www.mikesxs.net/products-38.html#products but unless your goiing to change your intake and exhuast it wont change mutch . ive changed my intake and exhuast gone with bigger jet's did a valve adjust,carb sync , changed my plug wire's and plug's,new clutch , chain and alot of other stuff. it did make the bike a bit more peppy