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  1. maccad replied to maccad's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi thanks, got a new 600r lump today i say new should say another one.gonna put it in tomorow first time swoping an engine so fingers crossed. did cost £300 quid off one of those part finder sites,promised it would be ok. thanks again. dave
  2. maccad replied to maccad's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    nice one, the whole loom? dont know much just so i can sorce the right parts.ta dave
  3. maccad replied to maccad's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yep living in england at the moment.still gotta support your fag.
  4. maccad posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi all, i have a fzr600r and the output shaft has had it, prob easer to replace compleat engine i think. thats the probelem strugling to find one thats cheaper than buyin a whole bike.any one any idears? could any other engine bolt streight in. hope to here back thanks Dave.
  5. maccad posted a post in a topic in Naked
    hi, just had to have my sprocket welded on nice ! so now looking for a new engine. i have a 95 fzr600r 4jh i wanted to know could any engine fzr600 engine go in or does it have to be the 4jh. could any one tell me what makes the 600r different.probably sound like a idiot bot not a total muppet. thanks dave