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  1. As its says rly, has anyone did it.Im guessing that i will have to change the yokes and all the rest,But will i be able to fit a speedo on so that i can see speed etc or... Does anyone know where i can get some really good front and rear suspension as i went on my first mx track the other day and omfg i love it, just when you land the shocks or not the best as you can guess there not meant for it. I will get a yz125 etc but i really cant afford it atm so just went to beef my dt125r up a bit as i does the job,By the end of the day i was over taking must of the ktms,yz etc and keeping up with some of the other guys. Mx is the way for me.
  2. Nps m8 dt125r maybe slow to other super bikes but you can have a lot of fun with them Sorry about double post pressed enter twice ops
  3. A straight out the shop dtr will do 67mph on a flat road. To make the bike faster buy a dep exhaust or cut the cat out of your standard one(my be a problem with mot if you cut it up) that is for the front pipe,rear put a dep exhaust on it £85 is the must you will pay seen them for £60 on this website http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/products/Pro...e=CISCDS3109.Do not use a big one or arrow there just a waste or money dep is the only one that rly works. Also to make the ypvs rev over 6500rpm you will need to earth a cable off behind the head light/clocks, its not hard to find.Going into the speedo is a four pin connecting block. There are 4 wires going into the block and only 3 wires coming out the speedo side. Just find the Green/Black wire going into the block, clip it to separate it from the block, and strip the end and join a small piece of wire to it (long enough to to join to an earth on the frame). When the Green/Black wire is earthed to the frame this stops the YPVS from retarding over 7000 RPM. The engine should rev freely now. After you have done both these on a flat none windy day your bike will go off the clocks 87-90mph if not then you need to change the position of the power vaule,it is very rare this is needed if so the info you need is in this website http://dtr125.net/ypvsf.htm If you do not understand the bike engine etc don't do anything iv said get a garage to do it for you. My exhaust has a missing bolt and does not sit in the engine (waiting for garage to helicoil it) and it does 80mph against the wind with nps whats so ever abd all iv done is full dep exhaust and wire in the back of clocks/speedo.Iv not re jetted changed reeds nowt. But if you want mad crazy speed do your test and buy a bigger bike or spend 1-2 grand on your dtr fixing and buying parts for it.