I have a road star that's been acting up on me and i wanted to get someone's professional opinion on what's up.
first of all it's a 2005 yamaha road star. the bike starts up fine, no choke needed, and i let the bike warm up for a few minutes. the temp is about 60 degrees in the morning in Chicago right now. then as i'm riding everything seems to be good until i approach a stop and have to pull the clutch in. Once i pull that clutch in the bike dies out on me. while coasting i can pop the clutch and the bike will fire up again. i have to open up the throttle a few times and then the bike will stay on. when the bike is going everything seems fine, it's just when i come to a stop and pull the clutch in. i can even be on the expressway doing about 60mph and pull the clutch in and the bike will die. i just let the clutch out and the bike will start up again on the fly. also, the bike sounds different. when i accelerate it sounds different. like the bike is "firing" wrong. does this have something to do with the air/fuel mixture? (i'm not much of a mechanic, so i don't know if i'm using the right terms. please bare with me) other's have suggested to use 'Sea Foam' to clean out the carbs and that seems to work, but it seems to be a temporary fix. i'm hoping to find a permanent fix. also, FYI i bought the bike used and a few mods were done. mostly cosmetic stuff, but as for the engine, the only physical thing i can see done are the Vance & Hines pipes. I'm wondering if it has something to do with that. maybe the previous owner just slapped those pipes on and didn't 're-jet' the engine??? is that a possibilty? does it even have to be re-jetted? i know sometimes you don't have to re-jet an engine?
these problems continue for awhile, but after about 15-20 minutes of riding the bike seems fine and doesn't die out on me when i pull in the clutch. also the sound of the bike goes back to 'normal' again. so this problem has something to do when the bike is "cold", but once it's warmed up and has been going for awhile it goes back to normal...but it's a long warm up though...15-20 minutes. a bike shouldn't take that long to 'warm up' right???
well i'm hoping that the post is understandable and i'm hoping someone can shed some light on the topic.
i hope someone can help a fellow rider out.
thanks in advance!!!