Everything posted by sjscucluna
1976 XS500 Project Build
Can you see them
1976 XS500 Project Build
looking good mate here is some pics of mine http://www.flickr.com/photos/44835158@N03/sets/72157624795769628/
XS500 needs to stop!
how did you all go i am planning to rebuild my breaks and add a seccond disk to the left side what do you think.
- 1976 xs500c
New to board with 76 XS500C
all i did was purchase a spare adaptor plate from ebay and turned down the trerd to fit a filter where the oring matches the seat on the adaptor and now i have an adaptor for a $3 oil filter form a hyundai excel. if you need any further info i can send you the thred sizes but its easer to buy an adaptor and a filter thake it to someone who knows how to use a lathe to turn down the origional thred to sute the new filter. filter http://www.car-stuff.com/carparts/hyundaiexcel19861989hastingshalf1441.html to be confirmed gasket on ebay or you could make one up to shave some cash. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-TX500-XS500-TX-XS-500-OIL-FILTER-GASKET-NOS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem5ad429654dQQitemZ390106539341QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
Steering Bearings
i would like to hear how you went with the new bearings mine need to be replaced aswell
do you guys have any pics im thinking of doing this to my xs500c and the pics would help
The XS500 gets a rebuild
Just a recomendation for future when removing any shaft or bolt with a hammer put the nut back on but dont screw it in all the way so when you hit the end of the shaft/bolt you are hitting the nut insted and not the end of the bolt this will help with keeping the thred in good condition.
XS500C noisey engines???
im no expert but i dont think so the cam chain tensioner on these bikes have a plastic surface which gets brittle over time just have a look.
xs400 flasher cencel - necessary?
there was one on ebay a week ago for an xs500 maby it l fit
xs500 speedo
anygague from a xs650 will work i have done this with my xs500c and has been speed tested with gps. also have fun pulling them apart as they are a sealed unit you need to pry them very slowly like a tin can. use ebay and mix n match componants. good luck mate.
XS500C noisey engines???
mine is sort of similar but it is a loos baffle on the right exhaust. the 1975 xs500 is an xs500b i thought?
XS650 CDI kit work on TX/XS500?
anyone got any more info on this???
yam xs500
all good i have a XS500c straight swap is fine
help with 1977 xs500
How idi you go ????
XS650 CDI kit work on TX/XS500?
well i think i have the answer check this link out http://www.angelfire.com/biz/laverda/itcatalog/i1.htm
need help Identifying xs500
Im looking for a seat pan for this bike would you have the original???