Everything posted by Vincent Moy
92 Seca 2 Generator Cover
So it suppose to slide out pretty easy, right?
92 Seca 2 Generator Cover
So yesterday I was trying to take it off to check on the stator coil. I removed the 3 bolts and tried to take it off. However, the bottom on the cover seemed to be really stuck. It felt like something was glued/ connected behind it. I didn't want to destroy it so I just bolted it back on. I am just wonder if I have to ply it out/ use more force to take it off.
1992 Seca 2 Battery
So, I took my Seca 2 out for the 1st ride of the year after a long winter. It turns out that my battery is so dead it'll kill my bike if I don't my my rpm over 1500. I'm now in the market of a new battery and the book calls for YTX9-BS. However, the pervious owner put a YTZ12S MF in it. And now I'm thinking about maybe getting a YTZ14S. I am wondering if there is anything against this move. Thanks! Vincent
Wiring harness on 82 400 Maxim
Hi guys, I posted this question on the workshop section but has yet get any reply. So I thought I might post a link here too.! Thanks! Click Here!
Wire harness on 82 400 Maxim
Well, don't know how many people read my post in the classic section but boil things down is that my oil press. light (yes I'm sure it's press. on this bike) is not working. Went through 3 different switch (nos & used) with no avail. Someone suggested it's the wiring. Do you guys think it's somewhere in the wire harness? If I want to replace the harness, what are the procedures? I have the factory service manual but it didn't say how to replace the harness (Yes I'm a noob). Anyone can give me some pointers? Thank a bunch!
Where to find the C-wrench for my 82 Xs400R monoshock?
I got mine from the local motorcycle store for about $30
82 XS400J Oil Press. Lite not working
When I unscrewed my old switch, there was oil coming out. Plus if I have a blockage on the passage and assume the switch is working properly, shouldn't I have the light on all the time?
Oil Press Switch resistence
Hi all, As I posted earlier my oil press. switch is not working. I took it out and tested it with an ohmmeter today and I got about 40 on the R x 1k scale. I'm not sure if it's normal or not. Since there's no pressure the contact should be connected (grounded), hance, the ohms should be close to 0 (current can go through, lite up the indicator) . Am I right?
82 XS400J Oil Press. Lite not working
the bulb is not the problem I'm pretty sure. And I don't think the wire is earthing out because if it does then the light should be on all the time. So somehow the switch is not connecting (normally when there is oil press.) even when there is no pressure at all, like when the bike is off. Does anyone knows how to test an oil pressure switch? Thanks!
82 XS400J Oil Press. Lite not working
The oil press. switch IS the gnd itself. Somehow when it's low of oil press. it should switch on. I don't know how all this works. BTW, the oil pressure switch is NOS from ebay.
82 XS400J Oil Press. Lite not working
I asked the same Q. on xjbikes forum and the people said the wire is probably broken. My question is if the wire is broken isn't it shouldn't send any signal to the lite at all no matter it's gnded or not?
82 XS400J Oil Press. Lite not working
Hi all, I got a XS400J 1982. My Oil Press. Lite is not working. Gnd the wire w/ a tester and the light will go on. Got a new switch in but the lite still won't work (unless I gnd it will a tester). I'm outta clue. Anyone think of anything? I don't seems to have press. problem tho.
Do I need a new stator?
That was what I did when I had headlight problem last time. 1 I got a car battery charger/jumper (self-contain unit, not the cable). 2 Find which pin is gnd and which is hi/low beam. 3 Connected the black cable to the gnd and the red to either one. (Watch for sparks). If it works then it's not the light problem and look somewhere else. Hope this help.
Oil Press. and High beam light not working
According to the book, I grounded the wire (behind the headlight at both side of the 6-pin connector) and the oil light will goes on. So I'm kinda think it's not the wiring. Anyhow, I have a sending unit coming in (Lucky to find one NOS) and my question now is: Where is that switch? Thanks all!
Oil Press. and High beam light not working
Correct. Seems like bad grounding on both. THe hi-beam is a low priority but I thinking the oil pressure switch is faulty. Now the question is where is that stinking switch...
Oil Press. and High beam light not working
Hi all, I seems to have a lot of minor problem with the bike so please pardon me. The 2 lights has never work since I got the bike. I tested the continuity on the 6 pin and seems like the Oil Press (Black/Red). wire has no continuity at all. Will that be the oil press. switch or the harness? My 2nd Q. is if I leave it this way, will it do any harm? Thanks
Fork oil leak
I will, thanks! I am wondering where can I get some fork spring for it though. I've been looking around but have no luck so far.
Fork oil leak
So my 82 Maxim 400 seems like has been leaking fork oil for a while with its previous owner. I have been actively riding the bike for only 2 weeks. Other than not very good looking it doesn't affect handling and braking. I am thinking it may even leak out most of the oil already because the other day I push down the front and it won't bounce back. I already ordered the oil and dust seal and should arrive anytime soon. I am wondering should I order a pair of new forks altogether. Thanks
Oil filter question
But the above diagram is copied directly from yamaha web site, and it shows no spring. And so does the serive manual I have.
Oil filter question
Hi all, The other day I changed the oil in my 82 400 Maxim along with the filter. However, I don't recall I put a washer (#7) between the filter and the cover. Also, My filter was just sitting on the cover with this side facing down. My question is, is the filter supposes to just sitting on #1 or should it somehow click with the cover?? Thanks
82 400 Maxim Front Fork interchangeablity?
Hi, I have a 82 400 Maxim and I'm looking for some forks for it. I am wondering if I could use Seca forks around the same year. Any help appreciate! Thanks!
xs400 front brake leak
There are seal kits available and seems like the 83 XV750 is using the same seal kit too. Here's the site: http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamaha/Y...0047-00-00.html
1982 400 Maxim fork replacement
So my front fork is leaking, not a lot and definitely seeping out. I am wondering how hard for a 1st timer to do so? Do I need any special tools to get the job done?? I searched around this forum and find some bit and pieces but nothing really specific. thanks
Clutch switch Lead??
So even if it's loose it shouldn't make the bike dangerous, am I right?
Clutch switch Lead??
The clutch switch lead on my 82 XS400J is loose. The part # for it is 3Y6-82917-00-00. I am wondering what is the use for it. Thanks