Yamaha Virago XV 125 air fileter/carb/sprocket modification.
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Yamaha Virago XV 125 air fileter/carb/sprocket modification.
It does , well mine did at least and it is at begining of exhaust , when you take down the washer.Just before the enternance, there is small plate-ring that restricts gases to get out. Something like this: http://members.modernvespa.net/xantufrog/uploads/restrictorconeremoved_197.jpg
xv 125 rev limiter
Well I would look for used one on ebay. The cheapest I have found so far are in Germany: around 80 euros wich is quite cheep becouse in Italy for example it costs around 100-120 euros. Or if you want a new one its around 150-200 euros. Sorry for euros, I don't know ratio of Euro/Uk pound But before you go and buy one....re-check wich type of CDI you have ! I have CDI 45 and it can go in really high revs, but Im not sure if that is good for engine As for Jets....look here : www.jetsrus.com They have EVERYTHIG you'll ever need Everything for fellow Virago rider
xv 125 rev limiter
Well I dont know about DRAGSTAR but on VIRAGO models we have 2 types: -CDI TNDF 44 -CDI TNDF 45 44 version is restricted while 45 is open vresion. Look if Dragstar 125 have some similar unit.
Yamaha Virago XV 125 air fileter/carb/sprocket modification.
That funny shaped star-head are known as torx screws, wich are quite often on cars and motorcycles.Factory places them becouse they don't want to fumble around exhaust pipes. Don't know if Dragstar 125 have restriction rings, but by looking on pictures of rust you have there, it would be recomended to use anti-rost spray, and later grease them for easier unscrewing. I suggest you look air filter casing and intake manifold aswell. If you find some restrictions, after you remove them, you better re-jet your carb or your mixture will be to lean.
xvs 125 restriction rings. (fecked)
Virago Xv 125 has restricions on exhaust,air filter and sometimes CDI & sprockets But have you tried to strip down intake manifold and see if holes are standard or small restricted ones? Also look if air filter intake hole inside of casing is same in size as on intake manifold.
xv 125 tuning
1.First I would clean my carb, and then I would drill bigger holes (we talked about it already :) )If everything fails, take your bike to mechanic and let him find right mixture.Finding this is nerve breaking job....so better leave it to pro. 2.Every stock exhaust is restricted. Check the header pipe near the engine, not the muffler, where you'll find restriction rings. Front one will come down easely but rear one is welded, so grind it or drill it.Then go to the store and buy copper spacer rings wich you'll install between engine and exhaust pipe.Spacer outer radius is 32mm while inner radius is 23mm. 3.I got my custom sprocket from www.jtsprockets.com 4.I buy my things in germany (www.louis.de).... rev counter and speedo in pair is 60 euros at the moment. 5.As for placing radiator where oil filter is.......I cant give you a hint becouse I never heard anyone done this on Virago models, but IF you can install it somehow, it will surely help and prolong life of your engine.
Yamaha Virago XV 125 air fileter/carb/sprocket modification.
First of all you don't need jet kit, just set of drills )) For sprockets look at www.jtsprockets.com they have everything you'll need. My air filter is fitted directly to frame of the bike.Entire casing is stripped, and custom filter is placed. Also, be reminded that there are 2 restriction rings on exhaust.Remember that the engine is like a pump.It wont breathe properly. Check the header pipe near the engine, not the muffler, and then remove thoose rings (rear one is welded, so use a metal file to remove the welds)
Yamaha Virago XV 125 air fileter/carb/sprocket modification.
I used Delo Performance Air Filter, bought in Germany/Louis store.Looks just like K&N filter. For jet sizes, I affraid I can't help you with that, becouse i left my bike at mechanics.......BUT he did mentioned that mixture was too lean at one moment and he used very small drills to make jets a bit bigger (not to much). So use smallest drill you can find and start from there.Find the size that is same size as jett hole,and make it bigger just a bit (0.5mm) Then clean everything, put thogether the carb, and give it a try.If mixture is to lean, repeat again with bigger drills. @barwell1992 My speed sensor is monuted on front wheel so no worries there But Im not lookin for maximum speed.Yes it's true, bike can go faster but when you go around 100km/h the engine screams in high RPM's, so you can't drive like that.What I did is I changed front sprocket not go gain maximum speed but to lower RPM's at 70km/h.Now on 14/47 setup at 70km/h it's same engine stress as it was with old non modified 13/47 @ 60km/h. Of course I had to modify carb and air filter to compensate for acceleration losses, and to relieve engine from stress.
Yamaha Virago XV 125 air fileter/carb/sprocket modification.
Ok new update for all Xv 125 enthusiasts. There was a lot of work once I told my mechanic I want him to install performance air filter and re-jet. He dismounted and put back carb. at least 10 times.It was hard as hell to find right mixture, so guys don't do this at home.It is at least 10 times trickier than XV250 carb re-jetting.XV 125 is much more sensitive. I also modified my front sprocket and changed from 13t to 14t. With new air filter and re-jetting, my little Virago goes slightly better with 14/47 compared with stock 13/47 (no air fileter mod). Yesterday I took her for a ride, and boy does she sound different..... Cruising speed is now 65-70 km/h with no problem at all. Every gear is longer about 10km/h, so now when I shift to 5th, it becomes cruising gear......low acceleration but it goes 70km/h with lower RPM (-1000 RPM's by gearing commander calculator) This mod is really good for longer trips, altought my cruising speed is better, my maximum speed is lowered compared with stock 13/47. Now it is 90km/h. Reason for this is weak torque on all 125cc engines.It's just to hard for poor xv125 to withstand weight of driver and wind resistance at 90km/h. Remeber this is only with 14t sprocket mod, the motorcycle will go much faster and have much much better acceleration, and of course it will go much better uphill if you just modify air filter and carb, but keep stock sprockets. Point is, this mod will give your XV125 more power ! Now I wait to see what fuel consumption I'll have. Gonna keep you updated guys....... P.s How to correct spelling in topic headline ? I made slight typing mistake up there
Yamaha xvs 125 exhaust
Everywhere I see this 'back pressure' myth.If that was true than no one would instal straight pipes on racing cars. I think that people forgett that Dragstar is four stroke engine, and not two-stroke where back pressure is very important. People think that straight pipes damages valves, but that is not true. I spoken to my brother who is mechanic, and he explained it very simple: When engine disposes of hot fumes and exhaust valve closes, fumes now travel through exhaust pipe and get away from bike..... Once exhaust valve is closed there is no influece from so called back pressure becouse it can't get back into the engine.Only thing wich can open exhaust valve again is cranckchaft. Problem in this 'myth' is that people often swap danger of having no pipes and having straight pipes on their bikes. Problem of having no pipes is becouse it damages valves due to extreme temperature differences form inner to outter side of valve. Once hot valve opens, the cold fresh air from outside bonds to it wich couses extreme damage. As for the rest of it......it is perfectly safe to have straight pipes. But once you place straight pipes, you must re-jet your carb.If your mixture is too lean it will also damage valves. This is where most of people got everything wrong, and think it is lack of back pressure that coused all damage.
I can't make my XV125 work with custom air filter. HEEELP !!!!
Gonna try it next week, and I'll report my findings
I can't make my XV125 work with custom air filter. HEEELP !!!!
Naah...no instructions. There is almost none of standardized air filter for Virago 125.Im not saying there are no filters, but I say there is no standardized custom air filter applied for Virago xv125 models. I will try tomorrow with choke open, and report how my bike behaved.
I can't make my XV125 work with custom air filter. HEEELP !!!!
I got huge problem with my Xv 125 air filter modification. Tried to remove casing and place custom air filter (something like K&N cone) , but once custom air filter is placed I encountered some weird problems. Bike works perfectly while in idle, but when I try to accelerate, everything above 1/4 of throttle, 'chokes' the bike and it cames to stall. I can accelerate if i open 1/5 - 1/4 of throttle, but everything above it, makes RPM to drop and bike stalls.If I don't let throttle, bike turns off. At start I thought it was a vacuum pipe cousing all problems, and when i placed air breather filter on vacuum pipe, my problems presisted. Later I placed stock filter and casing back, but removed vacuum hose from it. It stalls again. Once again, I placed custom air breather on vaccum hose but kept stock air casing and air filter, and it worked. Ok so I solved my vacuum problem, but real problem presisted. (so i think) Last night I removed that rubber restrictor inside stock air filter casing to give it a try , hoping that MABYE, my bike will go this time. Again, once that restriction was removed, bike stalls soon after I try to accelerate and open throttle. It seems that my XV 125 needs exact ammount of air flow, or it won't run. Is it possible that once i place custom filter, mixture becomes so lean that it won't go or is it something else? Anyone have a clue why I can't accelerate !?!?!? Please help, me I was until 5am last night in garage trying to make my bike run.I drove my neighbours nuts, already.
XV 125 virago 1999 Manifold?
If you can't find Yamaha part, then try mainfold from Keeway Supershadow.I think it's exact copy of Yamaha part.
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